var AIRTIME = (function(AIRTIME) { var mod, libraryInit, oTable, $libContent, $libTable, LIB_SELECTED_CLASS = "lib-selected", chosenItems = {}, visibleChosenItems = {}; // we need to know whether the criteria value is string or // numeric in order to provide a single textbox or range textboxes // in the advanced search // s => string // n => numberic var libraryColumnTypes = { 0 : "", "album_title" : "s", "artist_name" : "s", "bit_rate" : "n", "bpm" : "n", "comments" : "s", "composer" : "s", "conductor" : "s", "copyright" : "s", "cuein" : "n", "cueout" : "n", "utime" : "n", "mtime" : "n", "lptime" : "n", "disc_number" : "n", "encoded_by" : "s", "genre" : "s", "isrc_number" : "s", "label" : "s", "language" : "s", "length" : "n", "lyricist" : "s", "mime" : "s", "mood" : "s", "name" : "s", "orchestra" : "s", "rating" : "n", "sample_rate" : "n", "track_title" : "s", "track_num" : "n", "year" : "n", "owner_id" : "s", "info_url" : "s", "replay_gain" : "n" }; if (AIRTIME.library === undefined) { AIRTIME.library = {}; } mod = AIRTIME.library; mod.getChosenItemsLength = function(){ var cItem, selected, $trs; // Get visible items and check if any chosenItems are visible $trs = $libTable.find("tbody input:checkbox").parents("tr"); $trs.each(function(i){ for (cItem in chosenItems) { if (cItem === $(this).attr("id")) { visibleChosenItems[cItem] = $(this).data('aData'); } } }); selected = Object.keys(visibleChosenItems).length; visibleChosenItems = {}; return selected; }; mod.getChosenAudioFilesLength = function(){ // var files = Object.keys(chosenItems), var files, $trs, cItem, i, length, count = 0, reAudio=/^(au|st|pl|bl)/ ; // Get visible items and check if any chosenItems are visible $trs = $libTable.find("tbody input:checkbox").parents("tr"); $trs.each(function(i){ for (cItem in chosenItems) { if (cItem === $(this).attr("id")) { visibleChosenItems[cItem] = $(this).data('aData'); } } }); files = Object.keys(visibleChosenItems); for (i = 0, length = files.length; i < length; i++) { if (files[i].search(reAudio) !== -1) { count++; } } visibleChosenItems = {}; return count; }; mod.changeAddButtonText = function($button, btnText) { $button.text(btnText); } mod.createToolbarButtons = function() { $menu = $("
"); $menu .append("
" + "" + "" + "
") .append("
" + "" + "
") .append("
" + "" + "
"); } mod.createToolbarDropDown = function() { $('#sb-select-page').click(function(){mod.selectCurrentPage();}); $('#sb-dselect-page').click(function(){mod.deselectCurrentPage();}); $('#sb-dselect-all').click(function(){mod.selectNone();}); }; mod.checkDeleteButton = function() { var selected = mod.getChosenItemsLength(), check = false; if (selected !== 0) { check = true; } if (check === true) { AIRTIME.button.enableButton("btn-group #sb-trash", false); } else { AIRTIME.button.disableButton("btn-group #sb-trash", false); } }; mod.checkToolBarIcons = function() { AIRTIME.library.checkAddButton(); AIRTIME.library.checkDeleteButton(); }; mod.getSelectedData = function() { var id, data = [], cItem, $trs; $.fn.reverse = [].reverse; // Get visible items and check if any chosenItems are visible $trs = $libTable.find("tbody input:checkbox").parents("tr").reverse(); $trs.each(function(i){ for (cItem in chosenItems) { if (cItem === $(this).attr("id")) { visibleChosenItems[cItem] = $(this).data('aData'); } } }); for (id in visibleChosenItems) { if (visibleChosenItems.hasOwnProperty(id)) { data.push(visibleChosenItems[id]); } } visibleChosenItems = {}; return data; }; mod.redrawChosen = function() { var ids = Object.keys(chosenItems), i, length, $el; for (i = 0, length = ids.length; i < length; i++) { $el = $libTable.find("#"+ids[i]); if ($el.length !== 0) { mod.highlightItem($el); } } }; mod.isChosenItem = function($el) { var id = $el.attr("id"), item = chosenItems[id]; return item !== undefined ? true : false; }; mod.addToChosen = function($el) { var id = $el.attr("id"); chosenItems[id] = $'aData'); }; mod.removeFromChosen = function($el) { var id = $el.attr("id"); // used to not keep dragged items selected. if (!$el.hasClass(LIB_SELECTED_CLASS)) { delete chosenItems[id]; } }; mod.highlightItem = function($el) { var $input = $el.find("input"); $input.attr("checked", true); $el.addClass(LIB_SELECTED_CLASS); }; mod.unHighlightItem = function($el) { var $input = $el.find("input"); $input.attr("checked", false); $el.removeClass(LIB_SELECTED_CLASS); }; mod.selectItem = function($el) { mod.highlightItem($el); mod.addToChosen($el); mod.checkToolBarIcons(); }; mod.deselectItem = function($el) { mod.unHighlightItem($el); mod.removeFromChosen($el); mod.checkToolBarIcons(); }; /* * selects all items which the user can currently see. (behaviour taken from * gmail) * * by default the items are selected in reverse order so we need to reverse * it back */ mod.selectCurrentPage = function() { $.fn.reverse = [].reverse; var $inputs = $libTable.find("tbody input:checkbox"), $trs = $inputs.parents("tr").reverse(); $inputs.attr("checked", true); $trs.addClass(LIB_SELECTED_CLASS); $trs.each(function(i, el){ $el = $(this); mod.addToChosen($el); }); mod.checkToolBarIcons(); }; /* * deselects all items that the user can currently see. (behaviour taken * from gmail) */ mod.deselectCurrentPage = function() { var $inputs = $libTable.find("tbody input:checkbox"), $trs = $inputs.parents("tr"), id; $inputs.attr("checked", false); $trs.removeClass(LIB_SELECTED_CLASS); $trs.each(function(i, el){ $el = $(this); id = $el.attr("id"); delete chosenItems[id]; }); mod.checkToolBarIcons(); }; mod.selectNone = function() { var $inputs = $libTable.find("tbody input:checkbox"), $trs = $inputs.parents("tr"); $inputs.attr("checked", false); $trs.removeClass(LIB_SELECTED_CLASS); chosenItems = {}; mod.checkToolBarIcons(); }; mod.fnDeleteItems = function(aMedia) { $.post(baseUrl+"library/delete", {"format": "json", "media": aMedia}, function(json){ if (json.message !== undefined) { alert(json.message); } chosenItems = {}; oTable.fnStandingRedraw(); }); }; mod.fnDeleteSelectedItems = function() { if (confirm($.i18n._('Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?'))) { var aData = AIRTIME.library.getSelectedData(), item, temp, aMedia = [], currentObjId = $("#side_playlist").find("#obj_id").val(), currentObjType = $("#side_playlist").find("#obj_type").val(), closeObj = false; // process selected files/playlists. for (item in aData) { temp = aData[item]; if (temp !== null && temp.hasOwnProperty('id') ) { aMedia.push({"id":, "type": temp.ftype}); if ( ( == currentObjId && temp.ftype === currentObjType) || == currentObjId && temp.ftype === "stream" && currentObjType === "webstream") { closeObj = true; } } } AIRTIME.library.fnDeleteItems(aMedia); // close the object (playlist/block/webstream) // on the right side if it was just deleted // from the library if (closeObj) { $.post(baseUrl+"playlist/close-playlist", {"format": "json", "type": currentObjType}, function(json) { $("#side_playlist").empty().append(json.html); }); } } }; libraryInit = function() { $libContent = $("#library_content"); /* * Icon hover states in the toolbar. */ $libContent.on("mouseenter", ".fg-toolbar ul li", function(ev) { $el = $(this); if (!$el.hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { $el.addClass("ui-state-hover"); } }); $libContent.on("mouseleave", ".fg-toolbar ul li", function(ev) { $el = $(this); if (!$el.hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) { $el.removeClass("ui-state-hover"); } }); var colReorderMap = new Array(); $libTable = $libContent.find("table"); var tableHeight = $libContent.height() - 130; function setColumnFilter(oTable){ // TODO : remove this dirty hack once js is refactored if (!oTable.fnSettings()) { return ; } var aoCols = oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns; var colsForAdvancedSearch = new Array(); var advanceSearchDiv = $("div#advanced_search"); advanceSearchDiv.empty(); $.each(aoCols, function(i,ele){ if (ele.bSearchable) { var currentColId = ele._ColReorder_iOrigCol; var inputClass = 'filter_column filter_number_text'; var labelStyle = "style='margin-right:35px;'"; if (libraryColumnTypes[ele.mDataProp] != "s") { inputClass = 'filterColumn filter_number_range'; labelStyle = ""; } if (ele.bVisible) { advanceSearchDiv.append( "
" + "" + "
" + "
"); } else { advanceSearchDiv.append( ""); } if (libraryColumnTypes[ele.mDataProp] == "s") { var obj = { sSelector: "#"+ele.mDataProp } } else { var obj = { sSelector: "#"+ele.mDataProp, type: "number-range" } } colsForAdvancedSearch.push(obj); } else { colsForAdvancedSearch.push(null); } }); oTable.columnFilter({ aoColumns: colsForAdvancedSearch, bUseColVis: true, sPlaceHolder: "head:before" } ); } function setFilterElement(iColumn, bVisible){ var actualId = colReorderMap[iColumn]; var selector = "div#advanced_search_col_"+actualId; var $el = $(selector); if (bVisible) { $; } else { $el.hide(); } } oTable = $libTable.dataTable( { // put hidden columns at the top to insure they can never be visible // on the table through column reordering. //IMPORTANT: WHEN ADDING A NEW COLUMN PLEASE CONSULT WITH THE WIKI // "aoColumns": [ /* ftype */ { "sTitle" : "" , "mDataProp" : "ftype" , "bSearchable" : false , "bVisible" : false } , /* Checkbox */ { "sTitle" : "" , "mDataProp" : "checkbox" , "bSortable" : false , "bSearchable" : false , "sWidth" : "25px" , "sClass" : "library_checkbox" } , /* Type */ { "sTitle" : "" , "mDataProp" : "image" , "bSearchable" : false , "sWidth" : "25px" , "sClass" : "library_type" , "iDataSort" : 0 } , /* Is Scheduled */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Scheduled") , "mDataProp" : "is_scheduled" , "bSearchable" : false , "sWidth" : "90px" , "sClass" : "library_is_scheduled"} , /* Is Playlist */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Playlist / Block") , "mDataProp" : "is_playlist" , "bSearchable" : false , "sWidth" : "110px" , "sClass" : "library_is_playlist"} , /* Title */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Title") , "mDataProp" : "track_title" , "sClass" : "library_title" , "sWidth" : "170px" } , /* Creator */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Creator") , "mDataProp" : "artist_name" , "sClass" : "library_creator" , "sWidth" : "160px" } , /* Album */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Album") , "mDataProp" : "album_title" , "sClass" : "library_album" , "sWidth" : "150px" } , /* Bit Rate */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Bit Rate") , "mDataProp" : "bit_rate" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_bitrate" , "sWidth" : "80px" }, /* BPM */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("BPM") , "mDataProp" : "bpm" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_bpm" , "sWidth" : "50px" }, /* Composer */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Composer") , "mDataProp" : "composer" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_composer" , "sWidth" : "150px" }, /* Conductor */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Conductor") , "mDataProp" : "conductor" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_conductor" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Copyright */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Copyright") , "mDataProp" : "copyright" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_copyright" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Cue In */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Cue In") , "mDataProp" : "cuein" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_length" , "sWidth" : "80px" }, /* Cue Out */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Cue Out") , "mDataProp" : "cueout" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_length" , "sWidth" : "80px" }, /* Encoded */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Encoded By") , "mDataProp" : "encoded_by" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_encoded" , "sWidth" : "150px" }, /* Genre */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Genre") , "mDataProp" : "genre" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_genre" , "sWidth" : "100px" }, /* ISRC Number */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("ISRC") , "mDataProp" : "isrc_number" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_isrc" , "sWidth" : "150px" }, /* Label */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Label") , "mDataProp" : "label" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_label" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Language */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Language") , "mDataProp" : "language" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_language" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Last Modified */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Last Modified") , "mDataProp" : "mtime" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_modified_time" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Last Played */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Last Played") , "mDataProp" : "lptime" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_modified_time" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Length */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Length") , "mDataProp" : "length" , "sClass" : "library_length" , "sWidth" : "80px" } , /* Mime */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Mime") , "mDataProp" : "mime" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_mime" , "sWidth" : "80px" }, /* Mood */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Mood") , "mDataProp" : "mood" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_mood" , "sWidth" : "70px" }, /* Owner */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Owner") , "mDataProp" : "owner_id" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_language" , "sWidth" : "125px" }, /* Replay Gain */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Replay Gain") , "mDataProp" : "replay_gain" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_replay_gain" , "sWidth" : "80px" }, /* Sample Rate */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Sample Rate") , "mDataProp" : "sample_rate" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_sr" , "sWidth" : "80px" }, /* Track Number */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Track Number") , "mDataProp" : "track_number" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_track" , "sWidth" : "65px" }, /* Upload Time */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Uploaded") , "mDataProp" : "utime" , "sClass" : "library_upload_time" , "sWidth" : "125px" } , /* Website */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Website") , "mDataProp" : "info_url" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_url" , "sWidth" : "150px" }, /* Year */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Year") , "mDataProp" : "year" , "bVisible" : false , "sClass" : "library_year" , "sWidth" : "60px" } ], "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "aLengthMenu": [[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100], [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100]], "bStateSave": true, "fnStateSaveParams": function (oSettings, oData) { // remove oData components we don't want to save. delete oData.oSearch; delete oData.aoSearchCols; }, "fnStateSave": function (oSettings, oData) { localStorage.setItem('datatables-library', JSON.stringify(oData)); $.ajax({ url: baseUrl+"usersettings/set-library-datatable", type: "POST", data: {settings : oData, format: "json"}, dataType: "json" }); colReorderMap = oData.ColReorder; }, "fnStateLoad": function fnLibStateLoad(oSettings) { var settings = localStorage.getItem('datatables-library'); try { return JSON.parse(settings); } catch (e) { return null; } }, "fnStateLoadParams": function (oSettings, oData) { var i, length, a = oData.abVisCols; if (a) { // putting serialized data back into the correct js type to make // sure everything works properly. for (i = 0, length = a.length; i < length; i++) { if (typeof(a[i]) === "string") { a[i] = (a[i] === "true") ? true : false; } } } a = oData.ColReorder; if (a) { for (i = 0, length = a.length; i < length; i++) { if (typeof(a[i]) === "string") { a[i] = parseInt(a[i], 10); } } } oData.iEnd = parseInt(oData.iEnd, 10); oData.iLength = parseInt(oData.iLength, 10); oData.iStart = parseInt(oData.iStart, 10); oData.iCreate = parseInt(oData.iCreate, 10); }, "sAjaxSource": baseUrl+"Library/contents-feed", "sAjaxDataProp": "files", "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { /* * The real validation check is done in * dataTables.columnFilter.js We also need to check it here * because datatable is redrawn everytime an action is performed * in the Library page. In order for datatable to redraw the * advanced search fields MUST all be valid. */ var advSearchFields = $("div#advanced_search").children(':visible'); var advSearchValid = validateAdvancedSearch(advSearchFields); var type; aoData.push( { name: "format", value: "json"} ); aoData.push( { name: "advSearch", value: advSearchValid} ); // push whether to search files/playlists or all. type = $("#library_display_type").find("select").val(); type = (type === undefined) ? 0 : type; aoData.push( { name: "type", value: type} ); $.ajax( { "dataType": 'json', "type": "POST", "url": sSource, "data": aoData, "success": fnCallback } ); }, "fnRowCallback": AIRTIME.library.fnRowCallback, "fnCreatedRow": function( nRow, aData, iDataIndex ) { //add soundcloud icon if (aData.soundcloud_status !== undefined) { if (aData.soundcloud_status === "-2") { $(nRow).find("td.library_title").append(''); } else if (aData.soundcloud_status === "-3") { $(nRow).find("td.library_title").append(''); } else if (aData.soundcloud_status !== null) { $(nRow).find("td.library_title").append(''); } } // add checkbox $(nRow).find('td.library_checkbox').html(""); // add audio preview image/button if (aData.ftype === "audioclip") { $(nRow).find('td.library_type').html(''); } else if (aData.ftype === "playlist") { $(nRow).find('td.library_type').html(''); } else if (aData.ftype === "block") { $(nRow).find('td.library_type').html(''); } else if (aData.ftype === "stream") { $(nRow).find('td.library_type').html(''); } if (aData.is_scheduled) { $(nRow).find("td.library_is_scheduled").html(''); } else if (!aData.is_scheduled) { $(nRow).find("td.library_is_scheduled").html(''); } if (aData.is_playlist) { $(nRow).find("td.library_is_playlist").html(''); } else if (!aData.is_playlist) { $(nRow).find("td.library_is_playlist").html(''); } // add the play function to the library_type td $(nRow).find('td.library_type').click(function(){ if (aData.ftype === 'playlist' && aData.length !== '0.0'){ open_playlist_preview(aData.audioFile, 0); } else if (aData.ftype === 'audioclip') { if (isAudioSupported(aData.mime)) { open_audio_preview(aData.ftype, aData.audioFile, aData.track_title, aData.artist_name); } } else if (aData.ftype == 'stream') { if (isAudioSupported(aData.mime)) { open_audio_preview(aData.ftype, aData.audioFile, aData.track_title, aData.artist_name); } } else if (aData.ftype == 'block' && aData.bl_type == 'static') { open_block_preview(aData.audioFile, 0); } return false; }); alreadyclicked=false; // call the context menu so we can prevent the event from // propagating. $(nRow).find('td:not(.library_checkbox, .library_type)').click(function(e){ var el=$(this); if (alreadyclicked) { alreadyclicked=false; // reset clearTimeout(alreadyclickedTimeout); // prevent this // from // happening // do what needs to happen on double click. $tr = $(el).parent(); data = $"aData"); AIRTIME.library.dblClickAdd(data, data.ftype); } else { alreadyclicked=true; alreadyclickedTimeout=setTimeout(function(){ alreadyclicked=false; // reset when it happens // do what needs to happen on single click. // use el instead of $(this) because $(this) is // no longer the element el.contextMenu({x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY}); },300); // <-- dblclick tolerance here } return false; }); /*$(nRow).find(".media-item-in-use").qtip({ content: { text: aData.status_msg }, hide: { delay: 500, fixed: true }, style: { border: { width: 0, radius: 4 }, classes: "ui-tooltip-dark ui-tooltip-rounded" }, position: { my: "left bottom", at: "right center" }, });*/ // add a tool tip to appear when the user clicks on the type // icon. $(nRow).find("td:not(.library_checkbox, .library_type)").qtip({ content: { text: $.i18n._("Loading..."), title: { text: aData.track_title }, ajax: { url: baseUrl+"Library/get-file-metadata", type: "get", data: ({format: "html", id :, type: aData.ftype}), success: function(data, status) { this.set('content.text', data); } } }, position: { target: 'event', adjust: { resize: true, method: "flip flip" }, my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), // Keep the tooltip on-screen at // all times effect: false // Disable positioning animation }, style: { classes: "ui-tooltip-dark file-md-long" }, show: 'mousedown', events: { show: function(event, api) { // Only show the tooltip if it was a right-click if(event.originalEvent.button !== 2) { event.preventDefault(); } } }, hide: {event:'mouseout', delay: 50, fixed:true} }); }, // remove any selected nodes before the draw. "fnPreDrawCallback": function( oSettings ) { // make sure any dragging helpers are removed or else they'll be // stranded on the screen. $("#draggingContainer").remove(); }, "fnDrawCallback": AIRTIME.library.fnDrawCallback, "aaSorting": [[3, 'asc']], "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "bJQueryUI": true, "bAutoWidth": false, "oLanguage": datatables_dict, // R = ColReorder, C = ColVis "sDom": 'Rl<"#library_display_type">f<"dt-process-rel"r><"H"<"library_toolbar"C>><"dataTables_scrolling"t><"F"ip>', "oColVis": { "sAlign": "right", "aiExclude": [0, 1, 2], "sSize": "css", "fnStateChange": setFilterElement, "buttonText": $.i18n._("Show / hide columns") }, "oColReorder": { "iFixedColumns": 3 } }); //sort by title, by default oTable.fnSort( [ [5, 'asc'] ] ); setColumnFilter(oTable); oTable.fnSetFilteringDelay(350); var simpleSearchText; $libContent.on("click", "legend", function(){ $simpleSearch = $libContent.find("#library_display_filter label"); var $fs = $(this).parents("fieldset"); if ($fs.hasClass("closed")) { $fs.removeClass("closed"); //keep value of simple search for when user switches back to it simpleSearchText = $simpleSearch.find('input').val(); // clear the simple search text field and reset datatable $(".dataTables_filter input").val("").keyup(); $simpleSearch.addClass("sp-invisible"); } else { // clear the advanced search fields var divs = $("div#advanced_search").children(':visible'); $.each(divs, function(i, div){ fields = $(div).children().find('input'); $.each(fields, function(i, field){ if ($(field).val() !== "") { $(field).val(""); // we need to reset the results when removing // an advanced search field $(field).keyup(); } }); }); //reset datatable with previous simple search results (if any) $(".dataTables_filter input").val(simpleSearchText).keyup(); $simpleSearch.removeClass("sp-invisible"); $fs.addClass("closed"); } }); $libContent.find(".dataTables_scrolling").css("max-height", tableHeight); AIRTIME.library.setupLibraryToolbar(oTable); $("#library_display_type") .addClass("dataTables_type") .append('