#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund # # This file is part of the Campcaster project. # http://campcaster.campware.org/ # To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org # # Campcaster is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Campcaster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Campcaster; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # Author : $Author$ # Version : $Revision$ # Location : $URL$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script updates the configuration file of Campcaster Studio. # # Invoke as: # ./bin/updateStudioConfig.sh # # To get usage help, try the -h option #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine directories, files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reldir=`dirname $0`/.. basedir=`cd $reldir; pwd;` bindir=$basedir/bin etcdir=$basedir/etc docdir=$basedir/doc tmpdir=$basedir/tmp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the usage information for this script. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printUsage() { echo "Campcaster Studio post-install script."; echo "parameters"; echo ""; echo " -d, --directory The installation directory, required."; echo " -H, --host The fully qualified host name of the system"; echo " [default: guess]."; echo " -p, --port The port of the apache web server [default: 80]" echo " -P, --scheduler-port The port of the scheduler daemon to install" echo " [default: 3344]"; echo " -o, --output-device The audio device of live-mode broadcast"; echo " [default: default]"; echo " -c, --cue-device The audio device of preview listening"; echo " [default: default]"; echo " -h, --help Print this message and exit."; echo ""; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process command line parameters #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD=${0##*/} opts=$(getopt -o d:H:hp:P:c:o: -l directory:,host:,help,port:,scheduler-port:,cue-device:,output-device: -n $CMD -- "$@") || exit 1 eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case "$1" in -d|--directory) installdir=$2; shift; shift;; -H|--host) hostname=$2; shift; shift;; -h|--help) printUsage; exit 0;; -p|--port) http_port=$2; shift; shift;; -P|--scheduler-port) scheduler_port=$2; shift; shift;; -o|--output-device) output_alsa_device=$2; shift; shift;; -c|--cue-device) cue_alsa_device=$2; shift; shift;; --) shift; break;; *) echo "Unrecognized option $1."; printUsage; exit 1; esac done if [ "x$installdir" == "x" ]; then echo "Required parameter install directory not specified."; printUsage; exit 1; fi if [ "x$hostname" == "x" ]; then hostname=`hostname -f`; fi if [ "x$http_port" == "x" ]; then http_port=80; fi if [ "x$scheduler_port" == "x" ]; then scheduler_port=3344; fi if [ "x$output_alsa_device" == "x" ]; then output_alsa_device="default"; fi if [ "x$cue_alsa_device" == "x" ]; then cue_alsa_device="default"; fi echo "Making post-install steps for Campcaster Studio."; echo ""; echo "Using the following installation parameters:"; echo ""; echo " installation directory: $installdir"; echo " host name: $hostname"; echo " web server port: $http_port"; echo " scheduler port: $scheduler_port"; echo " live broadcast device: $output_alsa_device"; echo " preview device: $cue_alsa_device"; echo "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The details of installation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ls_php_host=$hostname ls_php_port=$http_port ls_php_urlPrefix=campcaster ls_alib_xmlRpcPrefix="xmlrpc/xrLocStor.php" ls_storage_xmlRpcPrefix="xmlrpc/xrLocStor.php" ls_scheduler_host=$hostname ls_scheduler_port=$scheduler_port ls_scheduler_urlPrefix= ls_scheduler_xmlRpcPrefix=RC2 ls_output_alsa_device=$output_alsa_device ls_cue_alsa_device=$cue_alsa_device install_bin=$installdir/bin install_etc=$installdir/etc install_lib=$installdir/lib install_tmp=$installdir/tmp install_var=$installdir/var # replace / characters with a \/ sequence, for sed below # the sed statement is really "s/\//\\\\\//g", but needs escaping because of # bash, hence the extra '\' characters install_var_s=`echo $install_var | sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_storage_xmlRpcPrefix_s=`echo $ls_storage_xmlRpcPrefix | \ sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_alib_xmlRpcPrefix_s=`echo $ls_alib_xmlRpcPrefix | sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_php_urlPrefix_s=`echo $ls_php_urlPrefix | sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_scheduler_urlPrefix_s=`echo $ls_scheduler_urlPrefix | \ sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_scheduler_xmlRpcPrefix_s=`echo $ls_scheduler_xmlRpcPrefix | \ sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_output_alsa_device_s=`echo $ls_output_alsa_device | sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` ls_cue_alsa_device_s=`echo $ls_cue_alsa_device | sed -e "s/\//\\\\\\\\\//g"` replace_sed_string="s/ls_var_dir/$install_var_s/; \ s/ls_php_urlPrefix/$ls_php_urlPrefix_s/; \ s/ls_php_host/$ls_php_host/; \ s/ls_php_port/$ls_php_port/; \ s/ls_alib_xmlRpcPrefix/$ls_alib_xmlRpcPrefix_s/; \ s/ls_audio_output_device/$ls_output_alsa_device_s/; \ s/ls_audio_cue_device/$ls_cue_alsa_device_s/; \ s/ls_scheduler_host/$ls_scheduler_host/; \ s/ls_scheduler_port/$ls_scheduler_port/; \ s/ls_scheduler_xmlRpcPrefix/$ls_scheduler_xmlRpcPrefix_s/;" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function to check for the existence of an executable on the PATH # # @param $1 the name of the exectuable # @return 0 if the executable exists on the PATH, non-0 otherwise #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_exe() { if [ -x "`which $1 2> /dev/null`" ]; then echo "Executable $1 found..."; return 0; else echo "Executable $1 not found..."; return 1; fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for required tools #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Checking for required tools..." check_exe "sed" || exit 1; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Customize the configuration files with the appropriate values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Customizing configuration files..." # customize the Campcaster Studio config file cat $install_etc/campcaster-studio.xml.template \ | sed -e "$replace_sed_string" \ > $install_etc/campcaster-studio.xml #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Say goodbye #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Done."