loadXML($result); $docRoot = $xmlDoc->documentElement; } } return $docRoot; } public static function ExtractServiceInformation($p_docRoot, $p_serviceName) { $starting = [ 'name' => '', 'process_id' => 'STARTING...', 'uptime_seconds' => '-1', 'status' => 0, 'memory_perc' => '0%', 'memory_kb' => '0', 'cpu_perc' => '0%', ]; $notMonitored = [ 'name' => $p_serviceName, 'process_id' => 'NOT MONITORED', 'uptime_seconds' => '1', 'status' => 1, 'memory_perc' => '0%', 'memory_kb' => '0', 'cpu_perc' => '0%', ]; $notRunning = [ 'name' => $p_serviceName, 'process_id' => 'FAILED', 'uptime_seconds' => '-1', 'status' => 0, 'memory_perc' => '0%', 'memory_kb' => '0', 'cpu_perc' => '0%', ]; $data = $notRunning; if (!is_null($p_docRoot)) { foreach ($p_docRoot->getElementsByTagName('service') as $item) { if ($item->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue == $p_serviceName) { $monitor = $item->getElementsByTagName('monitor'); if ($monitor->length > 0) { $status = $monitor->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($status == '2') { $data = $starting; } elseif ($status == 1) { //is monitored, but is it running? $pid = $item->getElementsByTagName('pid'); if ($pid->length == 0) { $data = $notRunning; } //running! } elseif ($status == 0) { $data = $notMonitored; } } $process_id = $item->getElementsByTagName('name'); if ($process_id->length > 0) { $data['name'] = $process_id->item(0)->nodeValue; } $process_id = $item->getElementsByTagName('pid'); if ($process_id->length > 0) { $data['process_id'] = $process_id->item(0)->nodeValue; $data['status'] = 0; } $uptime = $item->getElementsByTagName('uptime'); if ($uptime->length > 0) { $data['uptime_seconds'] = $uptime->item(0)->nodeValue; } $memory = $item->getElementsByTagName('memory'); if ($memory->length > 0) { $data['memory_perc'] = $memory->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('percenttotal')->item(0)->nodeValue . '%'; $data['memory_kb'] = $memory->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('kilobytetotal')->item(0)->nodeValue; } $cpu = $item->getElementsByTagName('cpu'); if ($cpu->length > 0) { $data['cpu_perc'] = $cpu->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('percent')->item(0)->nodeValue . '%'; } break; } } } return $data; } public static function GetPlatformInfo() { $keys = ['release', 'machine', 'memory', 'swap']; $data = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $data[$key] = 'UNKNOWN'; } $docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus('localhost'); if (!is_null($docRoot)) { foreach ($docRoot->getElementsByTagName('platform') as $item) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $keyElement = $item->getElementsByTagName($key); if ($keyElement->length > 0) { $data[$key] = $keyElement->item(0)->nodeValue; } } } } return $data; } public static function GetPypoStatus() { $component = CcServiceRegisterQuery::create()->findOneByDbName('pypo'); if (is_null($component)) { return null; } $ip = $component->getDbIp(); $docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($ip); return self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, 'airtime-playout'); } public static function GetLiquidsoapStatus() { $component = CcServiceRegisterQuery::create()->findOneByDbName('pypo'); if (is_null($component)) { return null; } $ip = $component->getDbIp(); $docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($ip); return self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, 'airtime-liquidsoap'); } public static function GetMediaMonitorStatus() { $component = CcServiceRegisterQuery::create()->findOneByDbName('media-monitor'); if (is_null($component)) { return null; } $ip = $component->getDbIp(); $docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($ip); return self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, 'airtime-analyzer'); } public static function GetIcecastStatus() { $docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus('localhost'); return self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, 'icecast2'); } public static function GetRabbitMqStatus() { if (isset($_SERVER['RABBITMQ_HOST'])) { $rabbitmq_host = $_SERVER['RABBITMQ_HOST']; } else { $rabbitmq_host = 'localhost'; } $docRoot = self::GetMonitStatus($rabbitmq_host); $data = self::ExtractServiceInformation($docRoot, 'rabbitmq-server'); return $data; } public static function GetDiskInfo() { $partitions = []; /* First lets get all the watched directories. Then we can group them * into the same partitions by comparing the partition sizes. */ $musicDirs = Application_Model_MusicDir::getWatchedDirs(); $musicDirs[] = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir(); foreach ($musicDirs as $md) { $totalSpace = disk_total_space($md->getDirectory()); if (!isset($partitions[$totalSpace])) { $partitions[$totalSpace] = new StdClass(); $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalSpace = $totalSpace; $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace = disk_free_space($md->getDirectory()); $partitions[$totalSpace]->usedSpace = $totalSpace - $partitions[$totalSpace]->totalFreeSpace; } $partitions[$totalSpace]->dirs[] = $md->getDirectory(); } return array_values($partitions); } public static function isDiskOverQuota() { $diskInfo = self::GetDiskInfo(); $diskInfo = $diskInfo[0]; $diskUsage = $diskInfo->totalSpace - $diskInfo->totalFreeSpace; if ($diskUsage > 0 && $diskUsage >= $diskInfo->totalSpace) { return true; } return false; } }