contents; if (count($items) && ($this->obj instanceof Application_Model_Block && $this->obj->isStatic())) : ?> isStatic(); $fileUrl = null; } else if ($item['type'] == 1) { $fileUrl = null; } else if ($item['type'] == 0) { $audiofile = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($item['item_id']); $fileUrl = $audiofile->getFileUrl(); } if (($i < count($items) -1) && ($items[$i+1]['type'] == 0)) { $nextAudiofile = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($items[$i+1]['item_id']); $nextFileUrl = $nextAudiofile->getFileUrl(); } ?>
  • " unqid="">
    " data-mime-type="">
    " blocktype="">
    " id="expand_block_"> " id="expand_block_">
    " class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick">
  • obj instanceof Application_Model_Block) { if ($this->obj->isStatic()) { echo _("Choose some search criteria above and click Generate to create this playlist."); } else { echo _("A track list will be generated when you schedule this smart block into a show."); } } else { echo _("Drag tracks here from your library to add them to the playlist"); } ?>