. */ require_once "phing/Task.php"; require_once 'phing/system/io/PhingFile.php'; /** * ManifestTask * * Generates a simple Manifest file with optional checksums. * * * Manifest schema: * ... * path/to/file CHECKSUM [CHECKSUM2] [CHECKSUM3] * path/to/secondfile CHECKSUM [CHECKSUM2] [CHECKSUM3] * ... * * Example usage: * * * * * * * * * * * @author David Persson * @package phing.tasks.ext * @version $Id: ManifestTask.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ * @since 2.3.1 */ class ManifestTask extends Task { var $taskname = 'manifest'; /** * Action * * "w" for reading in files from fileSet * and writing manifest * * or * * "r" for reading in files from fileSet * and checking against manifest * * @var string "r" or "w" */ private $action = 'w'; /** * The target file passed in the buildfile. */ private $destFile = null; /** * Holds filesets * * @var array An Array of objects */ private $filesets = array(); /** * Enable/Disable checksuming or/and select algorithm * true defaults to md5 * false disables checksuming * string "md5,sha256,..." enables generation of multiple checksums * string "sha256" generates sha256 checksum only * * @var mixed */ private $checksum = false; /** * A string used in hashing method * * @var string */ private $salt = ''; /** * Holds some data collected during runtime * * @var array */ private $meta = array('totalFileCount' => 0,'totalFileSize' => 0); /** * The setter for the attribute "file" * This is where the manifest will be written to/read from * * @param string Path to readable file * @return void */ public function setFile(PhingFile $file) { $this->file = $file; } /** * The setter for the attribute "checksum" * * @param mixed $mixed * @return void */ public function setChecksum($mixed) { if(is_string($mixed)) { $data = array(strtolower($mixed)); if(strpos($data[0],',')) { $data = explode(',',$mixed); } $this->checksum = $data; } elseif($mixed === true) { $this->checksum = array('md5'); } } /** * The setter for the optional attribute "salt" * * @param string $string * @return void */ public function setSalt($string) { $this->salt = $string; } /** * Nested creator, creates a FileSet for this task * * @access public * @return object The created fileset object */ public function createFileSet() { $num = array_push($this->filesets, new FileSet()); return $this->filesets[$num-1]; } /** * The init method: Do init steps. */ public function init() { // nothing to do here } /** * Delegate the work */ public function main() { $this->validateAttributes(); if($this->action == 'w') { $this->write(); } elseif($this->action == 'r') { $this->read(); } } /** * Creates Manifest file * Writes to $this->file * * @throws BuildException */ private function write() { $project = $this->getProject(); if(!touch($this->file->getPath())) { throw new BuildException("Unable to write to ".$this->file->getPath()."."); } $this->log("Writing to " . $this->file->__toString(), Project::MSG_INFO); if(is_array($this->checksum)) { $this->log("Using " . implode(', ',$this->checksum)." for checksuming.", Project::MSG_INFO); } foreach($this->filesets as $fs) { $dir = $fs->getDir($this->project)->getPath(); $ds = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($project); $fromDir = $fs->getDir($project); $srcFiles = $ds->getIncludedFiles(); $srcDirs = $ds->getIncludedDirectories(); foreach($ds->getIncludedFiles() as $file_path) { $line = $file_path; if($this->checksum) { foreach($this->checksum as $algo) { if(!$hash = $this->hashFile($dir.'/'.$file_path,$algo)) { throw new BuildException("Hashing $dir/$file_path with $algo failed!"); } $line .= "\t".$hash; } } $line .= "\n"; $manifest[] = $line; $this->log("Adding file ".$file_path,Project::MSG_VERBOSE); $this->meta['totalFileCount'] ++; $this->meta['totalFileSize'] += filesize($dir.'/'.$file_path); } } file_put_contents($this->file,$manifest); $this->log("Done. Total files: ".$this->meta['totalFileCount'].". Total file size: ".$this->meta['totalFileSize']." bytes.", Project::MSG_INFO); } /** * @todo implement */ private function read() { throw new BuildException("Checking against manifest not yet supported."); } /** * Wrapper method for hash generation * Automatically selects extension * Falls back to built-in functions * * @link http://www.php.net/mhash * @link http://www.php.net/hash * * @param string $msg The string that should be hashed * @param string $algo Algorithm * @return mixed String on success, false if $algo is not available */ private function hash($msg,$algo) { if(extension_loaded('hash')) { $algo = strtolower($algo); if(in_array($algo,hash_algos())) { return hash($algo,$this->salt.$msg); } } if(extension_loaded('mhash')) { $algo = strtoupper($algo); if(defined('MHASH_'.$algo)) { return mhash('MHASH_'.$algo,$this->salt.$msg); } } switch(strtolower($algo)) { case 'md5': return md5($this->salt.$msg); case 'crc32': return abs(crc32($this->salt.$msg)); } return false; } /** * Hash a files contents * plus it's size an modification time * * @param string $file * @param string $algo * @return mixed String on success, false if $algo is not available */ private function hashFile($file,$algo) { if(!file_exists($file)) { return false; } $msg = file_get_contents($file).filesize($file).filemtime($file); return $this->hash($msg,$algo); } /** * Validates attributes coming in from XML * * @access private * @return void * @throws BuildException */ protected function validateAttributes() { if($this->action != 'r' && $this->action != 'w') { throw new BuildException("'action' attribute has non valid value. Use 'r' or 'w'"); } if(empty($this->salt)) { $this->log("No salt provided. Specify one with the 'salt' attribute.", Project::MSG_WARN); } if (is_null($this->file) && count($this->filesets) === 0) { throw new BuildException("Specify at least sources and destination - a file or a fileset."); } if (!is_null($this->file) && $this->file->exists() && $this->file->isDirectory()) { throw new BuildException("Destination file cannot be a directory."); } } }