#!/usr/bin/php \n"; echo " Add the user or update the password for the user.\n"; echo " --delete \n"; echo " Remove the user.\n"; echo "\n"; } $parsedCommandLine = Console_Getopt::getopt($argv, null, array("addupdate", "delete")); if (PEAR::isError($parsedCommandLine)) { printUsage(); exit(1); } $cmdLineOptions = $parsedCommandLine[0]; if (count($parsedCommandLine[1]) == 0) { printUsage(); exit; } $action = null; foreach ($cmdLineOptions as $tmpValue) { $optionName = $tmpValue[0]; $optionValue = $tmpValue[1]; switch ($optionName) { case '--addupdate': $action = "addupdate"; break 2; case "--delete": $action = "delete"; break 2; } } if (is_null($action)) { printUsage(); exit; } if (count($parsedCommandLine) < 1) { printUsage(); exit; } $username = $parsedCommandLine[1][0]; $password = $parsedCommandLine[1][1]; PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $CC_DBC = DB::connect($CC_CONFIG['dsn'], TRUE); if (PEAR::isError($CC_DBC)) { die($CC_DBC->getMessage()); } $CC_DBC->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); // Check if the user exists $user = Subjects::GetSubject($username); if ($action == "addupdate") { if (empty($password)) { printUsage(); exit; } if (empty($user)) { // Add the user. $r = Subjects::AddSubj($username, $password); } else { // Update the password $r = Subjects::Passwd($username, NULL, $password); } } elseif (($action == "delete") && (is_array($user))) { // Delete the user $r = Subjects::RemoveSubj($username); } if (PEAR::isError($r)) { die($r->getMessage()); } exit(0);