propel */ private $_dbMD = array ( "track_title" => "DbTrackTitle", "artist_name" => "DbArtistName", "album_title" => "DbAlbumTitle", "genre" => "DbGenre", "mood" => "DbMood", "track_number" => "DbTrackNumber", "bpm" => "DbBpm", "label" => "DbLabel", "composer" => "DbComposer", "encoded_by" => "DbEncodedBy", "conductor" => "DbConductor", "year" => "DbYear", "info_url" => "DbInfoUrl", "isrc_number" => "DbIsrcNumber", "copyright" => "DbCopyright", "length" => "DbLength", "bit_rate" => "DbBitRate", "sample_rate" => "DbSampleRate", "mime" => "DbMime", "md5" => "DbMd5", "ftype" => "DbFtype", "language" => "DbLanguage" ); public function __construct() { } public function getId() { return $this->_file->getDbId(); } public function getGunId() { return $this->_file->getDbGunid(); } public function getFormat() { return $this->_file->getDbFtype(); } public function getPropelOrm(){ return $this->_file; } public function setFormat($p_format) { $this->_file->setDbFtype($p_format); } /** * Set multiple metadata values using defined metadata constants. * * @param array $p_md * example: $p_md['MDATA_KEY_URL'] = '' */ public function setMetadata($p_md=null) { if (is_null($p_md)) { $this->setDbColMetadata(); } else { $dbMd = array(); foreach ($p_md as $mdConst => $mdValue) { $dbMd[constant($mdConst)] = $mdValue; } $this->setDbColMetadata($dbMd); } $this->_file->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now"), new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $this->_file->save(); } /** * Set multiple metadata values using database columns as indexes. * * @param array $p_md * example: $p_md['url'] = '' */ public function setDbColMetadata($p_md=null) { if (is_null($p_md)) { foreach ($this->_dbMD as $dbColumn => $propelColumn) { $method = "set$propelColumn"; $this->_file->$method(null); } } else { foreach ($p_md as $dbColumn => $mdValue) { //don't blank out name, defaults to original filename on first insertion to database. if($dbColumn == "track_title" && (is_null($mdValue) || $mdValue == "")) { continue; } if (isset($this->_dbMD[$dbColumn])) { $propelColumn = $this->_dbMD[$dbColumn]; $method = "set$propelColumn"; $this->_file->$method($mdValue); } } } $this->_file->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now"), new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $this->_file->save(); } /** * Set metadata element value * * @param string $category * Metadata element by metadata constant * @param string $value * value to store, if NULL then delete record */ public function setMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value) { // constant() was used because it gets quoted constant name value from // This is the wrapper funtion $this->setDbColMetadataValue(constant($p_category), $p_value); } /** * Set metadata element value * * @param string $category * Metadata element by db column * @param string $value * value to store, if NULL then delete record */ public function setDbColMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value) { //don't blank out name, defaults to original filename on first insertion to database. if($p_category == "track_title" && (is_null($p_value) || $p_value == "")) { return; } if (isset($this->_dbMD[$p_category])) { $propelColumn = $this->_dbMD[$p_category]; $method = "set$propelColumn"; $this->_file->$method($p_value); $this->_file->save(); } } /** * Get one metadata value. * * @param string $p_category (MDATA_KEY_URL) * @return string */ public function getMetadataValue($p_category) { // constant() was used because it gets quoted constant name value from // This is the wrapper funtion return $this->getDbColMetadataValue(constant($p_category)); } /** * Get one metadata value. * * @param string $p_category (url) * @return string */ public function getDbColMetadataValue($p_category) { $propelColumn = $this->_dbMD[$p_category]; $method = "get$propelColumn"; return $this->_file->$method(); } /** * Get metadata as array, indexed by the column names in the database. * * @return array */ public function getDbColMetadata() { $md = array(); foreach ($this->_dbMD as $dbColumn => $propelColumn) { $method = "get$propelColumn"; $md[$dbColumn] = $this->_file->$method(); } return $md; } /** * Get metadata as array, indexed by the constant names. * * @return array */ public function getMetadata() { $c = get_defined_constants(true); $md = array(); foreach ($c['user'] as $constant => $value) { if (preg_match('/^MDATA_KEY/', $constant)) { if (isset($this->_dbMD[$value])) { $md[$constant] = $this->getDbColMetadataValue($value); } } } return $md; } /** * Delete and insert media file * * @param string $p_localFilePath * local path * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function replaceFile($p_localFilePath, $p_copyMedia=TRUE) { // Dont do anything if the source and destination files are // the same. if ($this->name == $p_localFilePath) { return TRUE; } if ($this->exists) { $r = $this->deleteFile(); if (PEAR::isError($r)) { return $r; } } return $this->addFile($p_localFilePath, $p_copyMedia); } /** * Set state of virtual file * * @param string $p_state * 'empty'|'incomplete'|'ready'|'edited' * @param int $p_editedby * user id | 'NULL' for clear editedBy field * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function setState($p_state, $p_editedby=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $escapedState = pg_escape_string($p_state); $eb = (!is_null($p_editedby) ? ", editedBy=$p_editedby" : ''); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." SET state='$escapedState'$eb, mtime=now()" ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->state = $p_state; $this->editedby = $p_editedby; return TRUE; } /** * Returns an array of playlist objects that this file is a part of. * @return array */ public function getPlaylists() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT playlist_id " ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['playistTable'] ." WHERE file_id='{$this->id}'"; $ids = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql); $playlists = array(); if (is_array($ids) && count($ids) > 0) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $playlists[] = Application_Model_Playlist::Recall($id); } } return $playlists; } /** * Delete stored virtual file * * @param boolean $p_deleteFile * * @return void|PEAR_Error */ public function delete() { if ($this->exists()) { if ($this->getFormat() == 'audioclip') { $res = $this->deleteFile(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } } } // don't delete from the playslist. We might want to put a flag //Application_Model_Playlist::DeleteFileFromAllPlaylists($this->getId()); // set file_exists falg to false $this->_file->setDbFileExists(false); $this->_file->save(); //$this->_file->delete(); if (isset($res)) { return $res; } else { return false; } } /** * Delete media file from filesystem. * You cant delete a file if it is being accessed. * You cant delete a file if it is scheduled to be played in the future. * The file will be removed from all playlists it is a part of. * * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public function deleteFile() { global $CC_CONFIG; if ($this->isAccessed()) { return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot delete a file that is currently accessed.'); } // Check if the file is scheduled to be played in the future if (Application_Model_Schedule::IsFileScheduledInTheFuture($this->getId())) { return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot delete a file that is scheduled in the future.'); } return true; } /** * Returns true if media file exists * @return boolean */ public function exists() { if ($this->_file->isDeleted()) { return false; } if ($this->getFormat() == 'audioclip') { return $this->existsFile(); } } /** * Returns true if raw media file exists * @return boolean */ public function existsFile() { $filepath = $this->getFilePath(); if (!isset($filepath) || !file_exists($filepath) || !is_readable($filepath)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Returns true if virtual file is currently in use.
* * @return boolean */ public function isAccessed() { return ($this->_file->getDbCurrentlyaccessing() > 0); } /** * Return suitable extension. * * @return string * file extension without a dot */ public function getFileExtension() { $mime = $this->_file->getDbMime(); if ($mime == "audio/vorbis" || $mime == "application/ogg") { return "ogg"; } else if ($mime == "audio/mp3" || $mime == "audio/mpeg") { return "mp3"; } } /** * Get real filename of raw media data * * @return string */ public function getFilePath() { $music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPK($this->_file->getDbDirectory()); $directory = $music_dir->getDirectory(); $filepath = $this->_file->getDbFilepath(); return $directory.$filepath; } /** * Set real filename of raw media data * * @return string */ public function setFilePath($p_filepath) { $path_info = Application_Model_MusicDir::splitFilePath($p_filepath); if (is_null($path_info)) { return -1; } $musicDir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($path_info[0]); $this->_file->setDbDirectory($musicDir->getId()); $this->_file->setDbFilepath($path_info[1]); $this->_file->save(); } /** * Get the URL to access this file using the server name/address that * this PHP script was invoked through. */ public function getFileUrl() { $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; return $this->constructGetFileUrl($serverName, $serverPort); } /** * Get the URL to access this file using the server name/address that * is specified in the airtime.conf config file. If either of these is * not specified, then use values provided by the $_SERVER global variable. */ public function getFileUrlUsingConfigAddress(){ global $CC_CONFIG; if (isset($CC_CONFIG['baseUrl'])){ $serverName = $CC_CONFIG['baseUrl']; } else { $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } if (isset($CC_CONFIG['basePort'])){ $serverPort = $CC_CONFIG['basePort']; } else { $serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } return $this->constructGetFileUrl($serverName, $serverPort); } private function constructGetFileUrl($p_serverName, $p_serverPort){ return "http://$p_serverName:$p_serverPort/api/get-media/file/".$this->getGunId().".".$this->getFileExtension(); } /** * Sometimes we want a relative URL and not a full URL. See bug * */ public function getRelativeFileUrl($baseUrl) { return $baseUrl."/api/get-media/file/".$this->getGunId().".".$this->getFileExtension(); } public static function Insert($md=null) { $file = new CcFiles(); $file->setDbGunid(md5(uniqid("", true))); $file->setDbUtime(new DateTime("now"), new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $file->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now"), new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $storedFile = new Application_Model_StoredFile(); $storedFile->_file = $file; if(isset($md['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH'])) { // removed "//" in the path. Always use '/' for path separator $filepath = str_replace("//", "/", $md['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH']); $res = $storedFile->setFilePath($filepath); if ($res === -1) { return null; } } else { return null; } if(isset($md)) { $storedFile->setMetadata($md); } return $storedFile; } /** * Fetch instance of StoreFile object.
* Should be supplied with only ONE parameter, all the rest should * be NULL. * * @param int $p_id * local id * @param string $p_gunid * global unique id of file * @param string $p_md5sum * MD5 sum of the file * @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL * Return NULL if the object doesnt exist in the DB. */ public static function Recall($p_id=null, $p_gunid=null, $p_md5sum=null, $p_filepath=null) { if (isset($p_id)) { $file = CcFilesQuery::create()->findPK(intval($p_id)); } else if (isset($p_gunid)) { $file = CcFilesQuery::create() ->filterByDbGunid($p_gunid) ->findOne(); } else if (isset($p_md5sum)) { $file = CcFilesQuery::create() ->filterByDbMd5($p_md5sum) ->findOne(); } else if (isset($p_filepath)) { $path_info = Application_Model_MusicDir::splitFilePath($p_filepath); if (is_null($path_info)) { return null; } $music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($path_info[0]); $file = CcFilesQuery::create() ->filterByDbDirectory($music_dir->getId()) ->filterByDbFilepath($path_info[1]) ->findOne(); } else { return null; } if (isset($file)) { $storedFile = new Application_Model_StoredFile(); $storedFile->_file = $file; return $storedFile; } else { return null; } } public function getName(){ $info = pathinfo($this->getFilePath()); return $info['filename']; } /** * Create instance of StoreFile object and recall existing file * by gunid. * * @param string $p_gunid * global unique id of file * @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL */ public static function RecallByGunid($p_gunid) { return Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall(null, $p_gunid); } /** * Fetch the Application_Model_StoredFile by looking up the MD5 value. * * @param string $p_md5sum * @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL */ public static function RecallByMd5($p_md5sum) { return Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall(null, null, $p_md5sum); } /** * Fetch the Application_Model_StoredFile by looking up its filepath. * * @param string $p_filepath path of file stored in Airtime. * @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL */ public static function RecallByFilepath($p_filepath) { return Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall(null, null, null, $p_filepath); } public static function RecallByPartialFilepath($partial_path){ $path_info = Application_Model_MusicDir::splitFilePath($partial_path); if (is_null($path_info)) { return null; } $music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($path_info[0]); $files = CcFilesQuery::create() ->filterByDbDirectory($music_dir->getId()) ->filterByDbFilepath("$path_info[1]%") ->find(); $res = array(); foreach ($files as $file){ $storedFile = new Application_Model_StoredFile(); $storedFile->_file = $file; $res[] = $storedFile; } return $res; } public static function searchFilesForPlaylistBuilder($datatables) { global $CC_CONFIG; $displayData = array("track_title", "artist_name", "album_title", "genre", "length", "year", "utime", "mtime", "ftype"); $plSelect = "SELECT "; $fileSelect = "SELECT "; foreach ($displayData as $key) { if ($key === "track_title") { $plSelect .= "name AS ".$key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else if ($key === "ftype") { $plSelect .= "'playlist' AS ".$key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else if ($key === "artist_name") { $plSelect .= "creator AS ".$key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else if ($key === "length") { $plSelect .= $key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else if ($key === "year") { $plSelect .= "CAST(utime AS varchar) AS ".$key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else if ($key === "utime") { $plSelect .= $key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else if ($key === "mtime") { $plSelect .= $key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } else { $plSelect .= "NULL AS ".$key.", "; $fileSelect .= $key.", "; } } $fromTable = " ((".$plSelect." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["playListTable"]." AS PL LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['playListTimeView']." AS PLT USING(id)) UNION (".$fileSelect."id FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]." AS FILES WHERE file_exists = 'TRUE')) AS RESULTS"; $results = Application_Model_StoredFile::searchFiles($fromTable, $datatables); /* type = aData["ftype"].substring(0,2); id = aData["id"]; if(type == "au") { $('td.library_type', nRow).html( '' ); } else if(type == "pl") { $('td.library_type', nRow).html( '' ); } $(nRow).attr("id", type+'_'+id); */ foreach($results['aaData'] as &$row){ // add checkbox row $row['checkbox'] = ""; // a full timestamp is being returned for playlists' year column; // split it and grab only the year info $yearSplit = explode('-', $row['year']); $row['year'] = $yearSplit[0]; $type = substr($row['ftype'], 0, 2); $row['id'] = "{$type}_{$row['id']}"; //TODO url like this to work on both playlist/showbuilder screens. //datatable stuff really needs to be pulled out and generalized within the project //access to zend view methods to access url helpers is needed. if($type == "au") { $row['ftype'] = ''; } else { $row['ftype'] = ''; } } return $results; } public static function searchPlaylistsForSchedule($datatables) { $fromTable = "cc_playlist AS pl LEFT JOIN cc_playlisttimes AS plt USING(id) LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON pl.editedby ="; //$datatables["optWhere"][] = "INTERVAL '{$time_remaining}' > INTERVAL '00:00:00'"; $datatables["optWhere"][] = "plt.length > INTERVAL '00:00:00'"; return Application_Model_StoredFile::searchFiles($fromTable, $datatables); } public static function searchFiles($fromTable, $data) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $columnsDisplayed = explode(",", $data["sColumns"]); if($data["sSearch"] !== "") $searchTerms = explode(" ", $data["sSearch"]); $selectorCount = "SELECT COUNT(*)"; foreach( $columnsDisplayed as $key=>$col){ if($col == ''){ unset($columnsDisplayed[$key]); } } $selectorRows = "SELECT " . join(',', $columnsDisplayed ); $sql = $selectorCount." FROM ".$fromTable; $totalRows = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); // Where clause if(isset($data["optWhere"])) { $where[] = join(" AND ", $data["optWhere"]); } if(isset($searchTerms)) { $searchCols = array(); for($i=0; $i<$data["iColumns"]; $i++) { if($data["bSearchable_".$i] == "true") { $searchCols[] = $columnsDisplayed[$i]; } } $outerCond = array(); foreach($searchTerms as $term) { $innerCond = array(); foreach($searchCols as $col) { $escapedTerm = pg_escape_string($term); $innerCond[] = "{$col}::text ILIKE '%{$escapedTerm}%'"; } $outerCond[] = "(".join(" OR ", $innerCond).")"; } $where[] = "(".join(" AND ", $outerCond).")"; } // End Where clause // Order By clause $orderby = array(); for($i=0; $i<$data["iSortingCols"]; $i++){ $orderby[] = $columnsDisplayed[$data["iSortCol_".$i]]." ".$data["sSortDir_".$i]; } $orderby[] = "id"; $orderby = join("," , $orderby); // End Order By clause if(isset($where)) { $where = join(" AND ", $where); $sql = $selectorCount." FROM ".$fromTable." WHERE ".$where; $totalDisplayRows = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); $sql = $selectorRows." FROM ".$fromTable." WHERE ".$where." ORDER BY ".$orderby." OFFSET ".$data["iDisplayStart"]." LIMIT ".$data["iDisplayLength"]; } else { $sql = $selectorRows." FROM ".$fromTable." ORDER BY ".$orderby." OFFSET ".$data["iDisplayStart"]." LIMIT ".$data["iDisplayLength"]; } Logging::log($sql); $results = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql); if(!isset($totalDisplayRows)) { $totalDisplayRows = $totalRows; } return array("sEcho" => intval($data["sEcho"]), "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $totalDisplayRows, "iTotalRecords" => $totalRows, "aaData" => $results); } public static function uploadFile($p_targetDir) { // HTTP headers for no cache etc header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); // Settings $cleanupTargetDir = false; // Remove old files $maxFileAge = 60 * 60; // Temp file age in seconds // 5 minutes execution time @set_time_limit(5 * 60); // usleep(5000); // Get parameters $chunk = isset($_REQUEST["chunk"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunk"] : 0; $chunks = isset($_REQUEST["chunks"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunks"] : 0; $fileName = isset($_REQUEST["name"]) ? $_REQUEST["name"] : ''; Logging::log(__FILE__.":uploadFile(): filename=$fileName to $p_targetDir"); // Clean the fileName for security reasons //this needs fixing for songs not in ascii. //$fileName = preg_replace('/[^\w\._]+/', '', $fileName); // Create target dir if (!file_exists($p_targetDir)) @mkdir($p_targetDir); // Remove old temp files if (is_dir($p_targetDir) && ($dir = opendir($p_targetDir))) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { $filePath = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; // Remove temp files if they are older than the max age if (preg_match('/\.tmp$/', $file) && (filemtime($filePath) < time() - $maxFileAge)) @unlink($filePath); } closedir($dir); } else die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 100, "message": "Failed to open temp directory."}, "id" : "id"}'); // Look for the content type header if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"])) $contentType = $_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"]; if (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"])) $contentType = $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]; // create temp file name (CC-3086) // we are not using mktemp command anymore. // plupload support unique_name feature. $tempFilePath= $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName; if (strpos($contentType, "multipart") !== false) { if (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { // Open temp file $out = fopen($tempFilePath, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab"); if ($out) { // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file $in = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "rb"); if ($in) { while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) fwrite($out, $buff); } else die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream."}, "id" : "id"}'); fclose($out); unlink($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); } else die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}'); } else die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 103, "message": "Failed to move uploaded file."}, "id" : "id"}'); } else { // Open temp file $out = fopen($tempFilePath, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab"); if ($out) { // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file $in = fopen("php://input", "rb"); if ($in) { while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) fwrite($out, $buff); } else die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream."}, "id" : "id"}'); fclose($out); } else die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}'); } return $tempFilePath; } public static function copyFileToStor($p_targetDir, $fileName, $tempname){ $audio_file = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tempname; Logging::log('copyFileToStor: moving file '.$audio_file); $md5 = md5_file($audio_file); $duplicate = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallByMd5($md5); if ($duplicate) { if (PEAR::isError($duplicate)) { die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": ' . $duplicate->getMessage() .'}}'); } if (file_exists($duplicate->getFilePath())) { $duplicateName = $duplicate->getMetadataValue('MDATA_KEY_TITLE'); die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "An identical audioclip named \"' . $duplicateName . '\" already exists on the server."}}'); } } $storDir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir(); $stor = $storDir->getDirectory(); $stor .= "/organize"; $audio_stor = $stor . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName; Logging::log("copyFileToStor: moving file $audio_file to $audio_stor"); //Martin K.: changed to rename: Much less load + quicker since this is an atomic operation $r = @rename($audio_file, $audio_stor); //$r = @copy($audio_file, $audio_stor); //$r = @unlink($audio_file); } public static function getFileCount() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]; return $CC_DBC->GetOne($sql); } /** * * Enter description here ... * @param $dir_id - if this is not provided, it returns all files with full path constructed. * @param $propelObj - if this is true, it returns array of proepl obj */ public static function listAllFiles($dir_id=null, $propelObj=false){ global $CC_DBC; if($propelObj){ $sql = "SELECT || f.filepath as fp" ." FROM CC_MUSIC_DIRS m" ." LEFT JOIN CC_FILES f" ." ON = WHERE = $dir_id and f.file_exists = 'TRUE'"; }else{ $sql = "SELECT filepath as fp" ." FROM CC_FILES" ." WHERE directory = $dir_id and file_exists = 'TRUE'"; } $rows = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql); $results = array(); foreach ($rows as $row){ if($propelObj){ $results[] = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallByFilepath($row["fp"]); }else{ $results[] = $row["fp"]; } } return $results; } public function setSoundCloudLinkToFile($link_to_file) { $this->_file->setDbSoundCloudLinkToFile($link_to_file) ->save(); } public function getSoundCloudLinkToFile(){ return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudLinkToFile(); } public function setSoundCloudFileId($p_soundcloud_id) { $this->_file->setDbSoundCloudId($p_soundcloud_id) ->save(); } public function getSoundCloudId(){ return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudId(); } public function setSoundCloudErrorCode($code){ $this->_file->setDbSoundCloudErrorCode($code) ->save(); } public function getSoundCloudErrorCode(){ return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudErrorCode(); } public function setSoundCloudErrorMsg($msg){ $this->_file->setDbSoundCloudErrorMsg($msg) ->save(); } public function getSoundCloudErrorMsg(){ return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudErrorMsg(); } public function setFileExistsFlag($flag){ $this->_file->setDbFileExists($flag) ->save(); } public function getFileExistsFlag(){ return $this->_file->getDbFileExists(); } public function uploadToSoundCloud() { global $CC_CONFIG; $file = $this->_file; if(is_null($file)) { return "File does not exist"; } if(Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption()) { for($i=0; $i<$CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-connection-retries']; $i++) { $description = $file->getDbTrackTitle(); $tag = array(); $genre = $file->getDbGenre(); $release = $file->getDbYear(); try { $soundcloud = new Application_Model_Soundcloud(); $soundcloud_res = $soundcloud->uploadTrack($this->getFilePath(), $this->getName(), $description, $tag, $release, $genre); $this->setSoundCloudFileId($soundcloud_res['id']); $this->setSoundCloudLinkToFile($soundcloud_res['permalink_url']); break; } catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) { $code = $e->getHttpCode(); $msg = $e->getHttpBody(); $temp = explode('"error":',$msg); $msg = trim($temp[1], '"}'); $this->setSoundCloudErrorCode($code); $this->setSoundCloudErrorMsg($msg); // setting sc id to -3 which indicates error $this->setSoundCloudFileId(SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR); if(!in_array($code, array(0, 100))) { break; } } sleep($CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-connection-wait']); } } } }