. */ require_once 'phing/Task.php'; require_once 'phing/util/DataStore.php'; /** * A Javascript lint task. Checks syntax of Javascript files. * Javascript lint (http://www.javascriptlint.com) must be in the system path. * This class is based on Knut Urdalen's PhpLintTask. * * @author Stefan Priebsch * @version $Id: JslLintTask.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ * @package phing.tasks.ext */ class JslLintTask extends Task { protected $file; // the source file (from xml attribute) protected $filesets = array(); // all fileset objects assigned to this task protected $showWarnings = true; protected $haltOnFailure = false; protected $hasErrors = false; private $badFiles = array(); private $cache = null; private $conf = null; private $executable = "jsl"; /** * Sets the flag if warnings should be shown * @param boolean $show */ public function setShowWarnings($show) { $this->showWarnings = StringHelper::booleanValue($show); } /** * The haltonfailure property * @param boolean $aValue */ public function setHaltOnFailure($aValue) { $this->haltOnFailure = $aValue; } /** * File to be performed syntax check on * @param PhingFile $file */ public function setFile(PhingFile $file) { $this->file = $file; } /** * Whether to store last-modified times in cache * * @param PhingFile $file */ public function setCacheFile(PhingFile $file) { $this->cache = new DataStore($file); } /** * jsl config file * * @param PhingFile $file */ public function setConfFile(PhingFile $file) { $this->conf = $file; } public function setExecutable($path){ $this->executable = $path; } public function getExecutable(){ return $this->executable; } /** * Nested creator, creates a FileSet for this task * * @return FileSet The created fileset object */ function createFileSet() { $num = array_push($this->filesets, new FileSet()); return $this->filesets[$num-1]; } /** * Execute lint check against PhingFile or a FileSet */ public function main() { if(!isset($this->file) and count($this->filesets) == 0) { throw new BuildException("Missing either a nested fileset or attribute 'file' set"); } exec($this->executable, $output); if (!preg_match('/JavaScript\sLint/', implode('', $output))) throw new BuildException('Javascript Lint not found'); if($this->file instanceof PhingFile) { $this->lint($this->file->getPath()); } else { // process filesets $project = $this->getProject(); foreach($this->filesets as $fs) { $ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($project); $files = $ds->getIncludedFiles(); $dir = $fs->getDir($this->project)->getPath(); foreach($files as $file) { $this->lint($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); } } } if ($this->haltOnFailure && $this->hasErrors) throw new BuildException('Syntax error(s) in JS files:' .implode(', ',$this->badFiles)); } /** * Performs the actual syntax check * * @param string $file * @return void */ protected function lint($file) { $command = $this->executable . ' -output-format ' . escapeshellarg('file:__FILE__;line:__LINE__;message:__ERROR__') . ' '; if (isset($this->conf)) { $command .= '-conf ' . $this->conf->getPath() . ' '; } $command .= '-process '; if(file_exists($file)) { if(is_readable($file)) { if ($this->cache) { $lastmtime = $this->cache->get($file); if ($lastmtime >= filemtime($file)) { $this->log("Not linting '" . $file . "' due to cache", Project::MSG_DEBUG); return false; } } $messages = array(); exec($command.'"'.$file.'"', $messages); $summary = $messages[sizeof($messages) - 1]; preg_match('/(\d+)\serror/', $summary, $matches); $errorCount = $matches[1]; preg_match('/(\d+)\swarning/', $summary, $matches); $warningCount = $matches[1]; $errors = array(); $warnings = array(); if ($errorCount > 0 || $warningCount > 0) { $last = false; foreach ($messages as $message) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^(\.*)\^$/', $message)) { $column = strlen($message); if ($last == 'error') { $errors[count($errors) - 1]['column'] = $column; } else if ($last == 'warning') { $warnings[count($warnings) - 1]['column'] = $column; } $last = false; } if (!preg_match('/^file:(.+);line:(\d+);message:(.+)$/', $message, $matches)) continue; $msg = $matches[3]; $data = array('filename' => $matches[1], 'line' => $matches[2], 'message' => $msg); if (preg_match('/^.*error:.+$/i', $msg)) { $errors[] = $data; $last = 'error'; } else if (preg_match('/^.*warning:.+$/i', $msg)) { $warnings[] = $data; $last = 'warning'; } } } if($this->showWarnings && $warningCount > 0) { $this->log($file . ': ' . $warningCount . ' warnings detected', Project::MSG_WARN); foreach ($warnings as $warning) { $this->log('- line ' . $warning['line'] . (isset($warning['column']) ? ' column ' . $warning['column'] : '') . ': ' . $warning['message'], Project::MSG_WARN); } } if($errorCount > 0) { $this->log($file . ': ' . $errorCount . ' errors detected', Project::MSG_ERR); foreach ($errors as $error) { $this->log('- line ' . $error['line'] . (isset($error['column']) ? ' column ' . $error['column'] : '') . ': ' . $error['message'], Project::MSG_ERR); } $this->badFiles[] = $file; $this->hasErrors = true; } else if (!$this->showWarnings || $warningCount == 0) { $this->log($file . ': No syntax errors detected', Project::MSG_INFO); } if ($this->cache) { $this->cache->put($file, filemtime($file)); } } else { throw new BuildException('Permission denied: '.$file); } } else { throw new BuildException('File not found: '.$file); } } }