count() >= 50) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns parsed rss feed, or false if the given URL cannot be downloaded * * @param $podcastUrl String containing the podcast feed URL * * @return mixed */ public static function getPodcastFeed($feedUrl) { try { $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_feed_url($feedUrl); $feed->enable_cache(false); $feed->init(); return $feed; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** Creates a Podcast object from the given podcast URL. * This is used by our Podcast REST API * * @param $feedUrl Podcast RSS Feed Url * * @return array - Podcast Array with a full list of episodes * @throws Exception * @throws InvalidPodcastException * @throws PodcastLimitReachedException */ public static function createFromFeedUrl($feedUrl) { if (self::PodcastLimitReached()) { throw new PodcastLimitReachedException(); } //TODO: why is this so slow? $rss = self::getPodcastFeed($feedUrl); if (!$rss) { throw new InvalidPodcastException(); } // Ensure we are only creating Podcast with the given URL, and excluding // any extra data fields that may have been POSTED $podcastArray = array(); $podcastArray["url"] = $feedUrl; $podcastArray["title"] = $rss->get_title(); $podcastArray["description"] = $rss->get_description(); $podcastArray["link"] = $rss->get_link(); $podcastArray["language"] = $rss->get_language(); $podcastArray["copyright"] = $rss->get_copyright(); $podcastArray["creator"] = $rss->get_author()->get_name(); $podcastArray["category"] = $rss->get_categories(); //TODO: put in constants $itunesChannel = ""; $itunesSubtitle = $rss->get_channel_tags($itunesChannel, 'subtitle'); $podcastArray["itunes_subtitle"] = isset($itunesSubtitle[0]["data"]) ? $itunesSubtitle[0]["data"] : ""; $itunesCategory = $rss->get_channel_tags($itunesChannel, 'category'); $categoryArray = array(); foreach ($itunesCategory as $c => $data) { foreach ($data["attribs"] as $attrib) { array_push($categoryArray, $attrib["text"]); } } $podcastArray["itunes_category"] = implode(",", $categoryArray); $itunesAuthor = $rss->get_channel_tags($itunesChannel, 'author'); $podcastArray["itunes_author"] = isset($itunesAuthor[0]["data"]) ? $itunesAuthor[0]["data"] : ""; $itunesSummary = $rss->get_channel_tags($itunesChannel, 'summary'); $podcastArray["itunes_summary"] = isset($itunesSummary[0]["data"]) ? $itunesSummary[0]["data"] : ""; $itunesKeywords = $rss->get_channel_tags($itunesChannel, 'keywords'); $podcastArray["itunes_keywords"] = isset($itunesKeywords[0]["data"]) ? $itunesKeywords[0]["data"] : ""; $itunesExplicit = $rss->get_channel_tags($itunesChannel, 'explicit'); $podcastArray["itunes_explicit"] = isset($itunesExplicit[0]["data"]) ? $itunesExplicit[0]["data"] : ""; self::validatePodcastMetadata($podcastArray); try { // Base class $podcast = new Podcast(); $podcast->fromArray($podcastArray, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $podcast->setDbOwner(self::getOwnerId()); $podcast->save(); $importedPodcast = new ImportedPodcast(); $importedPodcast->fromArray($podcastArray, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $importedPodcast->setPodcast($podcast); $importedPodcast->save(); return self::_generatePodcastArray($podcast, $rss); } catch(Exception $e) { $podcast->delete(); throw $e; } } //TODO move this somewhere where it makes sense private static function getOwnerId() { try { if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) { $service_user = new Application_Service_UserService(); return $service_user->getCurrentUser()->getDbId(); } else { $defaultOwner = CcSubjsQuery::create() ->filterByDbType('A') ->orderByDbId() ->findOne(); if (!$defaultOwner) { // what to do if there is no admin user? // should we handle this case? return null; } return $defaultOwner->getDbId(); } } catch(Exception $e) { Logging::info($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Trims the podcast metadata to fit the table's column max size * * @param $podcastArray */ private static function validatePodcastMetadata(&$podcastArray) { $podcastTable = PodcastPeer::getTableMap(); foreach ($podcastArray as $key => &$value) { try { // Make sure column exists in table $columnMaxSize = $podcastTable->getColumn($key)->getSize(); } catch (PropelException $e) { continue; } if (strlen($value) > $columnMaxSize) { $value = substr($value, 0, $podcastTable->getColumn($key)->getSize()); } } } /** * Given a podcast object and a SimplePie feed object, * generate a data array to pass back to the front-end * * @param $podcast Podcast model object * @param SimplePie $rss SimplePie feed object * * @return array */ private static function _generatePodcastArray($podcast, $rss) { $ingestedEpisodes = PodcastEpisodesQuery::create() ->findByDbPodcastId($podcast->getDbId()); $episodeIds = array(); foreach ($ingestedEpisodes as $e) { array_push($episodeIds, $e->getDbEpisodeGuid()); } $podcastArray = $podcast->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $podcastArray["episodes"] = array(); foreach ($rss->get_items() as $item) { /** @var SimplePie_Item $item */ array_push($podcastArray["episodes"], array( "guid" => $item->get_id(), "ingested" => in_array($item->get_id(), $episodeIds), "title" => $item->get_title(), // From the RSS spec best practices: // 'An item's author element provides the e-mail address of the person who wrote the item' "author" => $item->get_author()->get_email(), "description" => $item->get_description(), "pub_date" => $item->get_date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "link" => $item->get_link(), "enclosure" => $item->get_enclosure() )); } return $podcastArray; } /** * Fetches a Podcast's rss feed and returns all its episodes with * the Podcast object * * @param $podcastId * * @throws PodcastNotFoundException * @throws InvalidPodcastException * @return array - Podcast Array with a full list of episodes */ public static function getPodcastById($podcastId) { $podcast = PodcastQuery::create()->findPk($podcastId); if (!$podcast) { throw new PodcastNotFoundException(); } // Is it an imported podcast? $importedPodcast = ImportedPodcastQuery::create()->filterByDbPodcastId($podcast->getDbId())->findOne(); if (!is_null($importedPodcast)) { $rss = self::getPodcastFeed($importedPodcast->getDbUrl()); if (!$rss) { throw new InvalidPodcastException(); } } else { //TODO: get station podcast } return self::_generatePodcastArray($podcast, $rss); } /** * Deletes a Podcast and its podcast episodes * * @param $podcastId * @throws Exception * @throws PodcastNotFoundException */ public static function deletePodcastById($podcastId) { $podcast = PodcastQuery::create()->findPk($podcastId); if ($podcast) { $podcast->delete(); } else { throw new PodcastNotFoundException(); } } /** * Updates a Podcast object with the given metadata * * @param $podcastId * @param $data * @return array * @throws Exception * @throws PodcastNotFoundException */ public static function updatePodcastFromArray($podcastId, $data) { $podcast = PodcastQuery::create()->findPk($podcastId); if (!$podcast) { throw new PodcastNotFoundException(); } self::removePrivateFields($data["podcast"]); self::validatePodcastMetadata($data["podcast"]); $podcast->fromArray($data["podcast"], BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $podcast->save(); return $podcast->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); } private static function removePrivateFields(&$data) { foreach (self::$privateFields as $key) { unset($data[$key]); } } }