= Aggregate Column Behavior = The `aggregate_column` behavior keeps a column updated using an aggregate function executed on a related table. == Basic Usage == In the `schema.xml`, use the `` tag to add the `aggregate_column` behavior to a table. You must provide parameters for the aggregate column `name`, the foreign table name, and the aggegate `expression`. For instance, to add an aggregate column keeping the comment count in a `post` table: {{{ #!xml
}}} Rebuild your model, and insert the table creation sql again. The model now has an additional `nb_comments` column, of type `integer` by default. And each time an record from the foreign table is added, modified, or removed, the aggregate column is updated: {{{ #!php setTitle('How Is Life On Earth?'); $post->save(); echo $post->getNbComments(); // 0 $comment1 = new Comment(); $comment1->setPost($post); $comment1->save(); echo $post->getNbComments(); // 1 $comment2 = new Comment(); $comment2->setPost($post); $comment2->save(); echo $post->getNbComments(); // 2 $comment2->delete(); echo $post->getNbComments(); // 1 }}} The aggregate column is also kept up to date when related records get modified through a Query object: {{{ #!php filterByPost($post) ->delete(): echo $post->getNbComments(); // 0 }}} == Customizing The Aggregate Calculation == Any aggregate function can be used on any of the foreign columns. For instance, you can use the `aggregate_column` behavior to keep the latest update date of the related comments, or the total votes on the comments. You can even keep several aggregate columns in a single table: {{{ #!xml
}}} The behavior adds a `computeXXX()` method to the `Post` class to compute the value of the aggregate function. This method, called each time records are modified in the related `comment` table, is the translation of the behavior settings into a SQL query: {{{ #!php prepare('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `comment` WHERE comment.POST_ID = :p1'); $stmt->bindValue(':p1', $this->getId()); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->fetchColumn(); } }}} You can override this method in the model class to customize the aggregate column calculation. == Customizing The Aggregate Column == By default, the behavior adds one columns to the model. If this column is already described in the schema, the behavior detects it and doesn't add it a second time. This can be useful if you need to use a custom `type` or `phpName` for the aggregate column: {{{ #!xml