language: php php: - '5.5' - '5.4' services: - postgresql - rabbitmq env: global: - ENVIRONMENT=testing - LIBRETIME_LOG_DIR=/tmp/log/libretime install: - composer install - pip install --user mkdocs before_script: - psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE libretime;' -U postgres - psql -c "CREATE USER libretime WITH PASSWORD 'libretime';" -U postgres - psql -c 'GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE libretime TO libretime;' -U postgres - psql -c 'ALTER USER libretime CREATEDB;' -U postgres - mkdir -p /tmp/log/libretime script: - pushd airtime_mvc/tests && ../../vendor/bin/phpunit && popd - mkdocs build --clean -q > /dev/null deploy: provider: pages skip_cleanup: true local_dir: build/docs github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in dashboard target_branch: master repo: LibreTime/ project_name: LibreTime fqdn: name: R. LibreTime DocBot on: branch: master