* *

* Format of search/browse results: hash, with following structure:

* * @package Campcaster * @subpackage StorageServer * @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt */ class DataEngine { /** * Constructor * * @param BasicStor $gb */ public function __construct(&$gb) { $this->gb =& $gb; $this->filetypes = array( 'all'=>NULL, 'audioclip'=>'audioclip', 'webstream'=>'webstream', 'playlist'=>'playlist', ); } /** * Method returning array with where-parts of sql queries * * @param array $conditions * See 'conditions' field in search criteria format * definition in DataEngine class documentation * @return array * array of strings - WHERE-parts of SQL queries */ private function _makeWhereArr($conditions) { $ops = array('full'=>"='%s'", 'partial'=>"ILIKE '%%%s%%'", 'prefix'=>"ILIKE '%s%%'", '<'=>"< '%s'", '='=>"= '%s'", '>'=>"> '%s'", '<='=>"<= '%s'", '>='=>">= '%s'" ); $whereArr = array(); if (is_array($conditions)) { foreach ($conditions as $cond) { $columnName = BasicStor::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($cond['cat']); $op = strtolower($cond['op']); $value = strtolower($cond['val']); if (!empty($value)) { $splittedQn = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($catQn); $catNs = $splittedQn['namespace']; $cat = $splittedQn['localPart']; $opVal = sprintf($ops[$op], pg_escape_string($value)); // retype for timestamp value if ($cat == 'mtime') { switch ($op) { case 'partial': case 'prefix': break; default: $retype = "::timestamp with time zone"; $opVal = "$retype $opVal$retype"; } } $sqlCond = " {$columnName} {$opVal}\n"; $whereArr[] = $sqlCond; } } } return $whereArr; } /** * Search in local metadata database. * * @param array $cri * Search criteria see DataEngine class documentation * @param int $limit * Limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited) * @param int $offset * Starting point (0 means without offset) * @return array * arrays of hashes, fields: * cnt : integer - number of matching gunids * of files have been found * results : array of hashes: * gunid: string * type: string - audioclip | playlist | webstream * title: string - dc:title from metadata * creator: string - dc:creator from metadata * source: string - dc:source from metadata * length: string - dcterms:extent in extent format * OR (in browse mode) * results: array of strings - browsed values */ public function localSearch($criteria, $limit=0, $offset=0) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; // Input values $filetype = (isset($criteria['filetype']) ? $criteria['filetype'] : 'all'); $filetype = strtolower($filetype); if (!array_key_exists($filetype, $this->filetypes)) { return PEAR::raiseError( 'DataEngine::_localGenSearch: unknown filetype in search criteria' ); } $filetype = $this->filetypes[$filetype]; $operator = (isset($criteria['operator']) ? $criteria['operator'] : 'and'); $operator = strtolower($operator); $conditions = (isset($criteria['conditions']) ? $criteria['conditions'] : array()); // Create the WHERE clause - this is the actual search part $whereArr = $this->_makeWhereArr($conditions); // Metadata values to fetch $metadataNames = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'ls:track_num', 'dc:title', 'dcterms:extent'); // Order by clause $orderby = TRUE; $orderByAllowedValues = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'dc:title', 'dcterms:extent', "ls:track_num"); $orderByDefaults = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'dc:title'); if ((!isset($criteria['orderby'])) || (is_array($criteria['orderby']) && (count($criteria['orderby'])==0))) { // default ORDER BY // PaulB: track number removed because it doesnt work yet because // if track_num is not an integer (e.g. bad metadata like "1/20", // or if the field is blank) the SQL statement gives an error. //$orderbyQns = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'ls:track_num', 'dc:title'); $orderbyQns = $orderByDefaults; } else { // ORDER BY clause is given in the parameters. // Convert the parameter to an array if it isnt already. $orderbyQns = $criteria['orderby']; if (!is_array($orderbyQns)) { $orderbyQns = array($orderbyQns); } // Check that it has valid ORDER BY values, if not, revert // to the default ORDER BY values. foreach ($orderbyQns as $metadataTag) { if (!in_array($metadataTag, $orderByAllowedValues)) { $orderbyQns = $orderByDefaults; break; } } } $descA = (isset($criteria['desc']) ? $criteria['desc'] : NULL); if (!is_array($descA)) { $descA = array($descA); } $orderBySql = array(); // $dataName contains the names of the metadata columns we want to // fetch. It is indexed numerically starting from 1, and the value // in the array is the qualified name with ":" replaced with "_". // e.g. "dc:creator" becomes "dc_creator". foreach ($orderbyQns as $xmlTag) { $columnName = BasicStor::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($xmlTag); $orderBySql[] = $columnName; } // Build WHERE clause $whereClause = " WHERE (state='ready' OR state='edited')"; if (!is_null($filetype)) { $whereClause .= " AND (ftype='$filetype')"; } if (count($whereArr) != 0) { if ($operator == 'and') { $whereClause .= " AND ((".join(") AND (", $whereArr)."))"; } else { $whereClause .= " AND ((".join(") OR (", $whereArr)."))"; } } // Final query $sql = "SELECT * " . " FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] . $whereClause; if ($orderby) { $sql .= " ORDER BY ".join(",", $orderBySql); } $countRowsSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) " . " FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] . $whereClause; $cnt = $CC_DBC->GetOne($countRowsSql); // Get the number of results if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) { return $cnt; } // Get actual results $limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ). ($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' ); $res = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql.$limitPart); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } if (!is_array($res)) { $res = array(); } $eres = array(); foreach ($res as $it) { $gunid = StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($it['gunid']); $eres[] = array( 'id' => $it['id'], 'gunid' => $gunid, 'type' => strtolower($it['ftype']), 'title' => $it['track_title'], 'creator' => $it['artist_name'], 'duration' => $it['length'], 'length' => $it['length'], 'source' => $it['album_title'], 'track_num' => $it['track_number'], ); } return array('results'=>$eres, 'cnt'=>$cnt); } /** * Return values of specified metadata category * * @param string $category * metadata category name, with or without namespace prefix * (dc:title, author) * @param int $limit * limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited) * @param int $offset * starting point (0 means without offset) * @param array $criteria * @return array * hash, fields: * results : array with found values * cnt : integer - number of matching values */ public function browseCategory($category, $limit=0, $offset=0, $criteria=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $category = strtolower($category); $columnName = BasicStor::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($category); if (is_null($columnName)) { return new PEAR_Error("DataEngine::browseCategory() -- could not map XML category to DB column."); } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $columnName FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]; $limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ). ($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' ); $countRowsSql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $columnName) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]; $cnt = $CC_DBC->GetOne($countRowsSql); if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) { return $cnt; } $res = $CC_DBC->getCol($sql.$limitPart); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } if (!is_array($res)) { $res = array(); } return array('results'=>$res, 'cnt'=>$cnt); } } // class DataEngine ?>