filterByDbShowId($this->id) ->filterByDbRepeatType(-1, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL) ->find(); } /** * Gets an array of CcShowDays objects which contain a foreign key that references this object. * * If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. * Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. * Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. * If this CcShow is new, it will return * an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object. * * @param Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query * @param PropelPDO $con optional connection object * @return PropelCollection|array CcShowDays[] List of CcShowDays objects * @throws PropelException */ public function getFirstCcShowDay($criteria = null, PropelPDO $con = null) { /*CcShowPeer::clearInstancePool(); CcShowPeer::clearRelatedInstancePool();*/ if(null === $this->collCcShowDayss || null !== $criteria) { if ($this->isNew() && null === $this->collCcShowDayss) { // return empty collection $this->initCcShowDayss(); } else { $collCcShowDayss = CcShowDaysQuery::create(null, $criteria) ->filterByCcShow($this) ->orderByDbFirstShow() ->limit(1) ->find($con); if (null !== $criteria) { return $collCcShowDayss; } $this->collCcShowDayss = $collCcShowDayss; } } return $this->collCcShowDayss[0]; } /** * * A repeating show may have a rule in cc_show_days with a repeat type * of -1 (not repeating). This happens when a single instances was edited * from the repeating sequence. * * When the repeating show gets edited in this case, we want to exclude all * the edited instances from the update. We do this by not returning any of * the cc_show_day rules with a -1 repeat type. */ public function getFirstRepeatingCcShowDay() { return CcShowDaysQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->id) ->filterByDbRepeatType(-1, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL) ->orderByDbFirstShow() ->findOne(); } /** * * In order to determine if a show is repeating we need to check each * cc_show_day entry and check if there are any non -1 repeat types. * Because editing a single instances creates a new cc_show_day rule * with a -1 (non repeating) repeat type we need to check all cc_show_day * entries */ public function isRepeating() { //get all cc_show_day entries that are repeating $ccShowDays = CcShowDaysQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->id) ->filterByDbRepeatType(0, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL) ->find(); if (!$ccShowDays->isEmpty()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns all cc_show_instances that have been edited out of * a repeating sequence */ public function getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds() { //get cc_show_days that have been edited (not repeating) $ccShowDays = CcShowDaysQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->id) ->filterByDbRepeatType(-1) ->find(); $startsUTC = array(); $utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC"); foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) { //convert to UTC $starts = new DateTime( $day->getDbFirstShow()." ".$day->getDbStartTime(), new DateTimeZone($day->getDbTimezone()) ); $starts->setTimezone($utc); array_push($startsUTC, $starts->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } $excludeInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->id) ->filterByDbStarts($startsUTC, criteria::IN) ->find(); $excludeIds = array(); foreach ($excludeInstances as $instance) { array_push($excludeIds, $instance->getDbId()); } return $excludeIds; } /** * Gets an array of CcShowInstances objects which contain a foreign key that references this object. * * If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. * Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. * Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. * If this CcShow is new, it will return * an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object. * * @param Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query * @param PropelPDO $con optional connection object * @return PropelCollection|array CcShowInstances[] List of CcShowInstances objects * @throws PropelException */ public function getFutureCcShowInstancess($criteria = null, PropelPDO $con = null) { if(null === $this->collCcShowInstancess || null !== $criteria) { if ($this->isNew() && null === $this->collCcShowInstancess) { // return empty collection $this->initCcShowInstancess(); } else { $collCcShowInstancess = CcShowInstancesQuery::create(null, $criteria) ->filterByCcShow($this) ->filterByDbStarts(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::GREATER_THAN) ->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false) ->find($con); if (null !== $criteria) { return $collCcShowInstancess; } $this->collCcShowInstancess = $collCcShowInstancess; } } return $this->collCcShowInstancess; } public function isRecorded() { $ccShowDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->getDbId()) ->filterByDbRecord(1) ->findOne(); return (!is_null($ccShowDay)); } public function isRebroadcast() { $ccShowRebroadcast = CcShowRebroadcastQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->getDbId()) ->findOne(); return (!is_null($ccShowRebroadcast)); } public function getRebroadcastsRelative() { return CcShowRebroadcastQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->getDbId()) ->orderByDbDayOffset() ->find(); } public function getRebroadcastsAbsolute() { return CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->filterByDbShowId($this->getDbId()) ->filterByDbRebroadcast(1) ->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false) ->orderByDbStarts() ->find(); } public function isLinked() { return $this->getDbLinked(); } public function isLinkable() { return $this->getDbIsLinkable(); } /** * Gets an array of CcShowInstances objects which contain a foreign key that references this object. * * If the $criteria is not null, it is used to always fetch the results from the database. * Otherwise the results are fetched from the database the first time, then cached. * Next time the same method is called without $criteria, the cached collection is returned. * If this CcShow is new, it will return * an empty collection or the current collection; the criteria is ignored on a new object. * * @param Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query * @param PropelPDO $con optional connection object * @return PropelCollection|array CcShowInstances[] List of CcShowInstances objects * @throws PropelException */ public function getCcShowInstancess($criteria = null, PropelPDO $con = null) { return CcShowInstancesQuery::create(null, $criteria) ->filterByCcShow($this) ->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false) ->orderByDbId() ->find($con); /*if(null === $this->collCcShowInstancess || null !== $criteria) { if ($this->isNew() && null === $this->collCcShowInstancess) { // return empty collection $this->initCcShowInstancess(); } else { $collCcShowInstancess = CcShowInstancesQuery::create(null, $criteria) ->filterByCcShow($this) ->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false) ->filterByDbStarts(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), criteria::GREATER_THAN) ->orderByDbId() ->find($con); if (null !== $criteria) { return $collCcShowInstancess; } $this->collCcShowInstancess = $collCcShowInstancess; } } return $this->collCcShowInstancess;*/ } public function getInstanceIds() { $instanceIds = array(); foreach ($this->getCcShowInstancess() as $ccShowInstance) { $instanceIds[] = $ccShowInstance->getDbId(); } return $instanceIds; } /* * Returns cc_show_instance ids where the start time is greater than * the current time * * If a Criteria object is passed in Propel will always fetch the * results from the database and not return a cached collection */ public function getFutureInstanceIds($criteria = null) { $instanceIds = array(); foreach ($this->getFutureCcShowInstancess($criteria) as $ccShowInstance) { $instanceIds[] = $ccShowInstance->getDbId(); } return $instanceIds; } //what is this?? public function getOtherInstances($instanceId) { return CcShowInstancesQuery::create() ->filterByCcShow($this) ->filterByDbId($instanceId, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL) ->find(); } public function getShowInfo() { $info = array(); if ($this->getDbId() == null) { return $info; } else { $info['name'] = $this->getDbName(); $info['id'] = $this->getDbId(); $info['url'] = $this->getDbUrl(); $info['genre'] = $this->getDbGenre(); $info['description'] = $this->getDbDescription(); $info['color'] = $this->getDbColor(); $info['background_color'] = $this->getDbBackgroundColor(); $info['linked'] = $this->getDbLinked(); return $info; } } } // CcShow