# How to setup an Outro Playlist This how to describes the steps involved in setting up an outro playlist that will schedule promos without interrupting any tracks followed by a ambient musical bridge for all autoloading playlists to avoid dead air. **Audience**: Program Manager (and Admin to set Outro Playlist) ## Adding the Promo Fill smart block 1. Click **Smart Blocks** 1. Click the blue **+ New** button 1. Type in a name for the Smart Block (for instance *Promo Fill*) 1. Select **Genre** and the modifer of **is** and then type in **promo** in the 3^rd^ box. 1. Under **Limit to**: we select **time remaining in show** 1. To match on additional types of tracks based upon Genre, click **+ New Modifier** under Genre and select **is** and type the “*name of genre*” to match on. 1. Click **preview** to review and confirm tracks match your criteria below. 1. Click **Save** ## Adding interuptible Ambient Fill smart block 1. Click **Smart Blocks** 1. Click the blue **+New** button 1. Type in a name for the Smart Block (for instance *Ambient Fill*) 1. Now we select **Genre **and the modifer of **is** and then type in **ambient fill** in the 3^rd^ box. 1. Under **Limit to**: we select **time remaining in show** 1. Click **Advanced options** drop down 1. Check box next to **Allow last track to exceed time limit** 1. Click **preview** to review and confirm tracks match your criteria below. 1. Click **Save** ## Create the Outro Playlist to hold the smart blocks 1. Click **Playlists** 1. Click **+ New** 1. Type in the name “*Outro Playlist*” 1. Click on **Smart Blocks** 1. Click box next to **Promo Fill** smart block and click **+ Add to current playlist** or drag it to the bottom of the Outro playlist 1. Click box next to **Ambient Fill** smart block and click **+ Add to current playlist** or drag it to the bottom of the Outro playlist 1. Make sure the **Promo Fill** is above the **Ambient Fill** smart block in the playlist 1. Click **Save** # Setting the station-wide Outro playlist 1. Click **Settings** 1. Click **General** 1. Scroll down to Outro Playlist and with the drop down select the newly created **Outro Playlist** 1. Scroll down or up on the form and click **Save**. Now every autoloading playlist show will have tracks scheduled to fill any potential dead air.