#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import shutil import random import string import time from datetime import timedelta import os import logging from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis class CueFile(): def __init__(self): logger = logging.getLogger("cue_file") logger.debug("init") def cue(self, src, dst, cue_in, cue_out): logger = logging.getLogger("cue_file.cue") logger.debug("cue file: %s %s %s %s", src, dst, cue_in, cue_out) if src.lower().endswith('.mp3'): # mutagen audio = MP3(src) dur = round(audio.info.length, 3) logger.debug("duration by mutagen: %s", dur) cue_out = round(float(dur) - cue_out, 3) str_cue_in = str(timedelta(seconds=cue_in)).replace(".", "+") # hh:mm:ss+mss, eg 00:00:20+000 str_cue_out = str(timedelta(seconds=cue_out)).replace(".", "+") # """ now a bit a hackish part, don't know how to do this better... need to cut the digits after the "+" """ ts = str_cue_in.split("+") try: if len(ts[1]) == 6: ts[1] = ts[1][0:3] str_cue_in = "%s+%s" % (ts[0], ts[1]) except Exception, e: pass ts = str_cue_out.split("+") try: if len(ts[1]) == 6: ts[1] = ts[1][0:3] str_cue_out = "%s+%s" % (ts[0], ts[1]) except Exception, e: pass logger.debug("in: %s", str_cue_in) logger.debug("out: %s", str(str_cue_out) ) command = 'mp3cut -o %s -t %s-%s %s' % (dst + '.tmp.mp3', str_cue_in, str_cue_out, src); logger.info("command: %s", command) print command os.system(command + ' > /dev/null 2>&1') command = 'lame -b 128 %s %s' % (dst + '.tmp.mp3', dst); logger.info("command: %s", command) print command os.system(command + ' > /dev/null 2>&1') elif src.lower().endswith('.ogg'): audio = OggVorbis(src) dur = audio.info.length sys.stderr.write('duration: ' + str(dur) + '\n') cue_out = float(dur) - cue_out #convert input format of ss.mmm to milliseconds and to string< str_cue_in = str(int(round(cue_in*1000))) #convert input format of ss.mmm to milliseconds and to string str_cue_out = str(int(round(cue_out*1000))) command = 'oggCut -s %s -e %s %s %s' % (str_cue_in, str_cue_out, src, dst) logger.info("command: %s", command) os.system(command + ' > /dev/null 2>&1') else: logger.debug("in: %s", 'File name with invalid extension. File will not be cut\n') return dst