
define('CONFIG_PATH', dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/configs/');
define('DEFAULT_STOR_DIR', '/srv/airtime/stor/');

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/vendor/jooola/propel1/runtime/lib/Propel.php';

require_once CONFIG_PATH . 'conf.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/map/CcMusicDirsTableMap.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcMusicDirsQuery.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/CcMusicDirsQuery.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcMusicDirs.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/CcMusicDirs.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/om/BaseCcMusicDirsPeer.php';

require_once dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/application/models/airtime/CcMusicDirsPeer.php';

 * Author: sourcefabric
 * Date: 08/12/14.
 * Class MediaSetup
 * Wrapper class for validating and setting up media folder during the installation process
class MediaSetup extends Setup
    public const MEDIA_FOLDER = 'mediaFolder';
    public const LIBRETIME_CONF_FILE_NAME = 'airtime.conf';

    public static $path;
    public static $message;
    public static $errors = [];

    public function __construct($settings)
        self::$path = $settings[self::MEDIA_FOLDER];

     * @return array associative array containing a display message and fields with errors
    public function runSetup()
        // If the path passed in is empty, set it to the default
        if (strlen(self::$path) == 0) {
            self::$path = DEFAULT_STOR_DIR;
            if (!file_exists(DEFAULT_STOR_DIR)) {
                mkdir(DEFAULT_STOR_DIR, 0755, true);

        // Append a trailing / if they didn't
        if (!(substr(self::$path, -1) == '/')) {
            self::$path .= '/';

        if (file_exists(self::$path)) {
        } else {
            self::$message = 'Invalid path!';
            self::$errors[] = self::MEDIA_FOLDER;

        // Finalize and move airtime.conf.temp
        if (file_exists('/etc/airtime/')) {
            if (!$this->moveAirtimeConfig()) {
                self::$message = 'Error moving airtime.conf or deleting /tmp/airtime.conf.temp!';
                self::$errors[] = 'ERR';

             * If we're upgrading from an old Airtime instance (pre-2.5.2) we rename their old
             * airtime.conf to airtime.conf.tmp during the setup process. Now that we're done,
             * we can rename it to airtime.conf.bak to avoid confusion.
            $fileName = LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR . '/' . self::LIBRETIME_CONF_FILE_NAME;
            $tmpFile = $fileName . '.tmp';
            $bakFile = $fileName . '.bak';
            if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
                rename($tmpFile, $bakFile);
        } else {
            self::$message = "Failed to move airtime.conf; /etc/airtime doesn't exist!";
            self::$errors[] = 'ERR';

        return [
            'message' => self::$message,
            'errors' => self::$errors,

     * Moves /tmp/airtime.conf.temp to /etc/airtime.conf and then removes it to complete setup.
     * @return bool false if either of the copy or removal operations fail
    public function moveAirtimeConfig()
            && unlink(AIRTIME_CONF_TEMP_PATH);

     * Add the given directory to cc_music_dirs
     * TODO Should we check for an existing entry in cc_music_dirs?
    public function setupMusicDirectory()
        try {
            Propel::init(CONFIG_PATH . 'airtime-conf-production.php');
            $con = Propel::getConnection();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            self::$message = "Failed to insert media folder; database isn't configured properly!";
            self::$errors[] = self::MEDIA_FOLDER;



    public function runMusicDirsQuery($con)
        try {
            if ($this->checkMusicDirectoryExists($con)) {
                $dir = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()->findPk(1, $con);
            } else {
                $dir = new CcMusicDirs();

            self::$message = 'Successfully set up media folder!';
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            self::$message = 'Failed to insert ' . self::$path . ' into cc_music_dirs';
            self::$errors[] = self::MEDIA_FOLDER;

    public function checkMusicDirectoryExists($con)
        $entry = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()->findPk(1, $con);

        return isset($entry) && $entry;