strlen($property)) if ($property == substr($lines[$i], 0, strlen($property))){ $lines[$i] = "$property = $value\n"; } } $fp=fopen($filename, 'w'); for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){ fwrite($fp, $lines[$i]); } fclose($fp); } function directorySetup($CC_CONFIG){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Install storage directories //------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo " *** Directory Setup ***\n"; foreach (array('baseFilesDir', 'storageDir') as $d) { $test = file_exists($CC_CONFIG[$d]); if ( $test === FALSE ) { @mkdir($CC_CONFIG[$d], 02775, true); if (file_exists($CC_CONFIG[$d])) { $rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]); echo " * Directory $rp created\n"; } else { echo " * Failed creating {$CC_CONFIG[$d]}\n"; exit(1); } } elseif (is_writable($CC_CONFIG[$d])) { $rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]); echo " * Skipping directory already exists: $rp\n"; } else { $rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]); echo " * WARNING: Directory already exists, but is not writable: $rp\n"; //exit(1); } $CC_CONFIG[$d] = $rp; } } checkIfRoot(); updateINIKeyValues('../build/', 'project.home', realpath(__dir__.'/../')); echo "******************************** Install Begin *********************************\n"; echo " *** Database Installation ***\n"; // Create the database user $command = "sudo -u postgres psql postgres --command \"CREATE USER {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']} " ." ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['password']}' LOGIN CREATEDB NOCREATEUSER;\" 2>/dev/null"; //echo $command."\n"; @exec($command, $output, $results); if ($results == 0) { echo " * User {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']} created.\n"; } else { echo " * User {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']} already exists.\n"; } $command = "sudo -u postgres createdb {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']} --owner {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']} 2> /dev/null"; //echo $command."\n"; @exec($command, $output, $results); if ($results == 0) { echo " * Database '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']}' created.\n"; } else { echo " * Database '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']}' already exists.\n"; } // Connect to DB campcaster_db_connect(true); // Install postgres scripting language $langIsInstalled = $CC_DBC->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = \'plpgsql\''); if ($langIsInstalled == '0') { echo " * Installing Postgres scripting language\n"; $sql = "CREATE LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'"; camp_install_query($sql, false); } else { echo " * Postgres scripting language already installed\n"; } echo " * Creating database tables\n"; // Put Propel sql files in Database $command = __DIR__."/../library/propel/generator/bin/propel-gen ../build/ insert-sql 2>propel-error.log"; @exec($command, $output, $results); directorySetup($CC_CONFIG); echo " * Setting dir permissions...\n"; install_setDirPermissions($CC_CONFIG["storageDir"]); echo " * Importing sample audio clips \n"; $command = __DIR__."/../utils/airtime-import --copy ../audio_samples/ > /dev/null"; @exec($command, $output, $results); $command = "python ".__DIR__."/../pypo/install/"; system($command); echo "******************************* Install Complete *******************************\n";