import json import shutil import tempfile import traceback from cgi import parse_header from contextlib import closing from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlsplit import mutagen import requests from celery import Celery from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from requests import Response from .config import config worker = Celery() logger = get_task_logger(__name__) @worker.task(name="podcast-download", acks_late=True) def podcast_download( id, url, podcast_name, album_override, track_title, ): """ Download a podcast episode :param id: episode unique ID :param url: download url for the episode :param podcast_name: Name of podcast to be added to id3 metadata for smartblock :param album_override: Passing whether to override the album id3 even if it exists :param track_title: Passing the title of the episode from feed to override the metadata :return: JSON formatted string of a dictionary of download statuses and file identifiers (for successful uploads) :rtype: string """ # Object to store file IDs, episode IDs, and download status # (important if there's an error before the file is posted) obj = {"episodeid": id} try: re = None with closing(requests.get(url, stream=True)) as r: filename = extract_filename(r) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb+", delete=False) as audiofile: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, audiofile) # mutagen should be able to guess the write file type metadata_audiofile = mutagen.File(, easy=True) # if for some reason this should fail lets try it as a mp3 specific code if metadata_audiofile == None: # if this happens then mutagen couldn't guess what type of file it is mp3suffix = ("mp3", "MP3", "Mp3", "mP3") # so we treat it like a mp3 if it has a mp3 file extension and hope for the best if filename.endswith(mp3suffix): metadata_audiofile = mutagen.mp3.MP3(, ID3=mutagen.easyid3.EasyID3 ) # replace track metadata as indicated by album_override setting # replace album title as needed metadata_audiofile = podcast_override_metadata( metadata_audiofile, podcast_name, album_override, track_title ) filetypeinfo = metadata_audiofile.pprint() "filetypeinfo is {}".format(filetypeinfo.encode("ascii", "ignore")) ) callback_url = f"{config.general.public_url}/rest/media" callback_api_key = config.general.api_key re = callback_url, files={"file": (filename, open(, "rb"))}, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(callback_api_key, ""), ) re.raise_for_status() try: response = re.content.decode() except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): response = re.content f = json.loads( response ) # Read the response from the media API to get the file id obj["fileid"] = f["id"] obj["status"] = 1 except Exception as e: obj["error"] = e.message"Error during file download: {e}") logger.debug("Original Traceback: %s" % (traceback.format_exc(e))) obj["status"] = 0 return json.dumps(obj) def podcast_override_metadata(m, podcast_name, override, track_title): """ Override m['album'] if empty or forced with override arg """ # if the album override option is enabled replace the album id3 tag with the podcast name even if the album tag contains data if override is True: logger.debug( "overriding album name to {} in podcast".format( podcast_name.encode("ascii", "ignore") ) ) m["album"] = podcast_name m["title"] = track_title m["artist"] = podcast_name else: # replace the album id3 tag with the podcast name if the album tag is empty try: m["album"] except KeyError: logger.debug( "setting new album name to {} in podcast".format( podcast_name.encode("ascii", "ignore") ) ) m["album"] = podcast_name return m def extract_filename(response: Response) -> str: """ Extract the filename from a download request. Args: response: Download request response. Returns: Extracted filename. """ if "Content-Disposition" in response.headers: _, params = parse_header(response.headers["Content-Disposition"]) if "filename" in params: return params["filename"] return Path(urlsplit(response.url).path).name