bootstrap = array($this, 'appBootstrap'); //TODO: Use AirtimeInstall.php to create the database and database tables //AirtimeInstall::createDatabase(blah blah); //AirtimeInstall::createDatabaseTables(blah blah); parent::setUp(); } public function appBootstrap() { $this->application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH .'/configs/application.ini'); $this->application->bootstrap(); } public function getConnection() { if ($this->_connectionMock == null) { $config = new Zend_Config( array( 'host' => '', 'dbname' => 'airtime_test', 'username' => 'airtime', 'password' => 'airtime' ) ); $connection = Zend_Db::factory('pdo_pgsql', $config); $this->_connectionMock = $this->createZendDbConnection( $connection, 'airtimeunittests' ); Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::setDefaultAdapter($connection); } return $this->_connectionMock; } /* Defines how the initial state of the database should look before each test is executed * Called once during setUp() and gets recreated for each new test */ public function getDataSet() { return $this->createXmlDataSet( dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/cc_show_seed.xml' ); } public function testCcShowInsertedIntoDatabase() { $showService = new Application_Service_ShowService(); $data = array( "add_show_id" => -1, "add_show_name" => "test show", "add_show_description" => null, "add_show_url" => null, "add_show_genre" => null, "add_show_color" => "ffffff", "add_show_background_color" => "364492", "cb_airtime_auth" => 0, "cb_custom_auth" => 0, "custom_username" => null, "custom_password" => null, "add_show_linked" => 0 ); $showService->setCcShow($data); $ds = new Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db_DataSet_QueryDataSet( $this->getConnection() ); $ds->addTable('cc_show', 'select * from cc_show'); $this->assertDataSetsEqual( $this->createXmlDataSet(dirname(__FILE__)."/files/cc_show_insertIntoAssertion.xml"), $ds ); } }