/** * * Full Calendar callback methods. * */ function scheduleRefetchEvents(json) { if(json.show_error == true){ alert($.i18n._("The show instance doesn't exist anymore!")); } if(json.show_id) { var dialog_id = parseInt($("#add_show_id").val(), 10); //if you've deleted the show you are currently editing, close the add show dialog. if (dialog_id === json.show_id) { $("#add-show-close").click(); } } $("#schedule_calendar").fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' ); } function openAddShowForm() { if($("#add-show-form").length == 1) { if( ($("#add-show-form").css('display')=='none')) { $("#add-show-form").show(); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); // margin on showform are 16 px on each side var calendarWidth = 100-(($("#schedule-add-show").width() + (16 * 4))/windowWidth*100); var widthPercent = parseInt(calendarWidth)+"%"; $("#schedule_calendar").css("width", widthPercent); $("#schedule_calendar").fullCalendar('render'); } $("#schedule-show-what").show(0, function(){ $add_show_name = $("#add_show_name"); $add_show_name.focus(); $add_show_name.select(); }); } } function makeAddShowButton(){ $('.fc-header-left') .append('') .append(''+$.i18n._("Show")+'') .find('span.fc-button:last > a') .click(function(){ openAddShowForm(); removeAddShowButton(); }); } function removeAddShowButton(){ var aTag = $('.fc-header-left') .find("span.fc-button:last > a"); var span = aTag.parent(); span.prev().remove(); span.remove(); } function makeTimeStamp(date){ var sy, sm, sd, h, m, s, timestamp; sy = date.getFullYear(); sm = date.getMonth() + 1; sd = date.getDate(); h = date.getHours(); m = date.getMinutes(); s = date.getSeconds(); timestamp = sy+"-"+ pad(sm, 2) +"-"+ pad(sd, 2) +" "+ pad(h, 2) +":"+ pad(m, 2) +":"+ pad(s, 2); return timestamp; } function dayClick(date, allDay, jsEvent, view){ // The show from will be preloaded if the user is admin or program manager. // Hence, if the user if DJ then it won't open anything. if(userType == "A" || userType == "P"){ var now, today, selected, chosenDate, chosenTime; now = adjustDateToServerDate(new Date(), serverTimezoneOffset); if(view.name === "month") { today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()); selected = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); } else { today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), now.getHours(), now.getMinutes()); selected = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes()); } if(selected >= today) { var addShow = $('.add-button'); //remove the +show button if it exists. if(addShow.length == 1){ var span = $(addShow).parent(); $(span).prev().remove(); $(span).remove(); } // get current duration value on the form var duration_string = $.trim($("#add_show_duration").val()); var duration_info = duration_string.split(" "); var duration_h = 0; var duration_m = 0; if(duration_info[0] != null){ duration_h = parseInt(duration_info[0], 10); } if(duration_info[1] != null){ duration_m = parseInt(duration_info[1], 10); } // duration in milisec var duration = (duration_h * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (duration_m * 60 * 1000); var startTime_string, startTime // get start time value on the form if(view.name === "month") { startTime_string = $("#add_show_start_time").val(); var startTime_info = startTime_string.split(':'); startTime = (parseInt(startTime_info[0],10) * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (parseInt(startTime_info[1], 10) * 60 * 1000); }else{ // if in day or week view, selected has all the time info as well // so we don't ahve to calculate it explicitly startTime_string = pad(selected.getHours(),2)+":"+pad(selected.getMinutes(),2) startTime = 0 } // calculate endDateTime var endDateTime = new Date(selected.getTime() + startTime + duration); chosenDate = selected.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(selected.getMonth()+1,2) + '-' + pad(selected.getDate(),2); var endDateFormat = endDateTime.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(endDateTime.getMonth()+1,2) + '-' + pad(endDateTime.getDate(),2); $("#add_show_start_date").val(chosenDate); $("#add_show_end_date_no_repeat").val(endDateFormat); $("#add_show_end_date").val(endDateFormat); if(view.name !== "month") { var endTimeString = pad(endDateTime.getHours(),2)+":"+pad(endDateTime.getMinutes(),2); $("#add_show_start_time").val(startTime_string) $("#add_show_end_time").val(endTimeString) } $("#schedule-show-when").show(); openAddShowForm(); } } } function viewDisplay( view ) { view_name = view.name; if(view.name === 'agendaDay' || view.name === 'agendaWeek') { var calendarEl = this; var select = $('