_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext'); $ajaxContext->addActionContext('add-items', 'json') ->addActionContext('add-item', 'json') ->addActionContext('move-item', 'json') ->addActionContext('delete-item', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-fade', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-cue', 'json') ->addActionContext('new', 'json') ->addActionContext('edit', 'json') ->addActionContext('delete', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-playlist-fades', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-playlist-name', 'json') ->addActionContext('set-playlist-description', 'json') ->initContext(); $this->pl_sess = new Zend_Session_Namespace(UI_PLAYLIST_SESSNAME); } private function getPlaylist() { $pl_sess = $this->pl_sess; if(isset($pl_sess->id)) { $pl = Application_Model_Playlist::Recall($pl_sess->id); if($pl === FALSE) { unset($pl_sess->id); return false; } return $pl; }else{ return false; } } private function changePlaylist($pl_id) { $pl_sess = $this->pl_sess; $pl = Application_Model_Playlist::Recall($pl_id); if($pl === FALSE) { return FALSE; } $pl_sess->id = $pl_id; } private function createUpdateResponse($pl) { $this->view->pl = $pl; $this->view->html = $this->view->render('playlist/update.phtml'); $this->view->name = $pl->getName(); $this->view->length = $pl->getLength(); $this->view->description = $pl->getDescription(); unset($this->view->pl); } private function createFullResponse($pl = null) { if (isset($pl)) { $this->view->pl = $pl; $this->view->pl_id = $pl->getId(); $this->view->html = $this->view->render('playlist/index.phtml'); unset($this->view->pl); } else { $this->view->html = $this->view->render('playlist/index.phtml'); } } public function indexAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $baseUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(); $this->view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl.'/js/airtime/library/spl.js','text/javascript'); $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($baseUrl.'/css/playlist_builder.css'); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setResponseSegment('spl'); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl !== false){ $this->view->pl = $pl; } } public function newAction() { $pl_sess = $this->pl_sess; $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $pl = new Application_Model_Playlist(); $pl->create("Untitled Playlist"); $pl->setPLMetaData('dc:creator', $userInfo->login); $this->changePlaylist($pl->getId()); $this->createFullResponse($pl); } public function editAction() { $pl_id = $this->_getParam('id', null); if(!is_null($pl_id)) { $this->changePlaylist($pl_id); } $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } $this->createFullResponse($pl); } public function addItemAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $pos = $this->_getParam('pos', null); if (!is_null($id)) { $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } $res = $pl->addAudioClip($id, $pos); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $this->view->message = $res->getMessage(); } $this->createUpdateResponse($pl); return; } $this->view->message = "a file is not chosen"; } public function moveItemAction() { $oldPos = $this->_getParam('oldPos'); $newPos = $this->_getParam('newPos'); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } $pl->moveAudioClip($oldPos, $newPos); $this->createUpdateResponse($pl); } public function deleteItemAction() { $positions = $this->_getParam('pos', array()); if (!is_array($positions)) $positions = array($positions); //so the automatic updating of playlist positioning doesn't affect removal. sort($positions); $positions = array_reverse($positions); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } foreach ($positions as $pos) { $pl->delAudioClip($pos); } $this->createUpdateResponse($pl); } public function addItemsAction() { $ids = $this->_getParam('ids'); $pos = $this->_getParam('pos', null); if (!is_null($ids)) { $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if ($pl === false) { $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } foreach ($ids as $key => $value) { $res = $pl->addAudioClip($value); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $this->view->message = $res->getMessage(); break; } } $this->createUpdateResponse($pl); return; } $this->view->message = "a file is not chosen"; } public function deleteAction() { $ids = $this->_getParam('ids', array()); $active = $this->_getParam('active', false); if ($active === true) { $ids = array_merge($ids, array($pl_sess->id)); } foreach ($ids as $key => $id) { $pl = Application_Model_Playlist::Recall($id); if ($pl !== FALSE) { Application_Model_Playlist::Delete($id); $pl_sess = $this->pl_sess; if($pl_sess->id === $id){ unset($pl_sess->id); } } else { $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } } $this->createFullResponse(null); } public function setCueAction() { $pos = $this->_getParam('pos'); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if ($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } $cueIn = $this->_getParam('cueIn', null); $cueOut = $this->_getParam('cueOut', null); $response = $pl->changeClipLength($pos, $cueIn, $cueOut); $this->view->response = $response; if(!isset($response["error"])) { $this->createUpdateResponse($pl); } } public function setFadeAction() { $pos = $this->_getParam('pos'); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } $fadeIn = $this->_getParam('fadeIn', null); $fadeOut = $this->_getParam('fadeOut', null); $response = $pl->changeFadeInfo($pos, $fadeIn, $fadeOut); $this->view->response = $response; if(!isset($response["error"])) { $this->createUpdateResponse($pl); } } public function setPlaylistFadesAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } if($request->isPost()) { $fadeIn = $this->_getParam('fadeIn', null); $fadeOut = $this->_getParam('fadeOut', null); if($fadeIn) $response = $pl->changeFadeInfo(0, $fadeIn, $fadeOut); else if($fadeOut) $response = $pl->changeFadeInfo($pl->getSize(), $fadeIn, $fadeOut); $this->view->response = $response; return; } $fades = $pl->getFadeInfo(0); $this->view->fadeIn = $fades[0]; $fades = $pl->getFadeInfo($pl->getSize()); $this->view->fadeOut = $fades[1]; } public function setPlaylistNameAction() { $name = $this->_getParam('name', 'Unknown Playlist'); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } $pl->setName($name); $this->view->playlistName = $name; } public function setPlaylistDescriptionAction() { $description = $this->_getParam('description', false); $pl = $this->getPlaylist(); if($pl === false){ $this->view->playlist_error = true; return false; } if($description != false) { $pl->setDescription($description); } else { $description = $pl->getDescription(); } $this->view->playlistDescription = $description; } }