
function booleanReduce($a, $b)
    return $a && $b;

 * Check to see if Airtime is properly configured.
 * @return bool true if all Airtime dependencies and services are
 *              properly configured and running
function checkConfiguration()
    $r1 = array_reduce(checkPhpDependencies(), 'booleanReduce', true);
    $r2 = array_reduce(checkExternalServices(), 'booleanReduce', true);

    return $r1 && $r2;

 * Check for Airtime's PHP dependencies and return an associative
 * array with the results.
 * @return array associative array of dependency check results
function checkPhpDependencies()
    return [
        'postgres' => checkDatabaseDependencies(),

 * Check that the PHP dependencies for the database exist.
 * @return bool true if the database dependencies exist
function checkDatabaseDependencies()
    global $extensions;

    // Check the PHP extension list for the Postgres db extensions
    return in_array('pdo_pgsql', $extensions)
        && in_array('pgsql', $extensions);

function with_systemd()
    return !empty(shell_exec('which systemctl'));

 * Check that all external services are configured correctly and return an associative
 * array with the results.
 * @return array associative array of external service check results
function checkExternalServices()
    $result = [
        'database' => checkDatabaseConfiguration(),
        'rabbitmq' => checkRMQConnection(),

    if (with_systemd()) {
        $result['analyzer'] = checkAnalyzerService();
        $result['pypo'] = checkPlayoutService();
        $result['liquidsoap'] = checkLiquidsoapService();
        $result['celery'] = checkCeleryService();
        $result['api'] = checkApiService();

    return $result;

 * Check the database configuration by fetching a connection from Propel.
 * @return bool true if a connection is made to the database
function checkDatabaseConfiguration()

    try {
        // Try to establish a database connection. If something goes
        // wrong, the database is improperly configured
    } catch (Exception $exc) {

        return false;

    return true;

 * Initialize Propel to configure the Airtime database.
function configureDatabase()

 * Check that we can connect to RabbitMQ.
 * @return true if the RabbitMQ connection can be established
function checkRMQConnection()
    $config = Config::getConfig();

    try {
        $conn = new \PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection(

        return isset($conn);
    } catch (\PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPRuntimeException $exc) {

        return false;

 * Check if airtime-analyzer is currently running.
 * @return bool true if airtime-analyzer is running
function checkAnalyzerService()
    exec('systemctl is-active libretime-analyzer --quiet', $out, $status);

    return $status == 0;

 * Check if libretime-playout is currently running.
 * @return bool true if libretime-playout is running
function checkPlayoutService()
    exec('systemctl is-active libretime-playout --quiet', $out, $status);

    return $status == 0;

 * Check if libretime-liquidsoap is currently running.
 * @return bool true if libretime-liquidsoap is running
function checkLiquidsoapService()
    exec('systemctl is-active libretime-liquidsoap --quiet', $out, $status);

    return $status == 0;

 * Check if libretime-worker is currently running.
 * @return bool true if libretime-worker is running
function checkCeleryService()
    exec('systemctl is-active libretime-worker --quiet', $out, $status);

    return $status == 0;

 * Check if libretime-api is currently running.
 * @return bool true if libretime-api is running
function checkApiService()
    exec('systemctl status libretime-api --quiet', $out, $status);

    return $status == 0;