import os import sys import time import logging import logging.config import shutil import random import string import json import telnetlib import math from threading import Thread from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta # For RabbitMQ from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection from kombu.messaging import Exchange, Queue, Consumer, Producer from api_clients import api_client from util import CueFile from configobj import ConfigObj # configure logging logging.config.fileConfig("logging.cfg") # loading config file try: config = ConfigObj('/etc/airtime/pypo.cfg') LS_HOST = config['ls_host'] LS_PORT = config['ls_port'] POLL_INTERVAL = int(config['poll_interval']) except Exception, e: logger = logging.getLogger() logger.error('Error loading config file: %s', e) sys.exit() # Yuk - using a global, i know! SCHEDULE_PUSH_MSG = [] """ Handle a message from RabbitMQ, put it into our yucky global var. Hopefully there is a better way to do this. """ def handle_message(body, message): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') global SCHEDULE_PUSH_MSG"Received schedule from RabbitMQ: " + message.body) SCHEDULE_PUSH_MSG = json.loads(message.body) # ACK the message to take it off the queue message.ack() class PypoFetch(Thread): def __init__(self, q): Thread.__init__(self) logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') self.api_client = api_client.api_client_factory(config) self.cue_file = CueFile() self.set_export_source('scheduler') self.queue = q"PypoFetch: init complete") def init_rabbit_mq(self): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch')"Initializing RabbitMQ stuff") try: schedule_exchange = Exchange("airtime-schedule", "direct", durable=True, auto_delete=True) schedule_queue = Queue("pypo-fetch", exchange=schedule_exchange, key="foo") self.connection = BrokerConnection(config["rabbitmq_host"], config["rabbitmq_user"], config["rabbitmq_password"], "/") channel = consumer = Consumer(channel, schedule_queue) consumer.register_callback(handle_message) consumer.consume() except Exception, e: logger.error(e) return False return True def set_export_source(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = config["cache_dir"] + self.export_source + '/'"Creating cache directory at %s", self.cache_dir) def check_matching_timezones(self, server_timezone): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') process = Popen(["date", "+%z"], stdout=PIPE) pypo_timezone = (process.communicate()[0]).strip(' \r\n\t') if server_timezone != pypo_timezone: logger.error("ERROR: Airtime server and pypo timezone offsets do not match. Audio playback will not start when expected!!!") logger.error(" * Server timezone offset: %s", server_timezone) logger.error(" * Pypo timezone offset: %s", pypo_timezone) logger.error(" * To fix this, you need to set the 'date.timezone' value in your php.ini file and restart apache.") logger.error(" * See this page for more info (v1.7):") logger.error(" * and also the 'FAQ and Support' page underneath it.") """ def get_currently_scheduled(self, playlistsOrMedias, str_tnow_s): for key in playlistsOrMedias: start = playlistsOrMedias[key]['start'] end = playlistsOrMedias[key]['end'] if start <= str_tnow_s and str_tnow_s < end: return key return None def handle_shows_currently_scheduled(self, playlists): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') dtnow = tnow = dtnow.timetuple() str_tnow_s = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tnow[0], tnow[1], tnow[2], tnow[3], tnow[4], tnow[5]) current_pkey = self.get_currently_scheduled(playlists, str_tnow_s) if current_pkey is not None: logger.debug("FOUND CURRENT PLAYLIST %s", current_pkey) # So we have found that a playlist if currently scheduled # even though we just started pypo. Perhaps there was a # system crash. Lets calculate what position in the playlist # we are supposed to be in. medias = playlists[current_pkey]["medias"] current_mkey = self.get_currently_scheduled(medias, str_tnow_s) if current_mkey is not None: mkey_split = map(int, current_mkey.split('-')) media_start = datetime(mkey_split[0], mkey_split[1], mkey_split[2], mkey_split[3], mkey_split[4], mkey_split[5]) logger.debug("Found media item that started at %s.", media_start) delta = dtnow - media_start #we get a TimeDelta object from this operation"Starting media item at %d second point", delta.seconds) """ """ Process the schedule - Reads the scheduled entries of a given range (actual time +/- "prepare_ahead" / "cache_for") - Saves a serialized file of the schedule - playlists are prepared. (brought to liquidsoap format) and, if not mounted via nsf, files are copied to the cache dir (Folder-structure: cache/YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss) - runs the cleanup routine, to get rid of unused cached files """ def process_schedule(self, schedule_data, export_source, bootstrapping): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') playlists = schedule_data["playlists"] #if bootstrapping: #TODO: possible allow prepare_playlists to handle this. #self.handle_shows_currently_scheduled(playlists) self.check_matching_timezones(schedule_data["server_timezone"]) # Push stream metadata to liquidsoap # TODO: THIS LIQUIDSOAP STUFF NEEDS TO BE MOVED TO PYPO-PUSH!!! stream_metadata = schedule_data['stream_metadata'] try: tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, LS_PORT) #encode in latin-1 due to telnet protocol not supporting utf-8 tn.write(('vars.stream_metadata_type %s\n' % stream_metadata['format']).encode('latin-1')) tn.write(('vars.station_name %s\n' % stream_metadata['station_name']).encode('latin-1')) tn.write('exit\n') tn.read_all() except Exception, e: logger.error("Exception %s", e) status = 0 # Download all the media and put playlists in liquidsoap "annotate" format try: liquidsoap_playlists = self.prepare_playlists(playlists, bootstrapping) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) # Send the data to pypo-push scheduled_data = dict() scheduled_data['liquidsoap_playlists'] = liquidsoap_playlists scheduled_data['schedule'] = playlists scheduled_data['stream_metadata'] = schedule_data["stream_metadata"] self.queue.put(scheduled_data) # cleanup try: self.cleanup(self.export_source) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) """ In this function every audio file is cut as necessary (cue_in/cue_out != 0) and stored in a playlist folder. file is e.g. 2010-06-23-15-00-00/17_cue_10.132-123.321.mp3 """ def prepare_playlists(self, playlists, bootstrapping): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') liquidsoap_playlists = dict() # Dont do anything if playlists is empty if not playlists: logger.debug("Schedule is empty.") return liquidsoap_playlists scheduleKeys = sorted(playlists.iterkeys()) try: for pkey in scheduleKeys:"Playlist starting at %s", pkey) playlist = playlists[pkey] # create playlist directory try: os.mkdir(self.cache_dir + str(pkey)) except Exception, e: logger.error(e) #June 13, 2011: Commented this block out since we are not currently setting this to '1' #on the server side. Currently using a different method to detect if already played - Martin #if int(playlist['played']) == 1: #"playlist %s already played / sent to liquidsoap, so will ignore it", pkey) ls_playlist = self.handle_media_file(playlist, pkey, bootstrapping) liquidsoap_playlists[pkey] = ls_playlist except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) return liquidsoap_playlists """ Download and cache the media files. This handles both remote and local files. Returns an updated ls_playlist string. """ def handle_media_file(self, playlist, pkey, bootstrapping): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') ls_playlist = [] dtnow = str_tnow_s = dtnow.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') sortedKeys = sorted(playlist['medias'].iterkeys()) for key in sortedKeys: media = playlist['medias'][key] logger.debug("Processing track %s", media['uri']) if bootstrapping: start = media['start'] end = media['end'] if end <= str_tnow_s: continue elif start <= str_tnow_s and str_tnow_s < end: #song is currently playing and we just started pypo. Maybe there #was a power outage? Let's restart playback of this song. start_split = map(int, start.split('-')) media_start = datetime(start_split[0], start_split[1], start_split[2], start_split[3], start_split[4], start_split[5]) logger.debug("Found media item that started at %s.", media_start) delta = dtnow - media_start #we get a TimeDelta object from this operation"Starting media item at %d second point", delta.seconds) media['cue_in'] = delta.seconds + 10 td = timedelta(seconds=10) playlist['start'] = (dtnow + td).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')"Crash detected, setting playlist to restart at %s", (dtnow + td).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) fileExt = os.path.splitext(media['uri'])[1] try: dst = "%s%s/%s%s" % (self.cache_dir, pkey, media['id'], fileExt) # download media file self.handle_remote_file(media, dst) if True == os.access(dst, os.R_OK): # check filesize (avoid zero-byte files) try: fsize = os.path.getsize(dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) fsize = 0 if fsize > 0: pl_entry = \ 'annotate:export_source="%s",media_id="%s",liq_start_next="%s",liq_fade_in="%s",liq_fade_out="%s",liq_cue_in="%s",liq_cue_out="%s",schedule_table_id="%s":%s' \ % (media['export_source'], media['id'], 0, \ float(media['fade_in']) / 1000, \ float(media['fade_out']) / 1000, \ float(media['cue_in']), \ float(media['cue_out']), \ media['row_id'], dst) """ Tracks are only added to the playlist if they are accessible on the file system and larger than 0 bytes. So this can lead to playlists shorter than expectet. (there is a hardware silence detector for this cases...) """ entry = dict() entry['type'] = 'file' entry['annotate'] = pl_entry entry['show_name'] = playlist['show_name'] ls_playlist.append(entry) else: logger.warning("zero-size file - skipping %s. will not add it to playlist at %s", media['uri'], dst) else: logger.warning("something went wrong. file %s not available. will not add it to playlist", dst) except Exception, e:"%s", e) return ls_playlist """ Download a file from a remote server and store it in the cache. """ def handle_remote_file(self, media, dst): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') if os.path.isfile(dst): pass #logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst) else: logger.debug("try to download %s", media['uri']) self.api_client.get_media(media['uri'], dst) """ Cleans up folders in cache_dir. Look for modification date older than "now - CACHE_FOR" and deletes them. """ def cleanup(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') offset = 3600 * int(config["cache_for"]) now = time.time() for r, d, f in os.walk(self.cache_dir): for dir in d: try: timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(dir, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) if (now - timestamp) > offset: try: logger.debug('trying to remove %s - timestamp: %s', os.path.join(r, dir), timestamp) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(r, dir)) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) pass else:'sucessfully removed %s', os.path.join(r, dir)) except Exception, e: logger.error(e) """ Main loop of the thread: Wait for schedule updates from RabbitMQ, but in case there arent any, poll the server to get the upcoming schedule. """ def run(self): logger = logging.getLogger('fetch') while not self.init_rabbit_mq(): logger.error("Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds") time.sleep(5) try: os.mkdir(self.cache_dir) except Exception, e: pass # Bootstrap: since we are just starting up, we need to grab the # most recent schedule. After that we can just wait for updates. status, schedule_data = self.api_client.get_schedule() if status == 1: self.process_schedule(schedule_data, "scheduler", True)"Bootstrap complete: got initial copy of the schedule") loops = 1 while True:"Loop #%s", loops) try: # Wait for messages from RabbitMQ. Timeout if we # dont get any after POLL_INTERVAL. self.connection.drain_events(timeout=POLL_INTERVAL) # Hooray for globals! schedule_data = SCHEDULE_PUSH_MSG status = 1 except: # We didnt get a message for a while, so poll the server # to get an updated schedule. status, schedule_data = self.api_client.get_schedule() if status == 1: self.process_schedule(schedule_data, "scheduler", False) loops += 1