Configuration Checklist

Looks like something went wrong!

Take a look at the checklist below for possible solutions. If you're tried the suggestions and are still experiencing issues, come visit our forums or check out the manual.

Your Airtime station is up and running! Get started by logging in with the default username and password: admin/admin

Component Description Status or Solution
PHP Dependencies
Postgres PDO and PostgreSQL libraries "> Try running sudo apt-get install php5-pgsql
External Services
Database Database configuration for Airtime "> Make sure you aren't missing any of the Postgres dependencies in the table above. If your dependencies check out, make sure your database configuration settings in /etc/airtime.conf are correct and the Airtime database was installed correctly.
RabbitMQ RabbitMQ configuration for Airtime "> Make sure RabbitMQ is installed correctly, and that your settings in /etc/airtime/airtime.conf are correct. Try using sudo rabbitmqctl list_users and sudo rabbitmqctl list_vhosts to see if the airtime user (or your custom RabbitMQ user) exists, then checking that sudo rabbitmqctl list_exchanges contains entries for airtime-pypo and airtime-uploads.
Airtime Analyzer Airtime Upload and File Analysis service "> Check that the airtime_analyzer service is installed correctly in /etc/init.d, and ensure that it's running with
initctl list | grep airtime_analyzer
If not, try running sudo service airtime_analyzer start
Pypo Airtime playout service "> Check that the airtime-playout service is installed correctly in /etc/init.d, and ensure that it's running with
initctl list | grep airtime-playout
If not, try running sudo service airtime-playout restart
Liquidsoap Airtime liquidsoap service "> Check that the airtime-liquidsoap service is installed correctly in /etc/init.d, and ensure that it's running with
initctl list | grep airtime-liquidsoap
If not, try running sudo service airtime-liquidsoap restart