<?php /* * $Id: PearPackage2Task.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information please see * <http://phing.info>. */ require_once 'phing/tasks/ext/PearPackageTask.php'; /** * A task to create a PEAR package.xml version 2.0 file. * * This class uses the PEAR_PackageFileManager2 class to perform the work. * * This class is designed to be very flexible -- i.e. account for changes to the package.xml w/o * requiring changes to this class. We've accomplished this by having generic <option> and <mapping> * nested elements. All options are set using PEAR_PackageFileManager2::setOptions(). * * The <option> tag is used to set a simple option value. * <code> * <option name="option_name" value="option_value"/> * or <option name="option_name">option_value</option> * </code> * * The <mapping> tag represents a complex data type. You can use nested <element> (and nested <element> with * <element> tags) to represent the full complexity of the structure. Bear in mind that what you are creating * will be mapped to an associative array that will be passed in via PEAR_PackageFileManager2::setOptions(). * <code> * <mapping name="option_name"> * <element key="key_name" value="key_val"/> * <element key="key_name" value="key_val"/> * </mapping> * </code> * * Here's an over-simple example of how this could be used: * <code> * <pearpkg2 name="phing" dir="${build.src.dir}"> * <fileset dir="src"> * <include name="**"/> * </fileset> * <option name="outputdirectory" value="./build"/> * <option name="packagefile" value="package2.xml"/> * <option name="packagedirectory" value="./${build.dist.dir}"/> * <option name="baseinstalldir" value="${pkg.prefix}"/> * <option name="channel" value="my.pear-channel.com"/> * <option name="summary" value="${pkg.summary}"/> * <option name="description" value="${pkg.description}"/> * <option name="apiversion" value="${pkg.version}"/> * <option name="apistability" value="beta"/> * <option name="releaseversion" value="${pkg.version}"/> * <option name="releasestability" value="beta"/> * <option name="license" value="none"/> * <option name="phpdep" value="5.0.0"/> * <option name="pearinstallerdep" value="1.4.6"/> * <option name="packagetype" value="php"/> * <option name="notes" value="${pkg.relnotes}"/> * <mapping name="maintainers"> * <element> * <element key="handle" value="hlellelid"/> * <element key="name" value="Hans"/> * <element key="email" value="hans@xmpl.org"/> * <element key="role" value="lead"/> * </element> * </mapping> * </pearpkg2> * </code> * * Look at the build.xml in the Phing base directory (assuming you have the full distro / CVS version of Phing) to * see a more complete example of how to call this script. * * @author Stuart Binge <stuart.binge@complinet.com> * @author Hans Lellelid <hans@xmpl.org> * @package phing.tasks.ext * @version $Id: PearPackage2Task.php 905 2010-10-05 16:28:03Z mrook $ */ class PearPackage2Task extends PearPackageTask { public function init() { include_once 'PEAR/PackageFileManager2.php'; if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFileManager2')) { throw new BuildException("You must have installed PEAR_PackageFileManager in order to create a PEAR package.xml version 2.0 file."); } } protected function setVersion2Options() { $this->pkg->setPackage($this->package); $this->pkg->setDate(strftime('%Y-%m-%d')); $this->pkg->setTime(strftime('%H:%M:%S')); $newopts = array(); foreach ($this->options as $opt) { switch ($opt->getName()) { case 'summary': $this->pkg->setSummary($opt->getValue()); break; case 'description': $this->pkg->setDescription($opt->getValue()); break; case 'uri': $this->pkg->setUri($opt->getValue()); break; case 'license': $this->pkg->setLicense($opt->getValue()); break; case 'channel': $this->pkg->setChannel($opt->getValue()); break; case 'apiversion': $this->pkg->setAPIVersion($opt->getValue()); break; case 'releaseversion': $this->pkg->setReleaseVersion($opt->getValue()); break; case 'releasestability': $this->pkg->setReleaseStability($opt->getValue()); break; case 'apistability': $this->pkg->setAPIStability($opt->getValue()); break; case 'notes': $this->pkg->setNotes($opt->getValue()); break; case 'packagetype': $this->pkg->setPackageType($opt->getValue()); break; case 'phpdep': $this->pkg->setPhpDep($opt->getValue()); break; case 'pearinstallerdep': $this->pkg->setPearinstallerDep($opt->getValue()); break; default: $newopts[] = $opt; break; } } $this->options = $newopts; $newmaps = array(); foreach ($this->mappings as $map) { switch ($map->getName()) { case 'deps': $deps = $map->getValue(); foreach ($deps as $dep) { $type = isset($dep['optional']) ? 'optional' : 'required'; $min = isset($dep['min']) ? $dep['min'] : $dep['version']; $max = isset($dep['max']) ? $dep['max'] : $dep['version']; $rec = isset($dep['recommended']) ? $dep['recommended'] : $dep['version']; $channel = isset($dep['channel']) ? $dep['channel'] : false; $uri = isset($dep['uri']) ? $dep['uri'] : false; if (!empty($channel)) { $this->pkg->addPackageDepWithChannel( $type, $dep['name'], $channel, $min, $max, $rec ); } elseif (!empty($uri)) { $this->pkg->addPackageDepWithUri( $type, $dep['name'], $uri ); } }; break; case 'extdeps': $deps = $map->getValue(); foreach ($deps as $dep) { $type = isset($dep['optional']) ? 'optional' : 'required'; $min = isset($dep['min']) ? $dep['min'] : $dep['version']; $max = isset($dep['max']) ? $dep['max'] : $dep['version']; $rec = isset($dep['recommended']) ? $dep['recommended'] : $dep['version']; $this->pkg->addExtensionDep( $type, $dep['name'], $min, $max, $rec ); }; break; case 'maintainers': $maintainers = $map->getValue(); foreach ($maintainers as $maintainer) { if (!isset($maintainer['active'])) { $maintainer['active'] = 'yes'; } $this->pkg->addMaintainer( $maintainer['role'], $maintainer['handle'], $maintainer['name'], $maintainer['email'], $maintainer['active'] ); } break; case 'replacements': $replacements = $map->getValue(); foreach($replacements as $replacement) { $this->pkg->addReplacement( $replacement['path'], $replacement['type'], $replacement['from'], $replacement['to'] ); } break; default: $newmaps[] = $map; } } $this->mappings = $newmaps; } /** * Main entry point. * @return void */ public function main() { if ($this->dir === null) { throw new BuildException("You must specify the \"dir\" attribute for PEAR package 2 task."); } if ($this->package === null) { throw new BuildException("You must specify the \"name\" attribute for PEAR package 2 task."); } $this->pkg = new PEAR_PackageFileManager2(); $this->setVersion2Options(); $this->setOptions(); $this->pkg->addRelease(); $this->pkg->generateContents(); $e = $this->pkg->writePackageFile(); if (PEAR::isError($e)) { throw new BuildException("Unable to write package file.", new Exception($e->getMessage())); } } }