Subject: Change pgsql setup scripts for debian postgres 8.4
Author: Robin Gareus <>
Last-Update: 2010-02-14
Index: campcaster/bin/
--- campcaster.orig/bin/	2010-08-26 14:51:38.000000000 +0200
+++ campcaster/bin/	2010-08-26 14:51:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -235,22 +235,22 @@
 #  Install the new pg_hba.conf file
-echo "Modifying postgresql access permissions...";
-if [ -f $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file ] ; then
-    mv -f $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file_saved ;
-cp $install_etc/$pg_config_file $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file
-chown root:$postgres_user $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file
-# don't use restart for the init script, as it might return prematurely
-# and in the later call to psql we wouldn't be able to connect
-${postgresql_init_script} stop
-${postgresql_init_script} start
+#echo "Modifying postgresql access permissions...";
+#if [ -f $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file ] ; then
+#    mv -f $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file_saved ;
+#cp $install_etc/$pg_config_file $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file
+#chown root:$postgres_user $pg_config_dir/$pg_config_file
+## don't use restart for the init script, as it might return prematurely
+## and in the later call to psql we wouldn't be able to connect
+#${postgresql_init_script} stop
+#${postgresql_init_script} start