Template: airtime/apache-setup Type: select __Choices: dedicated v-host, no thanks Choices-de.UTF-8: v-host einrichten, nein danke Default: dedicated v-host _Description: Create apache2 config: This setup script can perform Apache web server configuration so that you can connect to Airtime directly after this installation. . Production systems should choose "dedicated v-host". This option will ask for a server hostname (FQDN) and will create a minimal Apache virtual host configuration that you can adapt. . "no, thanks": no problem. You're welcome to set it up however you like. Note that the files in /etc/airtime/ may come in handy doing so. Description-de.UTF-8: Erzeugen einer apache2 konfiuration: . Template: airtime/apache-deldefault Type: select __Choices: remove default, no change Default: no change _Description: Remove 000-default apache config: By default the Apache webserver is configured to send all virtual hosts to the /var/www/ directory. . This option will invoke `sudo a2dissite default` and is recommended when using a virtual host for Airtime. Template: airtime/apache-servername Type: string Default: localhost _Description: FQDN - Apache virtual host ServerName: Enter the main hostname of the web server. The DNS of this name must resolve to the Apache server running on this machine. . e.g. "example.com" or "www.example.com" (without the quotes) . You can customize /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/airtime.vhost afterward and add ServerAliases and further custom configuration. Template: airtime/apache-serveradmin Type: string Default: root@localhost _Description: Email of the ServerAdmin: An email address is required for the virtual host configuration. Template: airtime/icecast-setup Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Enable Icecast2 and set passwords automatically? This option enables a local Icecast streaming media server to start on boot, and configures passwords for both the Icecast server and Airtime. . Note: these settings are here for convenience only. Strictly speaking they should be done during Icecast installation - not Airtime installation. . If you wish to set Icecast server passwords manually, you should answer No here. Template: airtime/icecast-hostname Type: string Default: localhost _Description: Icecast2 hostname: Specify the hostname of the Icecast server. Depending on your setup, this might be the same as the Airtime ServerName. For testing purposes, you can use the default of 'localhost'. Template: airtime/icecast-sourcepw Type: string Default: hackme _Description: Icecast2 Source Password: Specify a password to send A/V sources to Icecast Template: airtime/icecast-relaypw Type: string Default: hackme _Description: Icecast2 Relay Password: Specify a password for stream relay access. This is not needed by Airtime, however you should change it from the default to lock down your system. Template: airtime/icecast-adminpw Type: string Default: hackme _Description: Icecast2 Admin Password: Specify the admin password for Icecast. You can access icecast2's admin interface via http://localhost:8000/ - and both monitor connection as well as block users. Template: airtime/admin-password Type: string Default: admin _Description: Airtime Admin Password: Specify a secure admin password for Airtime. You can access the Airtime administration interface at http://localhost/ to set up other user accounts, upload media, create playlists and schedule shows. Template: airtime/storage-directory Type: string Default: /srv/airtime/stor/ _Description: Airtime Storage Directory: Specify the main storage path which Airtime will use, ending with a slash. You can also specify watched folders in the Airtime administration interface.