#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # author Jonas Ohrstrom """ Python part of radio playout (pypo) The main functions are "fetch" (./pypo_cli.py -f) and "push" (./pypo_cli.py -p) Also check out the php counterpart that handles the api requests: https://lab.digris.ch/svn/elgg/trunk/unstable/mod/medialibrary/application/controllers/api/pypo.php Attention & ToDos - liquidsoap does not like mono files! So we have to make sure that only files with 2 channels are fed to LS (solved: current = audio_to_stereo(current) - maybe not with ultimate performance) made for python version 2.5!! should work with 2.6 as well with a bit of adaption. for sure the json parsing has to be changed (2.6 has an parser, pypo brings it's own -> util/json.py) """ # python defaults (debian default) import time import os import traceback from optparse import * import sys import time import datetime import logging import logging.config import shutil import urllib import urllib2 import pickle import telnetlib import random import string import operator import inspect # additional modules (should be checked) from configobj import ConfigObj # custom imports from util import * from api_clients import * PYPO_VERSION = '0.2' # Set up command-line options parser = OptionParser() # help screeen / info usage = "%prog [options]" + " - python playout system" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) # Options parser.add_option("-v", "--compat", help="Check compatibility with server API version", default=False, action="store_true", dest="check_compat") parser.add_option("-f", "--fetch-scheduler", help="Fetch from scheduler - scheduler (loop, interval in config file)", default=False, action="store_true", dest="fetch_scheduler") parser.add_option("-p", "--push-scheduler", help="Push scheduler to Liquidsoap (loop, interval in config file)", default=False, action="store_true", dest="push_scheduler") parser.add_option("-F", "--fetch-daypart", help="Fetch from daypart - scheduler (loop, interval in config file)", default=False, action="store_true", dest="fetch_daypart") parser.add_option("-P", "--push-daypart", help="Push daypart to Liquidsoap (loop, interval in config file)", default=False, action="store_true", dest="push_daypart") parser.add_option("-b", "--cleanup", help="Cleanup", default=False, action="store_true", dest="cleanup") parser.add_option("-j", "--jingles", help="Get new jingles from obp, comma separated list if jingle-id's as argument", metavar="LIST") parser.add_option("-c", "--check", help="Check the cached schedule and exit", default=False, action="store_true", dest="check") # parse options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # configure logging logging.config.fileConfig("logging.cfg") # loading config file try: config = ConfigObj('config.cfg') CACHE_DIR = config['cache_dir'] FILE_DIR = config['file_dir'] TMP_DIR = config['tmp_dir'] API_BASE = config['api_base'] API_KEY = config['api_key'] POLL_INTERVAL = float(config['poll_interval']) PUSH_INTERVAL = float(config['push_interval']) LS_HOST = config['ls_host'] LS_PORT = config['ls_port'] #PREPARE_AHEAD = config['prepare_ahead'] CACHE_FOR = config['cache_for'] CUE_STYLE = config['cue_style'] #print config except Exception, e: print 'Error loading config file: ', e sys.exit() #TIME = time.localtime(time.time()) TIME = (2010, 6, 26, 15, 33, 23, 2, 322, 0) # to help with debugging - get the current line number def lineno(): """Returns the current function name and line number in our program.""" return "File " +inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_filename + " / Line " + str(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno) + ": " class Global: def __init__(self): #print '# global initialisation' print def selfcheck(self): self.api_auth = urllib.urlencode({'api_key': API_KEY}) self.api_client = api_client.api_client_factory(config) self.api_client.check_version() """ Uncomment the following lines to let pypo check if liquidsoap is running. (checks for a telnet server) """ # while self.status.check_ls(LS_HOST, LS_PORT) == 0: # print 'Unable to connect to liquidsoap. Is it up and running?' # time.sleep(2) """ """ class Playout: def __init__(self): #print '# init fallback' self.file_dir = FILE_DIR self.tmp_dir = TMP_DIR self.api_auth = urllib.urlencode({'api_key': API_KEY}) self.api_client = api_client.api_client_factory(config) self.cue_file = CueFile() # set initial state self.range_updated = False """ Fetching part of pypo - Reads the scheduled entries of a given range (actual time +/- "prepare_ahead" / "cache_for") - Saves a serialized file of the schedule - playlists are prepared. (brought to liquidsoap format) and, if not mounted via nsf, files are copied to the cache dir (Folder-structure: cache/YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss) - runs the cleanup routine, to get rid of unused cashed files """ def fetch(self, export_source): """ wrapper script for fetching the whole schedule (in json) """ logger = logging.getLogger("fetch") self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' try: os.mkdir(self.cache_dir) except Exception, e: pass """ Trigger daypart range-generation. (Only if daypart-instance) """ if self.export_source == 'daypart': print '******************************' print '*** TRIGGER DAYPART UPDATE ***' print '******************************' try: self.generate_range_dp() except Exception, e: logger.error(lineno() + "%s", e) # get schedule try: while self.get_schedule() != 1: logger.warning("failed to read from export url") time.sleep(1) except Exception, e: logger.error(lineno() +"%s", e) # prepare the playlists if CUE_STYLE == 'pre': try: self.prepare_playlists_cue(self.export_source) except Exception, e: logger.error(lineno() + "%s", e) elif CUE_STYLE == 'otf': try: self.prepare_playlists(self.export_source) except Exception, e: logger.error(lineno() + "%s", e) # cleanup try: self.cleanup(self.export_source) except Exception, e: logger.error(lineno() + "%s", e) logger.info("fetch loop completed") """ This is actually a bit ugly (again feel free to improve!!) The generate_range_dp function should be called once a day, we do this at 18h. The hour before the state is set back to 'False' """ def generate_range_dp(self): logger = logging.getLogger("generate_range_dp") logger.debug("trying to trigger daypart update") tnow = time.localtime(time.time()) if(tnow[3] == 16): self.range_updated = False if(tnow[3] == 17 and self.range_updated == False): try: print self.api_client.generate_range_dp() logger.info("daypart updated") self.range_updated = True except Exception, e: print e def get_schedule(self): logger = logging.getLogger("Playout.get_schedule") status, response = self.api_client.get_schedule(); if status == 1: logger.info("dump serialized schedule to %s", self.schedule_file) schedule = response['playlists'] try: schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "w") pickle.dump(schedule, schedule_file) schedule_file.close() except Exception, e: print lineno() + e status = 0 return status """ Alternative version of playout preparation. Every playlist entry is pre-cued if neccessary (cue_in/cue_out != 0) and stored in the playlist folder. file is eg 2010-06-23-15-00-00/17_cue_10.132-123.321.mp3 """ def prepare_playlists_cue(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger("fetch.prepare_playlists") self.export_source = export_source try: schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "r") schedule = pickle.load(schedule_file) schedule_file.close() except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) schedule = None #for pkey in schedule: try: for pkey in sorted(schedule.iterkeys()): logger.info("found playlist at %s", pkey) #print pkey playlist = schedule[pkey] # create playlist directory try: os.mkdir(self.cache_dir + str(pkey)) except Exception, e: pass ls_playlist = ''; print '*****************************************' print 'pkey: ' + str(pkey) print 'cached at : ' + self.cache_dir + str(pkey) print 'subtype: ' + str(playlist['subtype']) print 'played: ' + str(playlist['played']) print 'schedule id: ' + str(playlist['schedule_id']) print 'duration: ' + str(playlist['duration']) print 'source id: ' + str(playlist['x_ident']) print '*****************************************' # TODO: maybe a bit more modular.. silence_file = self.file_dir + 'basic/silence.mp3' if int(playlist['played']) == 1: logger.info("playlist %s already played / sent to liquidsoap, so will ignore it", pkey) elif int(playlist['subtype']) == 5: """ This is a live session, so silence is scheduled Maybe not the most elegant solution :) It adds 20 time 30min silence to the playlist Silence file has to be in /basic/silence.mp3 """ logger.debug("found %s seconds of live/studio session at %s", pkey, playlist['duration']) if os.path.isfile(silence_file): logger.debug('file stored at: %s' + silence_file) for i in range (0, 19): ls_playlist += silence_file + "\n" else: print 'Could not find silence file!' print 'file is excpected to be at: ' + silence_file logger.critical('file is excpected to be at: %s', silence_file) sys.exit() elif int(playlist['subtype']) == 6: """ This is a live-cast session create a silence list. (could eg also be a falback list..) """ logger.debug("found %s seconds of live-cast session at %s", pkey, playlist['duration']) if os.path.isfile(silence_file): logger.debug('file stored at: %s' + silence_file) for i in range (0, 19): ls_playlist += silence_file + "\n" else: print 'Could not find silence file!' print 'file is excpected to be at: ' + silence_file logger.critical('file is excpected to be at: %s', silence_file) sys.exit() elif int(playlist['subtype']) > 0 and int(playlist['subtype']) < 5: for media in playlist['medias']: logger.debug("found track at %s", media['uri']) try: src = media['uri'] if str(media['cue_in']) == '0' and str(media['cue_out']) == '0': dst = "%s%s/%s.mp3" % (self.cache_dir, str(pkey), str(media['id'])) do_cue = False else: dst = "%s%s/%s_cue_%s-%s.mp3" % \ (self.cache_dir, str(pkey), str(media['id']), str(float(media['cue_in']) / 1000), str(float(media['cue_out']) / 1000)) do_cue = True #print "dst_cue: " + dst # check if it is a remote file, if yes download if src[0:4] == 'http' and do_cue == False: if os.path.isfile(dst): logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst) else: logger.debug("try to download %s", src) try: print '** urllib auth with: ', print self.api_auth urllib.urlretrieve (src, dst, False, self.api_auth) logger.info("downloaded %s to %s", src, dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) elif src[0:4] == 'http' and do_cue == True: if os.path.isfile(dst): logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst) print 'cached' else: logger.debug("try to download and cue %s", src) print '***' dst_tmp = self.tmp_dir + "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(10)]) + '.mp3' print dst_tmp print '***' try: print '** urllib auth with: ', print self.api_auth urllib.urlretrieve (src, dst_tmp, False, self.api_auth) logger.info("downloaded %s to %s", src, dst_tmp) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) # cue print "STARTIONG CUE" print self.cue_file.cue(dst_tmp, dst, float(media['cue_in']) / 1000, float(media['cue_out']) / 1000) print "END CUE" if True == os.access(dst, os.R_OK): try: fsize = os.path.getsize(dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) fsize = 0 if fsize > 0: logger.debug('try to remove temporary file: %s' + dst_tmp) try: os.remove(dst_tmp) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) else: logger.warning('something went wrong cueing: %s - using uncued file' + dst) try: os.rename(dst_tmp, dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) else: """ Handle files on nas. Pre-cueing not implemented at the moment. (not needed by openbroadcast, feel free to add this) """ # assume the file is local # logger.info("local file assumed for : %s", src) # dst = src """ Here an implementation for localy stored files. Works the same as with remote files, just replaced API-download with file copy. """ if do_cue == False: if os.path.isfile(dst): logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst) else: logger.debug("try to copy file to cache %s", src) try: shutil.copy(src, dst) logger.info("copied %s to %s", src, dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) if do_cue == True: if os.path.isfile(dst): logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst) else: logger.debug("try to copy and cue %s", src) print '***' dst_tmp = self.tmp_dir + "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(10)]) print dst_tmp print '***' try: shutil.copy(src, dst_tmp) logger.info("copied %s to %s", src, dst_tmp) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) # cue print "STARTIONG CUE" print self.cue_file.cue(dst_tmp, dst, float(media['cue_in']) / 1000, float(media['cue_out']) / 1000) print "END CUE" if True == os.access(dst, os.R_OK): try: fsize = os.path.getsize(dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) fsize = 0 if fsize > 0: logger.debug('try to remove temporary file: %s' + dst_tmp) try: os.remove(dst_tmp) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) else: logger.warning('something went wrong cueing: %s - using uncued file' + dst) try: os.rename(dst_tmp, dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) if True == os.access(dst, os.R_OK): # check filesize (avoid zero-byte files) #print 'waiting: ' + dst try: fsize = os.path.getsize(dst) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) fsize = 0 if fsize > 0: pl_entry = 'annotate:export_source="%s",media_id="%s",liq_start_next="%s",liq_fade_in="%s",liq_fade_out="%s":%s' % \ (str(media['export_source']), media['id'], 0, str(float(media['fade_in']) / 1000), str(float(media['fade_out']) / 1000), dst) print pl_entry """ Tracks are only added to the playlist if they are accessible on the file system and larger than 0 bytes. So this can lead to playlists shorter than expectet. (there is a hardware silence detector for this cases...) """ ls_playlist += pl_entry + "\n" logger.debug("everything ok, adding %s to playlist", pl_entry) else: print 'zero-file: ' + dst + ' from ' + src logger.warning("zero-size file - skiping %s. will not add it to playlist", dst) else: logger.warning("something went wrong. file %s not available. will not add it to playlist", dst) except Exception, e: logger.info("%s", e) """ This is kind of hackish. We add a bunch of "silence" tracks to the end of each playlist. So we can make sure the list does not get repeated just before a new one is called. (or in case nothing is in the scheduler afterwards) 20 x silence = 10 hours """ for i in range (0, 1): ls_playlist += silence_file + "\n" print '', # write playlist file plfile = open(self.cache_dir + str(pkey) + '/list.lsp', "w") plfile.write(ls_playlist) plfile.close() logger.info('ls playlist file written to %s', self.cache_dir + str(pkey) + '/list.lsp') except Exception, e: logger.info("%s", e) def cleanup(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger("cleanup") self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' """ Cleans up folders in cache_dir. Look for modification date older than "now - CACHE_FOR" and deletes them. """ offset = 3600 * int(CACHE_FOR) now = time.time() for r, d, f in os.walk(CACHE_DIR): for dir in d: timestamp = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(r, dir)) logger.debug('Folder "Age": %s - %s', round((((now - offset) - timestamp) / 60), 2), os.path.join(r, dir)) if now - offset > timestamp: try: logger.debug('trying to remove %s - timestamp: %s', os.path.join(r, dir), timestamp) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(r, dir)) except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) pass else: logger.info('sucessfully removed %s', os.path.join(r, dir)) """ The counterpart - the push loop periodically (minimal 1/2 of the playlist-grid) checks if there is a playlist that should be scheduled at the current time. If yes, the temporary liquidsoap playlist gets replaced with the corresponding one, then liquidsoap is asked (via telnet) to reload and immediately play it. """ def push(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger("push") self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' self.push_ahead = 15 try: dummy = self.schedule logger.debug('schedule already loaded') except Exception, e: self.schedule = self.push_init(self.export_source) self.schedule = self.push_init(self.export_source) """ I'm quite sure that this could be achieved in a much more elegant way in python... """ tcomming = time.localtime(time.time() + self.push_ahead) tnow = time.localtime(time.time()) str_tnow = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tnow[0], tnow[1], tnow[2], tnow[3], tnow[4]) str_tnow_s = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tnow[0], tnow[1], tnow[2], tnow[3], tnow[4], tnow[5]) str_tcomming = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tcomming[0], tcomming[1], tcomming[2], tcomming[3], tcomming[4]) str_tcomming_s = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tcomming[0], tcomming[1], tcomming[2], tcomming[3], tcomming[4], tcomming[5]) print '--' print str_tnow_s + ' now' print str_tcomming_s + ' comming' playnow = None if self.schedule == None: print 'unable to loop schedule - maybe write in progress' print 'will try in next loop' else: for pkey in self.schedule: logger.debug('found playlist schedulet at: %s', pkey) #if pkey[0:16] == str_tnow: if pkey[0:16] == str_tcomming: playlist = self.schedule[pkey] if int(playlist['played']) != 1: print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print 'MATCH' """ ok we have a match, replace the current playlist and force liquidsoap to refresh Add a 'played' state to the list in schedule, so it is not called again in the next push loop """ ptype = playlist['subtype'] try: user_id = playlist['user_id'] playlist_id = playlist['id'] transmission_id = playlist['schedule_id'] except Exception, e: playlist_id = 0 user_id = 0 transmission_id = 0 print e print 'Playlist id:', if(self.push_liquidsoap(pkey, ptype, user_id, playlist_id, transmission_id, self.push_ahead) == 1): self.schedule[pkey]['played'] = 1 """ Call api to update schedule states and write changes back to cache file """ self.api_client.update_scheduled_item(int(playlist['schedule_id']), 1) schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "w") pickle.dump(self.schedule, schedule_file) schedule_file.close() #else: # print 'Nothing to do...' def push_init(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger("push_init") self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' # load the shedule from cache logger.debug('load shedule from cache') try: schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "r") schedule = pickle.load(schedule_file) schedule_file.close() except Exception, e: logger.error('%s', e) schedule = None return schedule def push_liquidsoap(self, pkey, ptype, user_id, playlist_id, transmission_id, push_ahead): logger = logging.getLogger("push_liquidsoap") #self.export_source = export_source self.push_ahead = push_ahead self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' src = self.cache_dir + str(pkey) + '/list.lsp' print src try: if True == os.access(src, os.R_OK): print 'OK - Can read' pl_file = open(src, "r") """ i know this could be wrapped, maybe later.. """ tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, 1234) if(int(ptype) == 6): tn.write("live_in.start") tn.write("\n") if(int(ptype) < 5): for line in pl_file.readlines(): print line.strip() tn.write(self.export_source + '.push %s' % (line.strip())) tn.write("\n") #time.sleep(0.1) tn.write("exit\n") print tn.read_all() print 'sleeping for %s s' % (self.push_ahead) time.sleep(self.push_ahead) print 'sending "flip"' tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, 1234) """ Pass some extra information to liquidsoap """ print 'user_id: %s' % user_id print 'playlist_id: %s' % playlist_id print 'transmission_id: %s' % transmission_id print 'ptype: %s' % ptype tn.write("vars.user_id %s\n" % user_id) tn.write("vars.playlist_id %s\n" % playlist_id) tn.write("vars.transmission_id %s\n" % transmission_id) tn.write("vars.playlist_type %s\n" % ptype) # if(int(ptype) < 5): # tn.write(self.export_source + '.flip') # tn.write("\n") tn.write(self.export_source + '.flip') tn.write("\n") if(int(ptype) == 6): tn.write("live.active 1") tn.write("\n") else: tn.write("live.active 0") tn.write("\n") tn.write("live_in.stop") tn.write("\n") tn.write("exit\n") print tn.read_all() status = 1 except Exception, e: logger.error('%s', e) status = 0 return status def push_liquidsoap_legacy(self, pkey, ptype, p_id, user_id): logger = logging.getLogger("push_liquidsoap") logger.debug('trying to push %s to liquidsoap', pkey) self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' src = self.cache_dir + str(pkey) + '/list.lsp' dst = self.cache_dir + 'current.lsp' print src print dst print '*************' print ptype print '*************' if True == os.access(src, os.R_OK): try: shutil.copy2(src, dst) logger.debug('copy %s to %s', src, dst) """ i know this could be wrapped, maybe later.. """ tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, 1234) tn.write("\n") tn.write("live_in.stop\n") tn.write("stream_disable\n") time.sleep(0.2) tn.write("\n") #tn.write("reload_current\n") tn.write("current.reload\n") time.sleep(0.2) tn.write("skip_current\n") if(int(ptype) == 6): """ Couchcaster comming. Stop/Start live input to have ls re-read it's playlist """ print 'Couchcaster - switching to stream' tn.write("live_in.start\n") time.sleep(0.2) tn.write("stream_enable\n") if(int(ptype) == 7): """ Recast comming. Start the live input """ print 'Recast - switching to stream' tn.write("live_in.start\n") time.sleep(0.2) tn.write("stream_enable\n") """ Pass some extra information to liquidsoap """ tn.write("pl.pl_id '%s'\n" % p_id) tn.write("pl.user_id '%s'\n" % user_id) tn.write("exit\n") print tn.read_all() status = 1 except Exception, e: logger.error('%s', e) status = 0 else: status = 0 return status """ Updates the jingles. Give comma separated list of jingle tracks. """ def update_jingles(self, options): print 'jingles' jingle_list = string.split(options, ',') print jingle_list for media_id in jingle_list: # api path maybe should not be hard-coded src = API_BASE + 'api/pypo/get_media/' + str(media_id) print src # include the hourly jungles for the moment dst = "%s%s/%s.mp3" % (self.file_dir, 'jingles/hourly', str(media_id)) print dst try: print '** urllib auth with: ', print self.api_auth opener = urllib.URLopener() opener.retrieve (src, dst, False, self.api_auth) logger.info("downloaded %s to %s", src, dst) except Exception, e: print e logger.error("%s", e) def check_schedule(self, export_source): logger = logging.getLogger("check_schedule") self.export_source = export_source self.cache_dir = CACHE_DIR + self.export_source + '/' self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule' try: schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "r") schedule = pickle.load(schedule_file) schedule_file.close() except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e) schedule = None #for pkey in schedule: for pkey in sorted(schedule.iterkeys()): playlist = schedule[pkey] print '*****************************************' print '\033[0;32m%s %s\033[m' % ('scheduled at:', str(pkey)) print 'cached at : ' + self.cache_dir + str(pkey) print 'subtype: ' + str(playlist['subtype']) print 'played: ' + str(playlist['played']) print 'schedule id: ' + str(playlist['schedule_id']) print 'duration: ' + str(playlist['duration']) print 'source id: ' + str(playlist['x_ident']) print '-----------------------------------------' for media in playlist['medias']: print media print if __name__ == '__main__': print print '###########################################' print '# *** pypo *** #' print '# Liquidsoap + External Scheduler #' print '# Playout System #' print '###########################################' print # initialize g = Global() g.selfcheck() po = Playout() run = True while run == True: logger = logging.getLogger("pypo") loops = 0 while options.fetch_scheduler: try: po.fetch('scheduler') except Exception, e: print e sys.exit() print 'ZZzZzZzzzzZZZz.... sleeping for ' + str(POLL_INTERVAL) + ' seconds' logger.info('fetch loop %s - ZZzZzZzzzzZZZz.... sleeping for %s seconds', loops, POLL_INTERVAL) loops += 1 time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) while options.fetch_daypart: try: po.fetch('daypart') except Exception, e: print e sys.exit() print 'ZZzZzZzzzzZZZz.... sleeping for ' + str(POLL_INTERVAL) + ' seconds' logger.info('fetch loop %s - ZZzZzZzzzzZZZz.... sleeping for %s seconds', loops, POLL_INTERVAL) loops += 1 time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL) while options.push_scheduler: po.push('scheduler') try: po.push('scheduler') except Exception, e: print 'PUSH ERROR!! WILL EXIT NOW:(' print e sys.exit() logger.info('push loop %s - ZZzZzZzzzzZZZz.... sleeping for %s seconds', loops, PUSH_INTERVAL) loops += 1 time.sleep(PUSH_INTERVAL) while options.push_daypart: po.push('daypart') try: po.push('daypart') except Exception, e: print 'PUSH ERROR!! WILL EXIT NOW:(' print e sys.exit() logger.info('push loop %s - ZZzZzZzzzzZZZz.... sleeping for %s seconds', loops, PUSH_INTERVAL) loops += 1 time.sleep(PUSH_INTERVAL) while options.jingles: try: po.update_jingles(options.jingles) except Exception, e: print e sys.exit() while options.check: try: po.check_schedule() except Exception, e: print e sys.exit() while options.cleanup: try: po.cleanup() except Exception, e: print e sys.exit() sys.exit()