_addSql("DROP TRIGGER calculate_position ON cc_playlistcontents"); $this->_addSql("DROP FUNCTION calculate_position()"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_subjs_token ALTER COLUMN created TYPE timestamp"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_subjs_token ADD CONSTRAINT cc_subjs_token_idx UNIQUE (token);"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_subjs_token ADD CONSTRAINT cc_subjs_token_userid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES cc_subjs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE"); //add temp columns for changing bitrate and sample rate to integers. $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files ADD temp_br integer"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files ADD temp_sr integer"); $this->_addSql("UPDATE cc_files SET temp_br = bit_rate::integer"); $this->_addSql("UPDATE cc_files SET temp_sr = sample_rate::integer"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files DROP COLUMN sample_rate"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files DROP COLUMN bit_rate"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files RENAME COLUMN temp_sr TO sample_rate"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files RENAME COLUMN temp_br TO bit_rate"); //add utime, lptime $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files ADD utime timestamp"); $this->_addSql("ALTER TABLE cc_files ADD lptime timestamp"); //setting these to a default now for timeline refresh purposes. $now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $this->_addSql("UPDATE cc_files SET utime = '$now'"); } public function down(Schema $schema) { } }