dist: xenial services: - postgresql env: global: - ENVIRONMENT=testing - LIBRETIME_LOG_DIR=/tmp/log/libretime before_install: - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:libretime/libretime - sudo apt-get -q update addons: apt: packages: - gstreamer1.0-plugins-base - gstreamer1.0-plugins-good - gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad - gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly - libgirepository1.0-dev - liquidsoap - liquidsoap-plugin-faad - liquidsoap-plugin-lame - liquidsoap-plugin-mad - liquidsoap-plugin-vorbis - python3-gst-1.0 - silan - gcc - gir1.2-gtk-3.0 - python3-gi - python3-gi-cairo - python-cairo - pkg-config - libcairo2-dev jobs: include: # - language: php # php: 7.3 # stage: test # - language: php # php: 7.2 # stage: test - language: php php: 7.0 stage: test - language: php php: 5.6 stage: test # - language: python # python: 3.8 # stage: test # - language: python # python: 3.6 # stage: test - language: python python: 3.5 stage: test - stage: deploy addons: apt: packages: dos2unix script: ./travis/release.sh deploy: - provider: releases token: $GITHUB_TOKEN file: build/libretime-*.tar.gz edge: true on: tags: true allow_failures: # https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime/issues/779 # - language: php # php: 7.3 # - language: php # php: 7.2 # Ubuntu Bionic cloud image uses Python 3.6.9 # - language: python # python: 3.8 # https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime/issues/1041 # - language: python # python: 3.5 - language: php php: 5.6 install: ./travis/install.sh before_script: - psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE libretime;' -U postgres - psql -c "CREATE USER libretime WITH PASSWORD 'libretime';" -U postgres - psql -c 'GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE libretime TO libretime;' -U postgres - psql -c 'ALTER USER libretime CREATEDB;' -U postgres - mkdir -p /tmp/log/libretime script: ./travis/test.sh