/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund This file is part of the LiveSupport project. http://livesupport.campware.org/ To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Author : $Author: fgerlits $ Version : $Revision: 1.16 $ Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storage/src/TestStorageClient.h,v $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef TestStorageClient_h #define TestStorageClient_h #ifndef __cplusplus #error This is a C++ include file #endif /* ============================================================ include files */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "configure.h" #endif #include #include "LiveSupport/Core/Ptr.h" #include "LiveSupport/Core/UniqueId.h" #include "LiveSupport/Core/Playlist.h" #include "LiveSupport/Core/Configurable.h" #include "LiveSupport/Core/StorageClientInterface.h" #include "LiveSupport/Core/SessionId.h" namespace LiveSupport { namespace Storage { using namespace LiveSupport; using namespace LiveSupport::Core; /* ================================================================ constants */ /* =================================================================== macros */ /* =============================================================== data types */ /** * A dummy storage client, only used for test purposes. * * This object has to be configured with an XML configuration element * called testStorage. This may look like the following: * *

 *  <testStorage tempFiles="file:///tmp/tempPlaylist" >
 *      <playlist> ... </playlist>
 *      ...
 *      <audioClip> ... </audioClip>
 *      ...
 *  </testStorage>
* * For detais of the playlist and audioClip elements, see the documentation * for the Core::Playlist and Core::AudioClip classes. * * The DTD for the above element is: * *

 *  <!ELEMENT testStorage (playlist*, audioClip*) >
 *  <!ATTLIST testStorage tempFiles CDATA       #REQUIRED >
* * @author $Author: fgerlits $ * @version $Revision: 1.16 $ */ class TestStorageClient : virtual public Configurable, virtual public StorageClientInterface { private: /** * The name of the configuration XML elmenent used by TestStorageClient */ static const std::string configElementNameStr; /** * The map type containing the playlists by their ids. */ typedef std::map::Ref> PlaylistMap; /** * The map holding all contained playlists, by ids. */ PlaylistMap playlistMap; /** * The map type containing the audio clips by their ids. */ typedef std::map::Ref> AudioClipMap; /** * The map holding all contained audio clips, by ids. */ AudioClipMap audioClipMap; /** * The path where the temporary SMIL files are strored. */ std::string localTempStorage; public: /** * A virtual destructor, as this class has virtual functions. */ virtual ~TestStorageClient(void) throw () { } /** * Return the name of the XML element this object expects * to be sent to a call to configure(). * * @return the name of the expected XML configuration element. */ static const std::string getConfigElementName(void) throw () { return configElementNameStr; } /** * Configure the object based on the XML element supplied. * * @param element the XML element to configure the object from. * @exception std::invalid_argument if the supplied XML element * contains bad configuraiton information * @exception std::logic_error if the scheduler daemon has already * been configured, and can not be reconfigured. */ virtual void configure(const xmlpp::Element & element) throw (std::invalid_argument, std::logic_error); /** * Tell if a playlist with a given id exists. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the playlist to check for. * @return true if a playlist with the specified id exists, * false otherwise. */ virtual const bool existsPlaylist(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) const throw (); /** * Return a playlist with the specified id. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the playlist to return. * @return the requested playlist. * @exception std::invalid_argument if no playlist with the specified * id exists. */ virtual Ptr::Ref getPlaylist(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) const throw (std::invalid_argument); /** * Acquire the resources for the playlist. * * The Playlist returned has a uri field (read using getUri()) * which points to a playable SMIL file. This URI is a random string * appended to the temp storage path read from the configuration file, * plus a ".smil" extension. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the playlist to acquire. * @return a new Playlist instance containing a uri field which * points to an executable (playable) SMIL representation of * the playlist (in the local storage). * @exception std::invalid_argument if no playlist with the specified * specified id exists. */ virtual Ptr::Ref acquirePlaylist(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) const throw (std::logic_error); /** * Release the resources (audio clips, other playlists) used * in a playlist. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param playlist the playlist to release. * @exception std::logic_error if the playlist has no uri field, * or the file does not exist, etc. */ virtual void releasePlaylist(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref playlist) const throw (std::logic_error); /** * Delete the playlist with the specified id. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the playlist to be deleted. * @exception std::invalid_argument if no playlist with the specified * id exists. */ virtual void deletePlaylist(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) throw (std::invalid_argument); /** * Return a list of all playlists in the playlist store. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @return a vector containing the playlists. */ virtual Ptr::Ref> >::Ref getAllPlaylists(Ptr::Ref sessionId) const throw (); /** * Create a new playlist. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @return the newly created playlist. */ virtual Ptr::Ref createPlaylist(Ptr::Ref sessionId) throw (); /** * Tell if an audio clip with a given id exists. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the audio clip to check for. * @return true if an audio clip with the specified id exists, * false otherwise. */ virtual const bool existsAudioClip(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) const throw (); /** * Return an audio clip with the specified id. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the audio clip to return. * @return the requested audio clip. * @exception std::invalid_argument if no audio clip with the * specified id exists. */ virtual Ptr::Ref getAudioClip(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) const throw (std::invalid_argument); /** * Acquire the resources for the audio clip with the specified id. * * Returns an AudioClip instance with a valid uri field, which points * to the binary sound file. * Assumes URIs in the config file are relative paths prefixed by * "file:"; e.g., "file:var/test1.mp3". * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the audio clip to acquire. * @return a new AudioClip instance, containing a uri field which * points to (a way of getting) the sound file. * @exception std::invalid_argument if no audio clip with the * specified id exists. */ virtual Ptr::Ref acquireAudioClip(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) const throw (std::logic_error); /** * Release the resource (sound file) used by an audio clip. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param audioClip the audio clip to release. * @exception std::logic_error if the audio clip has no uri field, * or the file does not exist, etc. */ virtual void releaseAudioClip(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref audioClip) const throw (std::logic_error); /** * Delete the audio clip with the specified id. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @param id the id of the audio clip to be deleted. * @exception std::invalid_argument if no audio clip with the * specified id exists. */ virtual void deleteAudioClip(Ptr::Ref sessionId, Ptr::Ref id) throw (std::invalid_argument); /** * Return a list of all audio clips in the playlist store. * * @param sessionId the session ID from the authentication client * @return a vector containing the audio clips. */ virtual Ptr::Ref> >::Ref getAllAudioClips(Ptr::Ref sessionId) const throw (); }; /* ================================================= external data structures */ /* ====================================================== function prototypes */ } // namespace Core } // namespace LiveSupport #endif // TestStorageClient_h