var AIRTIME_API_VERSION = "1.1"; (function($){ $.fn.airtimeShowSchedule = function(options) { var defaults = { updatePeriod: 20, //seconds sourceDomain: "http://localhost/", //where to get show status from text: {onAirToday:"On air today"}, showLimit: 5 }; options = $.extend(true, defaults, options); options.sourceDomain = addEndingBackslash(options.sourceDomain); return this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); var sd; getServerData(); function updateWidget(){ var currentShow = sd.getCurrentShow(); var nextShows = sd.getNextShows(); var shows = currentShow.length == 0 ? nextShows : currentShow.concat(nextShows); tableString = ""; tableString += "

" + options.text.onAirToday + "

"; tableString += ""+ ""; for (var i=0; i"+shows[i].getRange()+""; var url = shows[i].getURL(); if (url.length > 0) { tableString += ""; } else { tableString += ""; } } tableString += "
" + shows[i].getName() + "
" + shows[i].getName() + "
"; obj.empty(); obj.append(tableString); } function processData(data){ checkWidgetVersion(data); sd = new ScheduleData(data); updateWidget(); } function airtimeScheduleJsonpError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ } function getServerData(){ $.ajax({url: options.sourceDomain + "api/live-info/", data: {type:"endofday",limit: options.showLimit}, dataType: "jsonp", success:function(data) { processData(data); }, error: airtimeScheduleJsonpError}); setTimeout(getServerData, options.updatePeriod*1000); } }); }; })(jQuery); (function($){ $.fn.airtimeLiveInfo = function(options) { var defaults = { updatePeriod: 5, //seconds sourceDomain: "http://localhost/", //where to get show status from text: {onAirNow:"On Air Now", offline:"Offline", current:"Current", next:"Next"} }; options = $.extend(true, defaults, options); options.sourceDomain = addEndingBackslash(options.sourceDomain); return this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); var sd = null; getServerData(); //refresh the UI to update the elapsed/remaining time setInterval(updateWidget, 1000); function updateWidget(){ if (sd == null){ return; } var currentShow = sd.getCurrentShow(); var nextShows = sd.getNextShows(); var showStatus = options.text.offline; var currentShowName = ""; var timeElapsed = ""; var timeRemaining = ""; var nextShowName = ""; var nextShowRange = ""; if (currentShow.length > 0){ showStatus = options.text.onAirNow; currentShowName = currentShow[0].getName(); timeElapsed = sd.getShowTimeElapsed(currentShow[0]); timeRemaining = sd.getShowTimeRemaining(currentShow[0]); } if (nextShows.length > 0){ nextShowName = nextShows[0].getName(); nextShowRange = nextShows[0].getRange(); } obj.empty(); obj.append("

"+showStatus+" >>

"); obj.append(""); } function processData(data){ checkWidgetVersion(data); sd = new ScheduleData(data); } function airtimeScheduleJsonpError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ } function getServerData(){ $.ajax({url: options.sourceDomain + "api/live-info/", data: {type:"interval",limit:"5"}, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data) { processData(data); }, error: airtimeScheduleJsonpError}); setTimeout(getServerData, options.updatePeriod*1000); } }); }; })(jQuery); (function($){ $.fn.airtimeLiveTrackInfo = function(options) { var defaults = { updatePeriod: 5, //seconds sourceDomain: "http://localhost/", //where to get show status from text: {onAirNow:"On Air Now", offline:"Offline", current:"Current", next:"Next"} }; options = $.extend(true, defaults, options); options.sourceDomain = addEndingBackslash(options.sourceDomain); return this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); var sd = null; getServerData(); //refresh the UI to update the elapsed/remaining time setInterval(updateWidget, 1000); function updateWidget(){ if (sd == null){ return; } var currentShow = sd.getCurrentShow(); var nextShows = sd.getNextShows(); var showStatus = options.text.offline; var currentShowName = ""; var timeElapsed = ""; var timeRemaining = ""; var nextShowName = ""; var nextShowRange = ""; if (currentShow.length > 0){ showStatus = options.text.onAirNow; currentShowName = currentShow[0].getName(); timeElapsed = sd.getShowTimeElapsed(currentShow[0]); timeRemaining = sd.getShowTimeRemaining(currentShow[0]); } if (nextShows.length > 0){ nextShowName = nextShows[0].getName(); nextShowRange = nextShows[0].getRange(); } obj.empty(); obj.append(""+showStatus+" >> "+currentShowName+"" + ""+timeElapsed+"" + ""+timeRemaining+""); obj.append(""); } function processData(data){ checkWidgetVersion(data); sd = new ScheduleData(data); } function airtimeScheduleJsonpError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ } function getServerData(){ $.ajax({url: options.sourceDomain + "api/live-info/", data: {type:"interval",limit:"5"}, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data) { processData(data); }, error: airtimeScheduleJsonpError}); setTimeout(getServerData, options.updatePeriod*1000); } }); }; })(jQuery); (function($){ $.fn.airtimeWeekSchedule = function(options) { var defaults = { sourceDomain: "http://localhost/", //where to get show status from updatePeriod: 600, dowText:{monday:"Monday", tuesday:"Tuesday", wednesday:"Wednesday",thursday:"Thursday", friday:"Friday", saturday:"Saturday",sunday:"Sunday", nextmonday:"Next Monday", nexttuesday:"Next Tuesday",nextwednesday:"Next Wednesday", nextthursday:"Next Thursday",nextfriday:"Next Friday", nextsaturday:"Next Saturday", nextsunday:"NextSunday"}, miscText: {time:"Time", programName:"Program Name", details:"Details", readMore:"Read More"} }; options = $.extend(true, defaults, options); options.sourceDomain = addEndingBackslash(options.sourceDomain); return this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); obj.empty(); obj.attr("class", "ui-tabs"); var dow = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday","saturday", "sunday", "nextmonday", "nexttuesday", "nextwednesday","nextthursday", "nextfriday", "nextsaturday", "nextsunday"]; var date = new Date(); //subtract 1 because javascript date function returns //sunday as 0 based, but we want Monday to be 0-based. var todayInt = (date.getDay()-1); if (todayInt < 0) todayInt += 7; var html = ''; for (var i=0; i' } obj.append(html); getServerData(); function updateWidget(data){ for (var i=0; i'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+options.miscText.time+''+ ''+options.miscText.programName+''+ ''+options.miscText.details+''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''; var daySchedule = data[dow[i]]; for (var j=0; j'+getTime(daySchedule[j].start_timestamp)+ " - " + getTime(daySchedule[j].end_timestamp)+''+ ''+ '


'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''; } html += ''+ ''; $("#"+dow[i]).empty(); $("#"+dow[i]).append(html); } } function processData(data){ checkWidgetVersion(data); updateWidget(data); } function airtimeScheduleJsonpError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ } function getServerData(){ $.ajax({ url: options.sourceDomain + "api/week-info/", dataType:"jsonp", success:function(data){ processData(data); }, error:airtimeScheduleJsonpError}); setTimeout(getServerData, options.updatePeriod*1000); } }); }; })(jQuery); function addEndingBackslash(str){ if (str.charAt(str.length-1) != '/') return str+'/'; else return str; } /* ScheduleData class BEGIN */ function ScheduleData(data){ = data; this.estimatedSchedulePosixTime; this.currentShow = new Array(); if(data.currentShow != undefined) { for (var i=0; i< data.currentShow.length; i++){ this.currentShow[i] = new Show(data.currentShow[i]); } } this.nextShows = new Array(); if(data.nextShow != undefined) { for (var i=0; i< data.nextShow.length; i++) { this.nextShows[i] = new Show(data.nextShow[i]); } } this.currentTrack = new AudioTrack(data.current); this.nextTrack = new AudioTrack(; this.schedulePosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(data.schedulerTime); //this.schedulePosixTime += parseInt(data.timezoneOffset, 10)*1000; var date = new Date(); this.localRemoteTimeOffset = date.getTime() - this.schedulePosixTime; } ScheduleData.prototype.secondsTimer = function(){ var date = new Date(); this.estimatedSchedulePosixTime = date.getTime() - this.localRemoteTimeOffset; } ScheduleData.prototype.getCurrentShow = function(){ return this.currentShow; } ScheduleData.prototype.getNextShows = function() { return this.nextShows; } ScheduleData.prototype.getShowTimeElapsed = function(show) { this.secondsTimer(); var showStart = convertDateToPosixTime(show.getStartTimestamp()); return convertToHHMMSS(this.estimatedSchedulePosixTime - showStart); }; ScheduleData.prototype.getShowTimeRemaining = function(show) { this.secondsTimer(); var showEnd = convertDateToPosixTime(show.getEndTimestamp()); return convertToHHMMSS(showEnd - this.estimatedSchedulePosixTime); }; /* ScheduleData class END */ /* Show class BEGIN */ function Show(showData){ this.showData = showData; } Show.prototype.getURL = function(){ return this.showData.url; } Show.prototype.getName = function(){ return; } Show.prototype.getRange = function(){ return getTime(this.showData.start_timestamp) + " - " + getTime(this.showData.end_timestamp); } Show.prototype.getStartTimestamp = function(){ return this.showData.start_timestamp; } Show.prototype.getEndTimestamp = function(){ return this.showData.end_timestamp; } /* Show class END */ /* AudioTrack class BEGINS */ function AudioTrack(trackData){ this.trackData = trackData; } AudioTrack.prototype.getTitle = function(){ if (this.trackData === null) return ""; return; } /* AudioTrack class ENDS */ function getTime(timestamp) { var time = timestamp.split(" ")[1].split(":"); return time[0] + ":" + time[1]; }; /* Takes an input parameter of milliseconds and converts these into * the format HH:MM:SS */ function convertToHHMMSS(timeInMS){ var time = parseInt(timeInMS); var hours = parseInt(time / 3600000); time -= 3600000*hours; var minutes = parseInt(time / 60000); time -= 60000*minutes; var seconds = parseInt(time / 1000); hours = hours.toString(); minutes = minutes.toString(); seconds = seconds.toString(); if (hours.length == 1) hours = "0" + hours; if (minutes.length == 1) minutes = "0" + minutes; if (seconds.length == 1) seconds = "0" + seconds; if (hours == "00") return minutes + ":" + seconds; else return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } /* Takes in a string of format similar to 2011-02-07 02:59:57, * and converts this to epoch/posix time. */ function convertDateToPosixTime(s){ var datetime = s.split(" "); var date = datetime[0].split("-"); var time = datetime[1].split(":"); var year = date[0]; var month = date[1]; var day = date[2]; var hour = time[0]; var minute = time[1]; var sec = 0; var msec = 0; if (time[2].indexOf(".") != -1){ var temp = time[2].split("."); sec = temp[0]; msec = temp[1]; } else sec = time[2]; return Date.UTC(year, month-1, day, hour, minute, sec, msec); } /* Checks the incomming data's widget version tag. * The current widget version is 1. * -If the value returned is equal to 1 do nothing. * -If the value doesn't exist or it is great then 1 throw error warning the user they should upgrade their airtime install. * -If the value is less then 1 warn the user that they should upgrade the javascript to a newer version. */ function checkWidgetVersion(data){ var airtimeServerWidgetVersion = data['AIRTIME_API_VERSION']; if (undefined === airtimeServerWidgetVersion || airtimeServerWidgetVersion > AIRTIME_API_VERSION ) throw "The version of widgets you are using is out of date with the Airtime installation, please update your widgets javascript file. (Airtime widget API version is "+airtimeServerWidgetVersion+", this widget's API version is "+AIRTIME_API_VERSION+")"; else if (airtimeServerWidgetVersion < AIRTIME_API_VERSION ) throw "The Airtime server has a different version than this widget supports. Please get the correct widget version for your Airtime installation. (Airtime widget API version is "+airtimeServerWidgetVersion+", this widget's API version is "+AIRTIME_API_VERSION+")"; }