'false', $prefix . 'public_url' => '', $prefix . 'output' => 'icecast', $prefix . 'host' => 'localhost', $prefix . 'port' => 8000, $prefix . 'mount' => '', $prefix . 'user' => 'source', $prefix . 'pass' => '', $prefix . 'admin_user' => 'admin', $prefix . 'admin_pass' => '', $prefix . 'channels' => 'stereo', $prefix . 'bitrate' => 128, $prefix . 'type' => '', $prefix . 'name' => '', $prefix . 'description' => '', $prefix . 'genre' => '', $prefix . 'url' => '', $prefix . 'mobile' => 'false', ]; } else { $output = Config::get("stream.outputs.merged.{$config_id}"); $result = [ $prefix . 'enable' => $output['enabled'] ?? 'false', $prefix . 'output' => $output['kind'] ?? 'icecast', $prefix . 'public_url' => $output['public_url'] ?? '', $prefix . 'host' => $output['host'] ?? 'localhost', $prefix . 'port' => $output['port'] ?? 8000, $prefix . 'mount' => $output['mount'] ?? '', $prefix . 'user' => $output['source_user'] ?? 'source', $prefix . 'pass' => $output['source_password'] ?? '', $prefix . 'admin_user' => $output['admin_user'] ?? 'admin', $prefix . 'admin_pass' => $output['admin_password'] ?? '', $prefix . 'channels' => $output['audio']['channels'] ?? 'stereo', $prefix . 'bitrate' => $output['audio']['bitrate'] ?? 128, $prefix . 'type' => $output['audio']['format'], $prefix . 'name' => $output['name'] ?? '', $prefix . 'description' => $output['description'] ?? '', $prefix . 'genre' => $output['genre'] ?? '', $prefix . 'url' => $output['website'] ?? '', $prefix . 'mobile' => 'false', // $prefix . 'liquidsoap_error' => 'waiting', ]; } if (!$result[$prefix . 'public_url']) { $host = Config::get('general.public_url_raw')->getHost(); $port = $result[$prefix . 'port']; $mount = $result[$prefix . 'mount']; $result[$prefix . 'public_url'] = "http://{$host}:{$port}/{$mount}"; if ($result[$prefix . 'output'] == 'shoutcast') { // The semi-colon is important to make Shoutcast stream URLs play instead turn into a page. $result[$prefix . 'public_url'] .= ';'; } } return $result; } public static function getOutputEnabledKeys() { $keys = []; foreach (Config::get('stream.outputs.merged') as $id => $output) { if ($output['enabled'] ?? false) { $keys[] = self::toOutputKey($id + 1); } } return $keys; } } class Application_Model_StreamSetting { public static function getEnabledStreamData() { $streams = []; $streamIds = self::getEnabledStreamIds(); foreach ($streamIds as $id) { $streamData = self::getStreamData($id); $prefix = $id . '_'; $streams[$id] = [ 'url' => $streamData[$prefix . 'public_url'], 'codec' => $streamData[$prefix . 'type'], 'bitrate' => $streamData[$prefix . 'bitrate'], 'mobile' => $streamData[$prefix . 'mobile'], ]; } return $streams; } /* Returns the id's of all streams that are enabled in an array. An * example of the array returned in JSON notation is ["s1", "s2", "s3"] */ public static function getEnabledStreamIds() { return Application_Model_StreamConfig::getOutputEnabledKeys(); } /* Returns all information related to a specific stream. An example * of a stream id is 's1' or 's2'. */ public static function getStreamData($p_streamId) { return Application_Model_StreamConfig::getOutput($p_streamId, true); } /* Similar to getStreamData, but removes all sX prefixes to * make data easier to iterate over */ public static function getStreamDataNormalized($p_streamId) { return Application_Model_StreamConfig::getOutput($p_streamId, false); } public static function getStreamSetting() { $settings = []; $numStreams = MAX_NUM_STREAMS; for ($streamIdx = 1; $streamIdx <= $numStreams; ++$streamIdx) { $settings = array_merge($settings, self::getStreamData('s' . $streamIdx)); } $settings['master_live_stream_port'] = self::getMasterLiveStreamPort(); $settings['master_live_stream_mp'] = self::getMasterLiveStreamMountPoint(); $settings['dj_live_stream_port'] = self::getDjLiveStreamPort(); $settings['dj_live_stream_mp'] = self::getDjLiveStreamMountPoint(); $settings['off_air_meta'] = Application_Model_Preference::getOffAirMeta(); $settings['icecast_vorbis_metadata'] = self::getIcecastVorbisMetadata(); $settings['output_sound_device'] = self::getOutputSoundDevice(); $settings['output_sound_device_type'] = self::getOutputSoundDeviceType(); return $settings; } public static function getStreamEnabled($stream_id) { return in_array('s' . $stream_id, self::getEnabledStreamIds()); } /* * Only returns info that is needed for data collection * returns array('s1'=>array(keyname=>value)) */ public static function getStreamInfoForDataCollection() { $result = []; $stream_ids = self::getEnabledStreamIds(); foreach ($stream_ids as $stream_id) { $stream = self::getStreamDataNormalized($stream_id); $keys = array_flip(['output', 'type', 'bitrate', 'host']); $result[$stream_id] = array_intersect_key($stream, $keys); } return $result; } public static function getMasterLiveStreamPort() { return Config::get('stream.inputs.main.port') ?? 8001; } public static function getMasterLiveStreamMountPoint() { return Config::get('stream.inputs.main.mount') ?? 'main'; } public static function getDjLiveStreamPort() { return Config::get('stream.inputs.show.port') ?? 8002; } public static function getDjLiveStreamMountPoint() { return Config::get('stream.inputs.show.mount') ?? 'show'; } public static function getAdminUser($stream) { return self::getStreamDataNormalized($stream)['admin_user']; } public static function getAdminPass($stream) { return self::getStreamDataNormalized($stream)['admin_pass']; } public static function getIcecastVorbisMetadata() { foreach (Config::get('stream.outputs.merged') as $output) { if ($output['audio']['enable_metadata'] ?? false) { return true; } } return ''; } public static function getOutputSoundDevice() { return Config::get('stream.outputs.system.0.enabled') ?? 'false'; } public static function getOutputSoundDeviceType() { return Config::get('stream.outputs.system.0.kind') ?? ''; } }