_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext'); $ajaxContext->addActionContext('get-hosts', 'json') ->addActionContext('get-user-data-table-info', 'json') ->addActionContext('get-user-data', 'json') ->addActionContext('remove-user', 'json') ->initContext(); } public function indexAction() { } public function addUserAction() { global $CC_CONFIG; $request = $this->getRequest(); $baseUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(); $js_files = array( '/js/datatables/js/jquery.dataTables.js?', '/js/datatables/plugin/dataTables.pluginAPI.js?', '/js/airtime/user/user.js?' ); foreach ($js_files as $js) { $this->view->headScript()->appendFile( $baseUrl.$js.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'],'text/javascript'); } $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($baseUrl.'/css/users.css?'.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version']); $form = new Application_Form_AddUser(); $this->view->successMessage = ""; if ($request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) { $formdata = $form->getValues(); if (isset($CC_CONFIG['demo']) && $CC_CONFIG['demo'] == 1 && $formdata['login'] == 'admin' && $formdata['user_id'] != 0) { $this->view->successMessage = "
Specific action is not allowed in demo version!
"; } elseif ($form->validateLogin($formdata)) { $user = new Application_Model_User($formdata['user_id']); $user->setFirstName($formdata['first_name']); $user->setLastName($formdata['last_name']); $user->setLogin($formdata['login']); // We don't allow 6 x's as passwords are not allowed. // The reason is because we that as a password placeholder // on the client side. if ($formdata['password'] != "xxxxxx") $user->setPassword($formdata['password']); $user->setType($formdata['type']); $user->setEmail($formdata['email']); $user->setCellPhone($formdata['cell_phone']); $user->setSkype($formdata['skype']); $user->setJabber($formdata['jabber']); $user->save(); $form->reset(); if (strlen($formdata['user_id']) == 0) { $this->view->successMessage = "
User added successfully!
"; } else { $this->view->successMessage = "
User updated successfully!
"; } } } } $this->view->form = $form; } public function getHostsAction() { $search = $this->_getParam('term'); $res = Application_Model_User::getHosts($search); $this->view->hosts = Application_Model_User::getHosts($search); } public function getUserDataTableInfoAction() { $post = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); $users = Application_Model_User::getUsersDataTablesInfo($post); die(json_encode($users)); } public function getUserDataAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $this->view->entries = Application_Model_User::GetUserData($id); } public function removeUserAction() { // action body $delId = $this->_getParam('id'); $valid_actions = array("delete_cascade", "reassign_to"); $files_action = $this->_getParam('deleted_files'); # TODO : remove this. we only use default for now not to break the UI. if (!$files_action) { # set default action $files_action = "reassign_to"; $valid_actions = } # only delete when valid action is selected for the owned files if (! in_array($files_action, $valid_actions) ) { return; } $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $userId = $userInfo->id; # Don't let users delete themselves if ($delId == $userId) { return; } $user = new Application_Model_User($delId); # Take care of the user's files by either assigning them to somebody # or deleting them all if ($files_action == "delete_cascade") { $user->deleteAllFiles(); } elseif ($files_action == "reassign_to") { $new_owner = $this->_getParam("new_owner"); $user->reassignTo( $new_owner ); } # Finally delete the user $this->view->entries = $user->delete(); } }