function showErrorSections() { var selector = $("[id$=-settings]"); selector.each(function (i) { var el = $(this); var errors = el.find(".errors"); if (errors.length > 0) {; $(window).scrollTop(errors.position().top); } }); } function setConfigureMailServerListener() { var configMailServer = $("#configureMailServer"); (event) { setMailServerInputReadonly(); }); var msRequiresAuth = $("#msRequiresAuth"); (event) { setMsAuthenticationFieldsReadonly($(this)); }); } function setEnableSystemEmailsListener() { var enableSystemEmails = $("#enableSystemEmail"); (event) { setSystemFromEmailReadonly(); }); } function setPodcastAutoSmartblockReadonly() { var disablePodcastAutomSmartblock = $("#podcastAutoSmartblock-0"); var enablePodcastAutomSmartblock = $("#podcastAutoSmartblock-1"); var podcastOverride = $("#podcastAlbumOverride-1"); if ($(podcastOverride).is(":checked")) { enablePodcastAutomSmartblock.removeAttr("readonly"); } else { disablePodcastAutomSmartblock.prop("checked", true); disablePodcastAutomSmartblock.attr("readonly", "readonly"); enablePodcastAutomSmartblock.attr("readonly", "readonly"); } } function setSystemFromEmailReadonly() { var enableSystemEmails = $("#enableSystemEmail"); var systemFromEmail = $("#systemEmail"); if ($(enableSystemEmails).is(":checked")) { systemFromEmail.removeAttr("readonly"); } else { systemFromEmail.attr("readonly", "readonly"); } } function setMailServerInputReadonly() { var configMailServer = $("#configureMailServer"); var mailServer = $("#mailServer"); var port = $("#port"); var requiresAuthCB = $("#msRequiresAuth"); if (":checked")) { mailServer.removeAttr("readonly"); port.removeAttr("readonly"); requiresAuthCB.parent().show(); } else { mailServer.attr("readonly", "readonly"); port.attr("readonly", "readonly"); requiresAuthCB.parent().hide(); } setMsAuthenticationFieldsReadonly(requiresAuthCB); } function setTuneInSettingsListener() { var enableTunein = $("#enable_tunein"); (event) { setTuneInSettingsReadonly(); }); } function setTuneInSettingsReadonly() { var enableTunein = $("#enable_tunein"); var stationId = $("#tunein_station_id"); var partnerKey = $("#tunein_partner_key"); var partnerId = $("#tunein_partner_id"); if (":checked")) { stationId.removeAttr("readonly"); partnerKey.removeAttr("readonly"); partnerId.removeAttr("readonly"); } else { stationId.attr("readonly", "readonly"); partnerKey.attr("readonly", "readonly"); partnerId.attr("readonly", "readonly"); } } /* * Enable/disable mail server authentication fields */ function setMsAuthenticationFieldsReadonly(ele) { var email = $("#email"); var password = $("#ms_password"); var configureMailServer = $("#configureMailServer"); if (":checked") &&":checked")) { email.removeAttr("readonly"); password.removeAttr("readonly"); } else if (ele.not(":checked") || configureMailServer.not(":checked")) { email.attr("readonly", "readonly"); password.attr("readonly", "readonly"); } } function removeLogo() { $.post( baseUrl + "preference/remove-logo", { csrf_token: $("#csrf").val() }, function (json) { // Reload without resubmitting the form location.href = location.href.replace(location.hash, ""); }, ); } function deleteAllFiles() { var resp = confirm( $.i18n._("Are you sure you want to delete all the tracks in your library?"), ); if (resp) { $.post( baseUrl + "preference/delete-all-files", { csrf_token: $("#csrf").val() }, function (json) { location.reload(); }, ); } } $(document).ready(function () { $(".collapsible-header").live("click", function () { $(this).next().toggle("fast"); $(this).toggleClass("closed"); return false; }); if ($("#tunein-settings").find(".errors").length > 0) { $(".collapsible-content#tunein-settings").show(); } /* No longer using AJAX for this form. Zend + our code makes it needlessly hard to deal with. -- Albert $('#pref_save').live('click', function() { var data = $('#pref_form').serialize(); var url = baseUrl+'Preference/index'; $.post(url, {format: "json", data: data}, function(json){ $('#content').empty().append(json.html); setTimeout(removeSuccessMsg, 5000); showErrorSections(); setMailServerInputReadonly(); setConfigureMailServerListener(); setEnableSystemEmailsListener(); }); });*/ // when an image is uploaded, preview it to the user var logo = $("#stationLogo"), preview = $("#logo-img"); logo.change(function (e) { if (this.files && this.files[0]) {; var reader = new FileReader(); // browser compatibility? reader.onload = function (e) { console.log("Reader loaded"); preview.attr("src",; }; // check image size so we don't crash the page trying to render if (validateImage(this.files[0], logo)) { // read the image data as though it were a data URI reader.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]); } else { // remove the file element data $(this).val("").replaceWith($(this).clone(true)); preview.hide(); } } else { preview.hide(); } }); if (preview.attr("src").indexOf("images/") > -1) { $("#logo-remove-btn").hide(); } showErrorSections(); setMailServerInputReadonly(); setPodcastAutoSmartblockReadonly(); setSystemFromEmailReadonly(); setConfigureMailServerListener(); setEnableSystemEmailsListener(); setTuneInSettingsReadonly(); setTuneInSettingsListener(); });