function createDataGrid(datagridData){ var columnHeaders = [ { "sTitle": "name" }, { "sTitle": "date" }, { "sTitle": "start time" }, { "sTitle": "end time" } ]; $('#demo').html( '
' ); $('#nowplayingtable').dataTable( { "bSort" : false, "bJQueryUI": true, "bFilter": false, "bInfo": false, "bLengthChange": false, "aaData": datagridData.rows, "aoColumns": columnHeaders } ); var options1 = [ {title:"Menu Item 1 - Go TO", action:{type:"gourl",url:""}}, {title:"Menu Item 2 - do nothing"}, {title:"Menu Item 3 - submenu", type:"sub", src:[{title:"Submenu 1"},{title:"Submenu 2"},{title:"Submenu 3"}, {title:"Submenu 4 - submenu", type:"sub", src:[{title:"SubSubmenu 1"},{title:"SubSubmenu 2"}]}]}, {title:"Menu Item 4 - Js function", action:{type:"fn",callback:"(function(){ alert('THIS IS THE TEST'); })"}} ]; var userData = {}; var effects = { show:"default", //type of show effect orientation: "auto", //type of menu orientation - to top, to bottom, auto (to bottom, if doesn't fit on screen - to top) xposition:"mouse", // position of menu (left side or right side of trigger element) yposition:"mouse" } $('#demo').jjmenu('both', options1, userData, effects ); } function initShowListView(){ $.ajax({ url: "/Schedule/get-show-data/format/json", dataType:"text", success:function(data){ $('#json-string').text(data); }}); $.ajax({ url: "/Schedule/get-show-data/format/json", dataType:"json", success:function(data){ var temp =; var rows = new Array(); for (var i=0; i