title: Upgrade
sidebar_position: 80

This guide walk you though the steps required to upgrade LibreTime.


You should always have a fallback system available during the upgrade to ensure **broadcast continuity**.


#### Make a backup

Follow [the backup guide](../backup.md) to make an extra backup of your installation in case of accidental data loss during
the upgrade process.

#### Install the new version

Follow [the install guide](./install.md) to download and install the new version.

#### Verify

Verify that all the services are still running after the install process:

sudo systemctl status \
   libretime-analyzer \
   libretime-api \
   libretime-celery \
   libretime-liquidsoap \
   libretime-playout \

Verify for any error in the logs after the install process:

sudo tail -n 20 /var/log/libretime/**/*.log

Log into the interface and verify for any error after the install process.

If you encounter issues with the new interface, you may need to clear your web browser's cache.