. */ include_once 'phing/system/io/BufferedReader.php'; include_once 'phing/system/io/FileReader.php'; include_once 'phing/BuildException.php'; include_once 'phing/system/lang/FileNotFoundException.php'; include_once 'phing/system/io/PhingFile.php'; include_once 'phing/parser/PhingXMLContext.php'; include_once 'phing/IntrospectionHelper.php'; /** * The datatype handler class. * * This class handles the occurance of registered datatype tags like * FileSet * * @author Andreas Aderhold * @copyright � 2001,2002 THYRELL. All rights reserved * @version $Revision: 905 $ $Date: 2010-10-05 18:28:03 +0200 (Tue, 05 Oct 2010) $ * @access public * @package phing.parser */ class ProjectConfigurator { public $project; public $locator; public $buildFile; public $buildFileParent; /** Targets in current file */ private $currentTargets; /** Synthetic target that will be called at the end to the parse phase */ private $parseEndTarget; /** Name of the current project */ private $currentProjectName; private $isParsing = true; /** * Indicates whether the project tag attributes are to be ignored * when processing a particular build file. */ private $ignoreProjectTag = false; /** * Static call to ProjectConfigurator. Use this to configure a * project. Do not use the new operator. * * @param object the Project instance this configurator should use * @param object the buildfile object the parser should use * @access public */ public static function configureProject(Project $project, PhingFile $buildFile) { $pc = new ProjectConfigurator($project, $buildFile); $pc->parse(); } /** * Constructs a new ProjectConfigurator object * This constructor is private. Use a static call to * configureProject to configure a project. * * @param object the Project instance this configurator should use * @param object the buildfile object the parser should use * @access private */ function __construct(Project $project, PhingFile $buildFile) { $this->project = $project; $this->buildFile = new PhingFile($buildFile->getAbsolutePath()); $this->buildFileParent = new PhingFile($this->buildFile->getParent()); $this->currentTargets = array(); $this->parseEndTarget = new Target(); } /** * find out the build file * @return the build file to which the xml context belongs */ public function getBuildFile() { return $this->buildFile; } /** * find out the parent build file of this build file * @return the parent build file of this build file */ public function getBuildFileParent() { return $this->buildFileParent; } /** * find out the current project name * @return current project name */ public function getCurrentProjectName() { return $this->currentProjectName; } /** * set the name of the current project * @param name name of the current project */ public function setCurrentProjectName($name) { $this->currentProjectName = $name; } /** * tells whether the project tag is being ignored * @return whether the project tag is being ignored */ public function isIgnoringProjectTag() { return $this->ignoreProjectTag; } /** * sets the flag to ignore the project tag * @param flag to ignore the project tag */ public function setIgnoreProjectTag($flag) { $this->ignoreProjectTag = $flag; } public function &getCurrentTargets () { return $this->currentTargets; } public function isParsing () { return $this->isParsing; } /** * Creates the ExpatParser, sets root handler and kick off parsing * process. * * @throws BuildException if there is any kind of execption during * the parsing process * @access private */ protected function parse() { try { // get parse context $ctx = $this->project->getReference("phing.parsing.context"); if (null == $ctx) { // make a new context and register it with project $ctx = new PhingXMLContext($this->project); $this->project->addReference("phing.parsing.context", $ctx); } //record this parse with context $ctx->addImport($this->buildFile); if (count($ctx->getImportStack()) > 1) { // this is an imported file // modify project tag parse behavior $this->setIgnoreProjectTag(true); } // push action onto global stack $ctx->startConfigure($this); $reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader($this->buildFile)); $parser = new ExpatParser($reader); $parser->parserSetOption(XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); $parser->setHandler(new RootHandler($parser, $this)); $this->project->log("parsing buildfile ".$this->buildFile->getName(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE); $parser->parse(); $reader->close(); // mark parse phase as completed $this->isParsing = false; // execute delayed tasks $this->parseEndTarget->main(); // pop this action from the global stack $ctx->endConfigure(); } catch (Exception $exc) { throw new BuildException("Error reading project file", $exc); } } /** * Delay execution of a task until after the current parse phase has * completed. * * @param Task $task Task to execute after parse */ public function delayTaskUntilParseEnd ($task) { $this->parseEndTarget->addTask($task); } /** * Configures an element and resolves eventually given properties. * * @param object the element to configure * @param array the element's attributes * @param object the project this element belongs to * @throws Exception if arguments are not valid * @throws BuildException if attributes can not be configured * @access public */ public static function configure($target, $attrs, Project $project) { if ($target instanceof TaskAdapter) { $target = $target->getProxy(); } // if the target is an UnknownElement, this means that the tag had not been registered // when the enclosing element (task, target, etc.) was configured. It is possible, however, // that the tag was registered (e.g. using ) after the original configuration. // ... so, try to load it again: if ($target instanceof UnknownElement) { $tryTarget = $project->createTask($target->getTaskType()); if ($tryTarget) { $target = $tryTarget; } } $bean = get_class($target); $ih = IntrospectionHelper::getHelper($bean); foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'id') { continue; // throw new BuildException("Id must be set Extermnally"); } $value = self::replaceProperties($project, $value, $project->getProperties()); try { // try to set the attribute $ih->setAttribute($project, $target, strtolower($key), $value); } catch (BuildException $be) { // id attribute must be set externally if ($key !== "id") { throw $be; } } } } /** * Configures the #CDATA of an element. * * @param object the project this element belongs to * @param object the element to configure * @param string the element's #CDATA * @access public */ public static function addText($project, $target, $text = null) { if ($text === null || strlen(trim($text)) === 0) { return; } $ih = IntrospectionHelper::getHelper(get_class($target)); $text = self::replaceProperties($project, $text, $project->getProperties()); $ih->addText($project, $target, $text); } /** * Stores a configured child element into its parent object * * @param object the project this element belongs to * @param object the parent element * @param object the child element * @param string the XML tagname * @access public */ public static function storeChild($project, $parent, $child, $tag) { $ih = IntrospectionHelper::getHelper(get_class($parent)); $ih->storeElement($project, $parent, $child, $tag); } // The following two properties are a sort of hack // to enable a static function to serve as the callback // for preg_replace_callback(). Clearly we cannot use object // variables, since the replaceProperties() is called statically. // This is IMO better than using global variables in the callback. private static $propReplaceProject; private static $propReplaceProperties; /** * Replace ${} style constructions in the given value with the * string value of the corresponding data types. This method is * static. * * @param object the project that should be used for property look-ups * @param string the string to be scanned for property references * @param array proeprty keys * @return string the replaced string or null if the string * itself was null */ public static function replaceProperties(Project $project, $value, $keys) { if ($value === null) { return null; } // These are a "hack" to support static callback for preg_replace_callback() // make sure these get initialized every time self::$propReplaceProperties = $keys; self::$propReplaceProject = $project; // Because we're not doing anything special (like multiple passes), // regex is the simplest / fastest. PropertyTask, though, uses // the old parsePropertyString() method, since it has more stringent // requirements. $sb = $value; $iteration = 0; // loop to recursively replace tokens while (strpos($sb, '${') !== false) { $sb = preg_replace_callback('/\$\{([^\$}]+)\}/', array('ProjectConfigurator', 'replacePropertyCallback'), $sb); // keep track of iterations so we can break out of otherwise infinite loops. $iteration++; if ($iteration == 5) { return $sb; } } return $sb; } /** * Private [static] function for use by preg_replace_callback to replace a single param. * This method makes use of a static variable to hold the */ private static function replacePropertyCallback($matches) { $propertyName = $matches[1]; if (!isset(self::$propReplaceProperties[$propertyName])) { self::$propReplaceProject->log('Property ${'.$propertyName.'} has not been set.', Project::MSG_VERBOSE); return $matches[0]; } else { self::$propReplaceProject->log('Property ${'.$propertyName.'} => ' . self::$propReplaceProperties[$propertyName], Project::MSG_DEBUG); } return self::$propReplaceProperties[$propertyName]; } /** * Scan Attributes for the id attribute and maybe add a reference to * project. * * @param object the element's object * @param array the element's attributes */ public function configureId($target, $attr) { if (isset($attr['id']) && $attr['id'] !== null) { $this->project->addReference($attr['id'], $target); } } }