_instanceId = $instanceId; $this->_showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($instanceId); if (is_null($this->_showInstance)){ throw new Exception(); } } public function getShowId() { return $this->_showInstance->getDbShowId(); } public function getShowInstanceId() { return $this->_instanceId; } public function getShow(){ return new Application_Model_Show($this->getShowId()); } /* This function is weird. It should return a boolean, but instead returns * an integer if it is a rebroadcast, or returns null if it isn't. You can convert * it to boolean by using is_null(isRebroadcast), where true means isn't and false * means that it is. */ public function isRebroadcast() { return $this->_showInstance->getDbOriginalShow(); } public function isRecorded() { return $this->_showInstance->getDbRecord(); } public function getName() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->getShowId()); return $show->getDbName(); } public function getGenre() { $show = CcShowQuery::create()->findPK($this->getShowId()); return $show->getDbGenre(); } /** * Return the start time of the Show (UTC time) * @return string in format "Y-m-d H:i:s" (PHP time notation) * TODO: make this function return a DateTime object instead. */ public function getShowInstanceStart() { return $this->_showInstance->getDbStarts(); } /** * Return the end time of the Show (UTC time) * @return string in format "Y-m-d H:i:s" (PHP time notation) * TODO: make this function return a DateTime object instead. */ public function getShowInstanceEnd() { return $this->_showInstance->getDbEnds(); } public function getStartDate() { $showStart = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); $showStartExplode = explode(" ", $showStart); return $showStartExplode[0]; } public function getStartTime() { $showStart = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); $showStartExplode = explode(" ", $showStart); return $showStartExplode[1]; } public function setSoundCloudFileId($p_soundcloud_id) { $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($this->_showInstance->getDbRecordedFile()); $file->setSoundCloudFileId($p_soundcloud_id); } public function getSoundCloudFileId() { $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($this->_showInstance->getDbRecordedFile()); return $file->getSoundCloudId(); } public function getRecordedFile() { $file_id = $this->_showInstance->getDbRecordedFile(); if(isset($file_id)) { $file = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($file_id); if (PEAR::isError($file)) { return null; } if(file_exists($file->getFilePath())) { return $file; } } return null; } public function setShowStart($start) { $this->_showInstance->setDbStarts($start) ->save(); Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); } public function setShowEnd($end) { $this->_showInstance->setDbEnds($end) ->save(); Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); } public function updateScheduledTime() { $con = Propel::getConnection(CcShowInstancesPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $this->_showInstance->updateDbTimeFilled($con); } public function isDeleted() { $this->_showInstance->getDbModifiedInstance(); } public function correctScheduleStartTimes(){ global $CC_DBC; $instance_id = $this->getShowInstanceId(); $sql = "SELECT starts from cc_schedule" ." WHERE instance_id = $instance_id" ." ORDER BY starts" ." LIMIT 1"; $scheduleStarts = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if (!is_null($scheduleStarts)){ $scheduleStartsEpoch = strtotime($scheduleStarts); $showStartsEpoch = strtotime($this->getShowInstanceStart()); $diff = $showStartsEpoch - $scheduleStartsEpoch; if ($diff != 0){ $sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule" ." SET starts = starts + INTERVAL '$diff' second," ." ends = ends + INTERVAL '$diff' second" ." WHERE instance_id = $instance_id"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } } Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); } public function moveShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin) { global $CC_DBC; if ($this->getShow()->isRepeating()){ return "Can't drag and drop repeating shows"; } $hours = $deltaMin/60; if($hours > 0) $hours = floor($hours); else $hours = ceil($hours); $mins = abs($deltaMin%60); $today_timestamp = time(); $starts = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); $ends = $this->getShowInstanceEnd(); $startsDateTime = new DateTime($starts, new DateTimeZone("UTC")); if($today_timestamp > $startsDateTime->getTimestamp()) { return "Can't move a past show"; } $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$starts}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'"; $new_starts = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $newStartsDateTime = new DateTime($new_starts, new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'"; $new_ends = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $newEndsDateTime = new DateTime($new_ends, new DateTimeZone("UTC")); if($today_timestamp > $newStartsDateTime->getTimestamp()) { return "Can't move show into past"; } $overlap = Application_Model_Show::getShows($newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, array($this->_instanceId)); if(count($overlap) > 0) { return "Should not overlap shows"; } $rebroadcast = $this->isRebroadcast(); if($rebroadcast) { $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$new_starts}' < (SELECT starts FROM cc_show_instances WHERE id = {$rebroadcast})"; $isBeforeRecordedOriginal = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if($isBeforeRecordedOriginal === 't'){ return "Cannot move a rebroadcast show before its original show"; } } $this->setShowStart($new_starts); $this->setShowEnd($new_ends); $this->correctScheduleStartTimes(); $show = new Application_Model_Show($this->getShowId()); if(!$show->isRepeating() && is_null($this->isRebroadcast())){ $show->setShowFirstShow($newStartsDateTime); $show->setShowLastShow($newEndsDateTime); } Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); } /* * FUNCTION SHOULD NOT BE CALLED * - we are removing ability to resize just a single show instance * -please use the resize method on the Show.php class. */ public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin) { global $CC_DBC; $hours = $deltaMin/60; if($hours > 0) $hours = floor($hours); else $hours = ceil($hours); $mins = abs($deltaMin%60); $today_timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $starts = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); $ends = $this->getShowInstanceEnd(); if(strtotime($today_timestamp) > strtotime($starts)) { return "can't resize a past show"; } $sql = "SELECT timestamp '{$ends}' + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}'"; $new_ends = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); //only need to check overlap if show increased in size. if(strtotime($new_ends) > strtotime($ends)) { $utcStartDateTime = new DateTime($ends, new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $utcEndDateTime = new DateTime($new_ends, new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $overlap = Application_Model_Show::getShows($utcStartDateTime, $utcEndDateTime); if(count($overlap) > 0) { return "Should not overlap shows"; } } //with overbooking no longer need to check already scheduled content still fits. //must update length of all rebroadcast instances. if($this->isRecorded()) { $sql = "UPDATE cc_show_instances SET ends = (ends + interval '{$deltaDay} days' + interval '{$hours}:{$mins}') WHERE rebroadcast = 1 AND instance_id = {$this->_instanceId}"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } $this->setShowEnd($new_ends); Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); } /** * Get the group ID for this show. * */ private function getLastGroupId() { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT group_id FROM cc_schedule WHERE instance_id = '{$this->_instanceId}' ORDER BY ends DESC LIMIT 1"; $res = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); return $res; } /** * Add a playlist as the last item of the current show. * * @param int $plId * Playlist ID. */ public function addPlaylistToShow($plId) { $sched = new Application_Model_ScheduleGroup(); $lastGroupId = $this->getLastGroupId(); if (is_null($lastGroupId)) { $groupId = $sched->add($this->_instanceId, $this->getShowInstanceStart(), null, $plId); } else { $groupId = $sched->addPlaylistAfter($this->_instanceId, $lastGroupId, $plId); } Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); $this->updateScheduledTime(); } /** * Add a media file as the last item in the show. * * @param int $file_id */ public function addFileToShow($file_id) { $sched = new Application_Model_ScheduleGroup(); $lastGroupId = $this->getLastGroupId(); if (is_null($lastGroupId)) { $groupId = $sched->add($this->_instanceId, $this->getShowInstanceStart(), $file_id); } else { $groupId = $sched->addFileAfter($this->_instanceId, $lastGroupId, $file_id); } Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); $this->updateScheduledTime(); } /** * Add the given playlists to the show. * * @param array $plIds * An array of playlist IDs. */ public function scheduleShow($plIds) { foreach ($plIds as $plId) { $this->addPlaylistToShow($plId); } } public function removeGroupFromShow($group_id) { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT MAX(ends) as end_timestamp, (MAX(ends) - MIN(starts)) as length FROM cc_schedule WHERE group_id = '{$group_id}'"; $groupBoundry = $CC_DBC->GetRow($sql); $group = CcScheduleQuery::create() ->filterByDbGroupId($group_id) ->delete(); $sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule SET starts = (starts - INTERVAL '{$groupBoundry["length"]}'), ends = (ends - INTERVAL '{$groupBoundry["length"]}') WHERE starts >= '{$groupBoundry["end_timestamp"]}' AND instance_id = {$this->_instanceId}"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); $this->updateScheduledTime(); } public function clearShow() { CcScheduleQuery::create() ->filterByDbInstanceId($this->_instanceId) ->delete(); Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); $this->updateScheduledTime(); } public function deleteShow() { global $CC_DBC; // see if it was recording show $recording = $this->isRecorded(); // get show id $showId = $this->getShowId(); $show = $this->getShow(); $current_timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i"); if ($current_timestamp < $this->getShowInstanceStart()) { if ($show->isRepeating()) { CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->findPK($this->_instanceId) ->setDbModifiedInstance(true) ->save(); //delete the rebroadcasts of the removed recorded show. if ($recording) { CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->filterByDbOriginalShow($this->_instanceId) ->delete(); } /* Automatically delete all files scheduled in cc_schedules table. */ CcScheduleQuery::create() ->filterByDbInstanceId($this->_instanceId) ->delete(); // check if we can safely delete the show $showInstancesRow = CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($showId) ->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false) ->findOne(); /* If we didn't find any instances of the show that haven't * been deleted, then just erase everything related to that show. * We can just delete, the show and the foreign key-constraint should * take care of deleting all of its instances. */ if(is_null($showInstancesRow)){ CcShowQuery::create() ->filterByDbId($showId) ->delete(); } } else { $show->deleteShow(); } } Application_Model_RabbitMq::PushSchedule(); if($recording){ Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToShowRecorder("cancel_recording"); } } public function setRecordedFile($file_id) { $showInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->findPK($this->_instanceId); $showInstance->setDbRecordedFile($file_id) ->save(); $rebroadcasts = CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->filterByDbOriginalShow($this->_instanceId) ->find(); foreach ($rebroadcasts as $rebroadcast) { $rebroad = new Application_Model_ShowInstance($rebroadcast->getDbId()); $rebroad->addFileToShow($file_id); } } public function getTimeScheduled() { $time = $this->_showInstance->getDbTimeFilled(); if(is_null($time)) { $time = "00:00:00"; } return $time; } public function getPercentScheduled() { $start_timestamp = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); $end_timestamp = $this->getShowInstanceEnd(); $time_filled = $this->getTimeScheduled(); $s_epoch = strtotime($start_timestamp); $e_epoch = strtotime($end_timestamp); $i_epoch = Application_Model_Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($time_filled) / 1000; $percent = ceil(($i_epoch / ($e_epoch - $s_epoch)) * 100); if ($percent > 100) $percent = 100; return $percent; } public function getShowLength() { global $CC_DBC; $start_timestamp = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); $end_timestamp = $this->getShowInstanceEnd(); $sql = "SELECT TIMESTAMP '{$end_timestamp}' - TIMESTAMP '{$start_timestamp}' "; $length = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); return $length; } public function searchPlaylistsForShow($datatables) { return Application_Model_StoredFile::searchPlaylistsForSchedule($datatables); } public function getShowListContent() { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT * FROM (cc_schedule AS s LEFT JOIN cc_files AS f ON f.id = s.file_id LEFT JOIN cc_playlist AS p ON p.id = s.playlist_id ) WHERE s.instance_id = '{$this->_instanceId}' ORDER BY starts"; return $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); } public function getShowContent() { global $CC_DBC; $res = $this->getShowListContent(); if(count($res) <= 0) { return $res; } $items = array(); $currGroupId = -1; $pl_counter = -1; $f_counter = -1; foreach ($res as $row) { if($currGroupId != $row["group_id"]){ $currGroupId = $row["group_id"]; $pl_counter = $pl_counter + 1; $f_counter = -1; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_name"] = $row["name"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_creator"] = $row["creator"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_description"] = $row["description"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_group"] = $row["group_id"]; $sql = "SELECT SUM(clip_length) FROM cc_schedule WHERE group_id = '{$currGroupId}'"; $length = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); $items[$pl_counter]["pl_length"] = $length; } $f_counter = $f_counter + 1; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_content"][$f_counter]["f_name"] = $row["track_title"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_content"][$f_counter]["f_artist"] = $row["artist_name"]; $items[$pl_counter]["pl_content"][$f_counter]["f_length"] = $row["length"]; } return $items; } public static function GetShowsInstancesIdsInRange($p_timeNow, $p_start, $p_end) { global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT id FROM cc_show_instances AS si " ."WHERE modified_instance != TRUE AND (" ."(si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' - INTERVAL '$p_start seconds' " ."AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' - INTERVAL '$p_start seconds') " ."OR (si.starts > TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' - INTERVAL '$p_start seconds' " ."AND si.ends < TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' + INTERVAL '$p_end seconds') " ."OR (si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' + INTERVAL '$p_end seconds' " ."AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow' + INTERVAL '$p_end seconds') " .") " ." ORDER BY si.starts"; $rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); return $rows; } public function getScheduleItemsInRange($timeNow, $start, $end) { global $CC_DBC, $CC_CONFIG; $instanceId = $this->_instanceId; $sql = "SELECT" ." si.starts as show_starts," ." si.ends as show_ends," ." si.rebroadcast as rebroadcast," ." st.starts as item_starts," ." st.ends as item_ends," ." st.clip_length as clip_length," ." ft.track_title as track_title," ." ft.artist_name as artist_name," ." ft.album_title as album_title," ." s.name as show_name," ." si.id as instance_id," ." pt.name as playlist_name" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[scheduleTable] st" ." ON st.instance_id = si.id" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[playListTable] pt" ." ON st.playlist_id = pt.id" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[filesTable] ft" ." ON st.file_id = ft.id" ." LEFT JOIN $CC_CONFIG[showTable] s" ." ON si.show_id = s.id" ." WHERE ((si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' - INTERVAL '$start seconds' AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' - INTERVAL '$start seconds')" ." OR (si.starts > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' - INTERVAL '$start seconds' AND si.ends < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '$end seconds')" ." OR (si.starts < TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '$end seconds' AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$timeNow' + INTERVAL '$end seconds'))" ." AND (st.starts < si.ends)" ." AND si.id = $instanceId" ." ORDER BY si.starts, st.starts"; return $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql); } public function getLastAudioItemEnd(){ global $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT ends FROM cc_schedule " ."WHERE instance_id = {$this->_instanceId} " ."ORDER BY ends DESC " ."LIMIT 1"; return $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } public function getShowEndGapTime(){ $showEnd = $this->getShowInstanceEnd(); $lastItemEnd = $this->getLastAudioItemEnd(); if (is_null($lastItemEnd)){ $lastItemEnd = $this->getShowInstanceStart(); } $diff = strtotime($showEnd) - strtotime($lastItemEnd); return ($diff < 0) ? 0 : $diff; } public static function GetLastShowInstance($p_timeNow){ global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT si.id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si" ." WHERE si.ends < TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow'" ." ORDER BY si.ends DESC" ." LIMIT 1"; $id = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if (is_null($id)){ return null; } else { return new Application_Model_ShowInstance($id); } } public static function GetCurrentShowInstance($p_timeNow){ global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT si.id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si" ." WHERE si.starts <= TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow'" ." AND si.ends > TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow'" ." LIMIT 1"; $id = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if (is_null($id)){ return null; } else { return new Application_Model_ShowInstance($id); } } public static function GetNextShowInstance($p_timeNow){ global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT si.id" ." FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] si" ." WHERE si.starts > TIMESTAMP '$p_timeNow'" ." ORDER BY si.starts" ." LIMIT 1"; $id = $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); if (is_null($id)){ return null; } else { return new Application_Model_ShowInstance($id); } } // returns number of show instances that ends later than $day public static function GetShowInstanceCount($day){ global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM $CC_CONFIG[showInstances] WHERE ends < '$day'"; return $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } }