status->partitions[0]; $used = $disk->totalSpace-$disk->totalFreeSpace; $total = $disk->totalSpace; ?> */?>
Postgres PDO and PostgreSQL libraries " Try running sudo apt-get install php5-pgsql
Database Database configuration for Airtime " Make sure you aren't missing any of the Postgres dependencies in the table above. If your dependencies check out, make sure your database configuration settings in /etc/airtime.conf are correct and the Airtime database was installed correctly.
RabbitMQ RabbitMQ configuration for Airtime " Make sure RabbitMQ is installed correctly, and that your settings in /etc/airtime/airtime.conf are correct. Try using sudo rabbitmqctl list_users and sudo rabbitmqctl list_vhosts to see if the airtime user (or your custom RabbitMQ user) exists, then checking that sudo rabbitmqctl list_exchanges contains entries for airtime-media-monitor, airtime-pypo, and airtime-uploads.
Media Monitor Airtime media-monitor service " Check that the airtime-media-monitor service is installed correctly in /etc/init, and ensure that it's running with
initctl list | grep airtime-media-monitor
If not, try
sudo service airtime-media-monitor start
Pypo Airtime playout service " Check that the airtime-playout service is installed correctly in /etc/init, and ensure that it's running with
initctl list | grep airtime-playout
If not, try
sudo service airtime-playout restart
Liquidsoap Airtime liquidsoap service " Check that the airtime-liquidsoap service is installed correctly in /etc/init, and ensure that it's running with
initctl list | grep airtime-liquidsoap
If not, try
sudo service airtime-liquidsoap restart