def notify(m) log("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --data='#{!pypo_data}' --media-id=#{m['schedule_table_id']} &") system("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --data='#{!pypo_data}' --media-id=#{m['schedule_table_id']} &") end # A function applied to each metadata chunk def append_title(m) = log("Using stream_format #{!stream_metadata_type}") if !stream_metadata_type == 1 then [("artist","#{!show_name} - #{m['artist']}")] elsif !stream_metadata_type == 2 then [("artist",!station_name), ("title", !show_name)] else [] end end def crossfade(s) #duration is automatically overwritten by metadata fields passed in #with audio s ="log", duration=0., s) s = fade.out(type="log", duration=0., s) fader = fun (a,b) -> add(normalize=false,[b,a]) cross(fader,s) end def transition(a,b) = log("transition called...") add(normalize=false, [ sequence([ blank(duration=0.01), fade.initial(duration=!default_dj_fade, b) ]),!default_dj_fade, a) ]) end # we need this function for special transition case(from default to queue) # we don't want the trasition fade to have effect on the first song that would # be played siwtching out of the default(silent) source def transition_default(a,b) = log("transition called...") if !just_switched then just_switched := false add(normalize=false, [ sequence([ blank(duration=0.01), fade.initial(duration=!default_dj_fade, b) ]),!default_dj_fade, a) ]) else just_switched := false b end end # Define a transition that fades out the # old source, adds a single, and then # plays the new source def to_live(old,new) = # Fade out old source old = # Compose this in sequence with # the new source sequence([old,new]) end def output_to(output_type, type, bitrate, host, port, pass, mount_point, url, description, genre, user, s, stream, connected, name) = def on_error(msg) connected := "false" system("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --error='#{msg}' --stream-id=#{stream} --time=#{!time} &") log("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --error='#{msg}' --stream-id=#{stream} --time=#{!time} &") 5. end def on_connect() connected := "true" system("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --connect --stream-id=#{stream} --time=#{!time} &") log("/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --connect --stream-id=#{stream} --time=#{!time} &") end if output_type == "icecast" then user_ref = ref user if user == "" then user_ref := "source" end output = output.icecast(host = host, port = port, password = pass, mount = mount_point, fallible = true, url = url, description = description, genre = genre, user = !user_ref, on_error = on_error, on_connect = on_connect, name = name) if type == "mp3" then if bitrate == 24 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 24),s)) elsif bitrate == 32 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 32),s)) elsif bitrate == 48 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 48),s)) elsif bitrate == 64 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 64),s)) elsif bitrate == 96 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 96),s)) elsif bitrate == 128 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 128),s)) elsif bitrate == 160 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 160),s)) elsif bitrate == 192 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 192),s)) elsif bitrate == 224 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 224),s)) elsif bitrate == 256 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 256),s)) elsif bitrate == 320 then ignore(output(%mp3(bitrate = 320),s)) end else source = ref s if not icecast_vorbis_metadata then source := add(normalize=false, [amplify(0.00001, noise()),s]) end if bitrate == 24 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=-0.1),!source)) elsif bitrate == 32 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=-0.1),!source)) elsif bitrate == 48 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=-0.1),!source)) elsif bitrate == 64 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0),!source)) elsif bitrate == 96 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.2),!source)) elsif bitrate == 128 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.4),!source)) elsif bitrate == 160 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.5),!source)) elsif bitrate == 192 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.6),!source)) elsif bitrate == 224 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.7),!source)) elsif bitrate == 256 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.8),!source)) elsif bitrate == 320 then ignore(output(%vorbis(quality=0.9),!source)) end end else user_ref = ref user if user == "" then user_ref := "source" end description_ref = ref description if description == "" then description_ref := "N/A" end genre_ref = ref genre if genre == "" then genre_ref := "N/A" end url_ref = ref url if url == "" then url_ref := "N/A" end output.shoutcast = output.shoutcast(id = "shoutcast_stream_#{stream}", host = host, port = port, password = pass, fallible = true, url = !url_ref, genre = !genre_ref, name = !description_ref, user = !user_ref, on_error = on_error, on_connect = on_connect) if bitrate == 24 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 24),s)) elsif bitrate == 32 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 32),s)) elsif bitrate == 48 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 48),s)) elsif bitrate == 64 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 64),s)) elsif bitrate == 96 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 96),s)) elsif bitrate == 128 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 128),s)) elsif bitrate == 160 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 160),s)) elsif bitrate == 192 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 192),s)) elsif bitrate == 224 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 224),s)) elsif bitrate == 256 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 256),s)) elsif bitrate == 320 then ignore(output.shoutcast(%mp3(bitrate = 320),s)) end end end # Add a skip function to a source # when it does not have one # by default def add_skip_command(s) # A command to skip def skip(_) # get playing (active) queue and flush it l = list.hd(server.execute("queue.secondary_queue")) l = string.split(separator=" ",l) list.iter(fun (rid) -> ignore(server.execute("queue.remove #{rid}")), l) l = list.hd(server.execute("queue.primary_queue")) l = string.split(separator=" ", l) if list.length(l) > 0 then source.skip(s) "Skipped" else "Not skipped" end end # Register the command: server.register(namespace="source", usage="skip", description="Skip the current song.", "skip",skip) end dyn_out = output.icecast(%wav, host="localhost", port=8999, password="hackme", mount="test-harbor", fallible=true) # Function to create a playlist source and output it. def create_dynamic_source(uri) = # The playlist source s = input.http(uri) # The output active_dyn_out = dyn_out(s) # We register both source and output # in the list of sources dyn_sources := list.append( [(uri,s),(uri,active_dyn_out)], !dyn_sources ) "Done!" end # A function to destroy a dynamic source def destroy_dynamic_source(uri) = # We need to find the source in the list, # remove it and destroy it. Currently, the language # lacks some nice operators for that so we do it # the functional way # This function is executed on every item in the list # of dynamic sources def parse_list(ret, current_element) = # ret is of the form: (matching_sources, remaining_sources) # We extract those two: matching_sources = fst(ret) remaining_sources = snd(ret) # current_element is of the form: ("uri", source) so # we check the first element current_uri = fst(current_element) if current_uri == uri then # In this case, we add the source to the list of # matched sources (list.append( [snd(current_element)], matching_sources), remaining_sources) else # In this case, we put the element in the list of remaining # sources (matching_sources, list.append([current_element], remaining_sources)) end end # Now we execute the function: result = list.fold(parse_list, ([], []), !dyn_sources) matching_sources = fst(result) remaining_sources = snd(result) # We store the remaining sources in dyn_sources dyn_sources := remaining_sources # If no source matched, we return an error if list.length(matching_sources) == 0 then "Error: no matching sources!" else # We stop all sources list.iter(source.shutdown, matching_sources) # And return "Done!" end end