The Podcasts page allows you add subscriptions to podcasts which are often used to syndicated audio files using a URL called a RSS feed. This allows your LibreTime instance to automatically download new shows from the web. In order to add a podcast you need to get the RSS feed. All podcasts available on iTunes have a RSS feed but it is sometimes hidden. See this issue on our github page [#510]( for more information. RSS feeds that do not end in *.xml* may be accepted by LibreTime but might fail to download episodes; in that case, download the episode using a podcast client such as [gpodder]( and then manually upload and schedule the episode. Podcast feeds coming from have been known to have this issue. The podcast interfaces provides you with the ability generate [Smartblocks](../smartblocks) that can be used in conjunction with [Autoloading Playlists](../calendar/#autoloading-playlist) to schedule the newest episode of a podcast without human intervention. ##Video Tutorials## Coming Soon ##How To## TBD