'use strict'; var PlaylistEditor = function() { }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.setConfig = function(config) { this.config = config; }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.init = function(tracks) { var that = this, i, len, container = this.config.getContainer(), div = container.getElementsByClassName("playlist-tracks")[0], fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), trackEditor, trackElem, timeScale, audioControls; makePublisher(this); this.storage = new Storage(); this.trackContainer = div; this.trackEditors = []; audioControls = new AudioControls(); audioControls.init(this.config); if (this.config.isTimeScaleEnabled()) { timeScale = new TimeScale(); timeScale.init(this.config); audioControls.on("changeresolution", "onResolutionChange", timeScale); this.on("trackscroll", "onTrackScroll", timeScale); } this.timeScale = timeScale; for (i = 0, len = tracks.length; i < len; i++) { trackEditor = new TrackEditor(); trackEditor.setConfig(this.config); trackElem = trackEditor.loadTrack(tracks[i]); this.trackEditors.push(trackEditor); fragment.appendChild(trackElem); audioControls.on("changestate", "onStateChange", trackEditor); audioControls.on("trackedit", "onTrackEdit", trackEditor); audioControls.on("changeresolution", "onResolutionChange", trackEditor); trackEditor.on("activateSelection", "onAudioSelection", audioControls); trackEditor.on("deactivateSelection", "onAudioDeselection", audioControls); trackEditor.on("changecursor", "onCursorSelection", audioControls); trackEditor.on("changecursor", "onSelectUpdate", this); } div.innerHTML = ''; div.appendChild(fragment); div.onscroll = this.onTrackScroll.bind(that); this.sampleRate = this.config.getSampleRate(); this.scrollTimeout = false; //for setInterval that's toggled during play/stop. this.interval; this.on("playbackcursor", "onAudioUpdate", audioControls); audioControls.on("playlistsave", "save", this); audioControls.on("playlistrestore", "restore", this); audioControls.on("rewindaudio", "rewind", this); audioControls.on("playaudio", "play", this); audioControls.on("stopaudio", "stop", this); audioControls.on("trimaudio", "onTrimAudio", this); audioControls.on("removeaudio", "onRemoveAudio", this); audioControls.on("changestate", "onStateChange", this); audioControls.on("changeselection", "onSelectionChange", this); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onTrimAudio = function() { var track = this.activeTrack, selected = track.getSelectedArea(), start, end; if (selected === undefined) { return; } track.trim(selected.start, selected.end); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onRemoveAudio = function() { var track = this.activeTrack, selected = track.getSelectedArea(), start, end; if (selected === undefined) { return; } track.removeAudio(selected.start, selected.end); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onSelectionChange = function(args) { if (this.activeTrack === undefined) { return; } var res = this.config.getResolution(), start = ~~(args.start * this.sampleRate / res), end = ~~(args.end * this.sampleRate / res); this.config.setCursorPos(args.start); this.activeTrack.setSelectedArea(start, end); this.activeTrack.updateEditor(-1, undefined, undefined, true); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onStateChange = function() { var that = this, editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, editor; for(i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { editors[i].deactivate(); } }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onTrackScroll = function(e) { var that = this, el = e.srcElement; if (that.scrollTimeout) return; //limit the scroll firing to every 25ms. that.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() { that.config.setTrackScroll(el.scrollLeft, el.scrollTop); that.fire('trackscroll', e); that.scrollTimeout = false; }, 25); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.activateTrack = function(trackEditor) { var that = this, editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, editor; for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { editor = editors[i]; if (editor === trackEditor) { editor.activate(); this.activeTrack = trackEditor; } else { editor.deactivate(); } } }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onSelectUpdate = function(event) { this.activateTrack(event.editor); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.resetCursor = function() { this.config.setCursorPos(0); this.notifySelectUpdate(0, 0); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.onCursorSelection = function(args) { this.activateTrack(args.editor); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.rewind = function() { if (this.activeTrack !== undefined) { this.activeTrack.resetCursor(); } else { this.resetCursor(); } this.stop(); }; /* returns selected time in global (playlist relative) seconds. */ PlaylistEditor.prototype.getSelected = function() { var selected, start, end; if (this.activeTrack) { selected = this.activeTrack.selectedArea; if (selected !== undefined && (selected.end > selected.start)) { return this.activeTrack.getSelectedPlayTime(); } } }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.isPlaying = function() { var that = this, editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, isPlaying = false; for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { isPlaying = isPlaying || editors[i].isPlaying(); } return isPlaying; }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.play = function() { var that = this, editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, currentTime = this.config.getCurrentTime(), delay = 0.2, startTime = this.config.getCursorPos(), endTime, selected = this.getSelected(); if (selected !== undefined) { startTime = selected.startTime; endTime = selected.endTime; } for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { editors[i].schedulePlay(currentTime, delay, startTime, endTime); } this.lastPlay = currentTime + delay; this.interval = setInterval(that.updateEditor.bind(that), 25); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.stop = function() { var editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, currentTime = this.config.getCurrentTime(); clearInterval(this.interval); for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { editors[i].scheduleStop(currentTime); editors[i].updateEditor(-1, undefined, undefined, true); } }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.updateEditor = function() { var editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, currentTime = this.config.getCurrentTime(), elapsed = currentTime - this.lastPlay, res = this.config.getResolution(), cursorPos = this.config.getCursorPos(), cursorPixel, playbackSec, selected = this.getSelected(), start, end, highlighted = false; if (selected !== undefined) { start = ~~(selected.startTime * this.sampleRate / res); end = Math.ceil(selected.endTime * this.sampleRate / res); highlighted = true; } if (this.isPlaying()) { if (elapsed) { playbackSec = cursorPos + elapsed; cursorPixel = Math.ceil(playbackSec * this.sampleRate / res); for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { editors[i].updateEditor(cursorPixel, start, end, highlighted); } this.fire("playbackcursor", { "seconds": playbackSec, "pixels": cursorPixel }); } } else { clearInterval(this.interval); for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { editors[i].updateEditor(-1, undefined, undefined, true); } } }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.getJson = function() { var editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, info = [], json; for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { info.push(editors[i].getTrackDetails()); } json = JSON.stringify(info); return info; }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.save = function() { var editors = this.trackEditors, i, len, info = []; for (i = 0, len = editors.length; i < len; i++) { info.push(editors[i].getTrackDetails()); } this.storage.save("test", info); }; PlaylistEditor.prototype.restore = function() { var state; state = this.storage.restore("test"); this.trackContainer.innerHTML=''; this.init(state); };