NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' SQL; $count = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql, array( ':file_id'=>$p_fileId), 'column'); return (is_numeric($count) && ($count != '0')); } /** * Returns data related to the scheduled items. * * @param int $p_prev * @param int $p_next * @return date */ public static function GetPlayOrderRange($p_prev = 1, $p_next = 1) { if (!is_int($p_prev) || !is_int($p_next)) { //must enter integers to specify ranges Logging::info("Invalid range parameters: $p_prev or $p_next"); return array(); } $date = new Application_Common_DateHelper; $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); $utcTimeNow = $date->getUtcTimestamp(); $shows = Application_Model_Show::getPrevCurrentNext($utcTimeNow); $previousShowID = count($shows['previousShow'])>0?$shows['previousShow'][0]['instance_id']:null; $currentShowID = count($shows['currentShow'])>0?$shows['currentShow'][0]['instance_id']:null; $nextShowID = count($shows['nextShow'])>0?$shows['nextShow'][0]['instance_id']:null; $results = self::GetPrevCurrentNext($previousShowID, $currentShowID, $nextShowID, $utcTimeNow); $range = array("env"=>APPLICATION_ENV, "schedulerTime"=>$timeNow, "previous"=>$results['previous'] !=null?$results['previous']:(count($shows['previousShow'])>0?$shows['previousShow'][0]:null), "current"=>$results['current'] !=null?$results['current']:((count($shows['currentShow'])>0 && $shows['currentShow'][0]['record'] == 1)?$shows['currentShow'][0]:null), "next"=> $results['next'] !=null?$results['next']:(count($shows['nextShow'])>0?$shows['nextShow'][0]:null), "currentShow"=>$shows['currentShow'], "nextShow"=>$shows['nextShow'], "timezone"=> date("T"), "timezoneOffset"=> date("Z") ); return $range; } /** * Queries the database for the set of schedules one hour before * and after the given time. If a show starts and ends within that * time that is considered the current show. Then the scheduled item * before it is the previous show, and the scheduled item after it * is the next show. This way the dashboard getCurrentPlaylist is * very fast. But if any one of the three show types are not found * through this mechanism a call is made to the old way of querying * the database to find the track info. **/ public static function GetPrevCurrentNext($p_previousShowID, $p_currentShowID, $p_nextShowID, $p_timeNow) { if ($p_previousShowID == null && $p_currentShowID == null && $p_nextShowID == null) { return; } $sql = "SELECT %%columns%% st.starts as starts, st.ends as ends, st.media_item_played as media_item_played, si.ends as show_ends %%tables%% WHERE "; $fileColumns = "ft.artist_name, ft.track_title, "; $fileJoin = "FROM cc_schedule st JOIN cc_files ft ON st.file_id = LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances si ON st.instance_id ="; $streamColumns = " AS artist_name, wm.liquidsoap_data AS track_title, "; $streamJoin = << $rows[$i]["show_ends"]) { $rows[$i]['ends'] = $rows[$i]["show_ends"]; } if ((strtotime($rows[$i]['starts']) <= $timeNowAsMillis) && (strtotime($rows[$i]['ends']) >= $timeNowAsMillis)) { if ($i - 1 >= 0) { $results['previous'] = array("name"=>$rows[$i-1]["artist_name"]." - ".$rows[$i-1]["track_title"], "starts"=>$rows[$i-1]["starts"], "ends"=>$rows[$i-1]["ends"], "type"=>'track'); } $results['current'] = array("name"=>$rows[$i]["artist_name"]." - ".$rows[$i]["track_title"], "starts"=>$rows[$i]["starts"], "ends"=> (($rows[$i]["ends"] > $rows[$i]["show_ends"]) ? $rows[$i]["show_ends"]: $rows[$i]["ends"]), "media_item_played"=>$rows[$i]["media_item_played"], "record"=>0, "type"=>'track'); if (isset($rows[$i+1])) { $results['next'] = array("name"=>$rows[$i+1]["artist_name"]." - ".$rows[$i+1]["track_title"], "starts"=>$rows[$i+1]["starts"], "ends"=>$rows[$i+1]["ends"], "type"=>'track'); } break; } if (strtotime($rows[$i]['ends']) < $timeNowAsMillis ) { $previousIndex = $i; } if (strtotime($rows[$i]['starts']) > $timeNowAsMillis) { $results['next'] = array("name"=>$rows[$i]["artist_name"]." - ".$rows[$i]["track_title"], "starts"=>$rows[$i]["starts"], "ends"=>$rows[$i]["ends"], "type"=>'track'); break; } } //If we didn't find a a current show because the time didn't fit we may still have //found a previous show so use it. if ($results['previous'] === null && isset($previousIndex)) { $results['previous'] = array("name"=>$rows[$previousIndex]["artist_name"]." - ".$rows[$previousIndex]["track_title"], "starts"=>$rows[$previousIndex]["starts"], "ends"=>$rows[$previousIndex]["ends"]);; } return $results; } public static function GetLastScheduleItem($p_timeNow) { $sql = <<= sit.starts AND st.starts < sit.ends ORDER BY st.ends DESC LIMIT 1; SQL; $row = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':timeNow'=>$p_timeNow)); return $row; } public static function GetCurrentScheduleItem($p_timeNow, $p_instanceId) { /* Note that usually there will be one result returned. In some * rare cases two songs are returned. This happens when a track * that was overbooked from a previous show appears as if it * hasnt ended yet (track end time hasn't been reached yet). For * this reason, we need to get the track that starts later, as * this is the *real* track that is currently playing. So this * is why we are ordering by track start time. */ $sql = "SELECT *" ." FROM cc_schedule st" ." LEFT JOIN cc_files ft" ." ON st.file_id =" ." WHERE st.starts <= TIMESTAMP :timeNow1" ." AND st.instance_id = :instanceId" ." AND st.ends > TIMESTAMP :timeNow2" ." ORDER BY st.starts DESC" ." LIMIT 1"; $row = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':timeNow1'=>$p_timeNow, ':instanceId'=>$p_instanceId, ':timeNow2'=>$p_timeNow,)); return $row; } public static function GetNextScheduleItem($p_timeNow) { $sql = "SELECT" ." ft.artist_name, ft.track_title," ." st.starts as starts, st.ends as ends" ." FROM cc_schedule st" ." LEFT JOIN cc_files ft" ." ON st.file_id =" ." LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances sit" ." ON st.instance_id =" ." WHERE st.starts > TIMESTAMP :timeNow" ." AND st.starts >= sit.starts" //this and the next line are necessary since we can overbook shows. ." AND st.starts < sit.ends" ." ORDER BY st.starts" ." LIMIT 1"; $row = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':timeNow'=>$p_timeNow)); return $row; } /* * * @param DateTime $p_startDateTime * * @param DateTime $p_endDateTime * * @return array $scheduledItems * */ public static function GetScheduleDetailItems($p_start, $p_end, $p_shows) { $con = Propel::getConnection(); $p_start_str = $p_start->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $p_end_str = $p_end->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //We need to search 24 hours before and after the show times so that that we //capture all of the show's contents. $p_track_start= $p_start->sub(new DateInterval("PT24H"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $p_track_end = $p_end->add(new DateInterval("PT24H"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $templateSql = <<= '{$p_track_start}' AND sched.starts < '{$p_track_end}') OR (sched.ends > '{$p_track_start}' AND sched.ends <= '{$p_track_end}') OR (sched.starts <= '{$p_track_start}' AND sched.ends >= '{$p_track_end}')) ) SQL; $filesSql = str_replace("%%columns%%", $filesColumns, $templateSql); $filesSql= str_replace("%%join%%", $filesJoin, $filesSql); $streamColumns = <<= '{$p_track_start}' AND sched.starts < '{$p_track_end}') OR (sched.ends > '{$p_track_start}' AND sched.ends <= '{$p_track_end}') OR (sched.starts <= '{$p_track_start}' AND sched.ends >= '{$p_track_end}')) ) LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON (ws.creator_id = SQL; $streamSql = str_replace("%%columns%%", $streamColumns, $templateSql); $streamSql = str_replace("%%join%%", $streamJoin, $streamSql); $showPredicate = ""; if (count($p_shows) > 0) { $showPredicate = " AND show_id IN (".implode(",", $p_shows).")"; } $sql = <<= '{$p_start_str}' AND si.starts < '{$p_end_str}') OR (si.ends > '{$p_start_str}' AND si.ends <= '{$p_end_str}') OR (si.starts <= '{$p_start_str}' AND si.ends >= '{$p_end_str}')) ORDER BY si_starts, sched_starts; SQL; $rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $rows; } public static function UpdateMediaPlayedStatus($p_id) { $con = Propel::getConnection(); $sql = "UPDATE cc_schedule" ." SET media_item_played=TRUE"; // we need to update 'broadcasted' column as well // check the current switch status $live_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('live_dj') == 'on'; $master_dj = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('master_dj') == 'on'; $scheduled_play = Application_Model_Preference::GetSourceSwitchStatus('scheduled_play') == 'on'; if (!$live_dj && !$master_dj && $scheduled_play) { $sql .= ", broadcasted=1"; } $sql .= " WHERE id=$p_id"; $retVal = $con->exec($sql); return $retVal; } public static function UpdateBrodcastedStatus($dateTime, $value) { $now = $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql = <<= :ends::TIMESTAMP SQL; $retVal = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array( ':broadcastedValue' => $value, ':starts' => $now, ':ends' => $now), 'execute'); return $retVal; } public static function getSchduledPlaylistCount() { $con = Propel::getConnection(); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM cc_schedule"; return $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0); } /** * Convert a time string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS" * to "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS". * * @param string $p_time * @return string */ private static function AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($p_time) { $p_time = substr($p_time, 0, 19); $p_time = str_replace(" ", "-", $p_time); $p_time = str_replace(":", "-", $p_time); return $p_time; } /** * Convert a time string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS" to * "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS". * * @param string $p_time * @return string */ private static function PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_time) { $t = explode("-", $p_time); return $t[0]."-".$t[1]."-".$t[2]." ".$t[3].":".$t[4].":00"; } /** * Return true if the input string is in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm * * @param string $p_time * @return boolean */ public static function ValidPypoTimeFormat($p_time) { $t = explode("-", $p_time); if (count($t) != 5) { return false; } foreach ($t as $part) { if (!is_numeric($part)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Converts a time value as a string (with format HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm) to * millisecs. * * @param string $p_time * @return int */ public static function WallTimeToMillisecs($p_time) { $t = explode(":", $p_time); $millisecs = 0; if (strpos($t[2], ".")) { $secParts = explode(".", $t[2]); $millisecs = $secParts[1]; $millisecs = str_pad(substr($millisecs, 0, 3),3, '0'); $millisecs = intval($millisecs); $seconds = intval($secParts[0]); } else { $seconds = intval($t[2]); } $ret = $millisecs + ($seconds * 1000) + ($t[1] * 60 * 1000) + ($t[0] * 60 * 60 * 1000); return $ret; } /** * Compute the difference between two times in the format . * "HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm" Note: currently only supports calculating . * millisec differences . * * @param string $p_time1 * @param string $p_time2 * @return double */ private static function TimeDiff($p_time1, $p_time2) { $parts1 = explode(".", $p_time1); $parts2 = explode(".", $p_time2); $diff = 0; if ( (count($parts1) > 1) && (count($parts2) > 1) ) { $millisec1 = substr($parts1[1], 0, 3); $millisec1 = str_pad($millisec1, 3, "0"); $millisec1 = intval($millisec1); $millisec2 = substr($parts2[1], 0, 3); $millisec2 = str_pad($millisec2, 3, "0"); $millisec2 = intval($millisec2); $diff = abs($millisec1 - $millisec2)/1000; } return $diff; } /** * Returns an array of schedule items from cc_schedule table. Tries * to return at least 3 items (if they are available). The parameters * $p_startTime and $p_endTime specify the range. Schedule items returned * do not have to be entirely within this range. It is enough that the end * or beginning of the scheduled item is in the range. * * * @param string $p_startTime * In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn * @param string $p_endTime * In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.nnnnnn * @return array * Returns null if nothing found, else an array of associative * arrays representing each row. */ public static function getItems($p_startTime, $p_endTime) { $baseQuery = << :startTime1 AND st.starts < :endTime AND st.playout_status > 0 AND si.ends > :startTime2 AND si.modified_instance = 'f' ORDER BY st.starts SQL; $sql = $baseQuery." ".$predicates; $rows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array( ':startTime1' => $p_startTime, ':endTime' => $p_endTime, ':startTime2' => $p_startTime)); if (count($rows) < 3) { $dt = new DateTime("@".time()); $dt->add(new DateInterval("PT24H")); $range_end = $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $predicates = << :startTime1 AND st.starts < :rangeEnd AND st.playout_status > 0 AND si.ends > :startTime2 AND si.modified_instance = 'f' ORDER BY st.starts LIMIT 3 SQL; $sql = $baseQuery." ".$predicates." "; $rows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array( ':startTime1' => $p_startTime, ':rangeEnd' => $range_end, ':startTime2' => $p_startTime)); } return $rows; } /** * This function will ensure that an existing index in the * associative array is never overwritten, instead appending * _0, _1, _2, ... to the end of the key to make sure it is unique */ private static function appendScheduleItem(&$data, $time, $item) { $key = $time; $i = 0; while (array_key_exists($key, $data["media"])) { $key = "{$time}_{$i}"; $i++; } $data["media"][$key] = $item; } private static function createInputHarborKickTimes(&$data, $range_start, $range_end) { $utcTimeZone = new DateTimeZone("UTC"); $kick_times = Application_Model_ShowInstance::GetEndTimeOfNextShowWithLiveDJ($range_start, $range_end); foreach ($kick_times as $kick_time_info) { $kick_time = $kick_time_info['ends']; $temp = explode('.', Application_Model_Preference::GetDefaultTransitionFade()); // we round down transition time since PHP cannot handle millisecond. We need to // handle this better in the future $transition_time = intval($temp[0]); $switchOffDataTime = new DateTime($kick_time, $utcTimeZone); $switch_off_time = $switchOffDataTime->sub(new DateInterval('PT'.$transition_time.'S')); $switch_off_time = $switch_off_time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $kick_start = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($kick_time); $data["media"][$kick_start]['start'] = $kick_start; $data["media"][$kick_start]['end'] = $kick_start; $data["media"][$kick_start]['event_type'] = "kick_out"; $data["media"][$kick_start]['type'] = "event"; $data["media"][$kick_start]['independent_event'] = true; if ($kick_time !== $switch_off_time) { $switch_start = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($switch_off_time); $data["media"][$switch_start]['start'] = $switch_start; $data["media"][$switch_start]['end'] = $switch_start; $data["media"][$switch_start]['event_type'] = "switch_off"; $data["media"][$switch_start]['type'] = "event"; $data["media"][$switch_start]['independent_event'] = true; } } } private static function createFileScheduleEvent(&$data, $item, $media_id, $uri) { $start = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($item["start"]); $end = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($item["end"]); list(,,,$start_hour,,) = explode("-", $start); list(,,,$end_hour,,) = explode("-", $end); $same_hour = $start_hour == $end_hour; $independent_event = !$same_hour; $replay_gain = is_null($item["replay_gain"]) ? "0": $item["replay_gain"]; $replay_gain += Application_Model_Preference::getReplayGainModifier(); if ( !Application_Model_Preference::GetEnableReplayGain() ) { $replay_gain = 0; } $schedule_item = array( 'id' => $media_id, 'type' => 'file', 'row_id' => $item["id"], 'uri' => $uri, 'fade_in' => Application_Model_Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($item["fade_in"]), 'fade_out' => Application_Model_Schedule::WallTimeToMillisecs($item["fade_out"]), 'cue_in' => Application_Common_DateHelper::CalculateLengthInSeconds($item["cue_in"]), 'cue_out' => Application_Common_DateHelper::CalculateLengthInSeconds($item["cue_out"]), 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'show_name' => $item["show_name"], 'replay_gain' => $replay_gain, 'independent_event' => $independent_event, ); self::appendScheduleItem($data, $start, $schedule_item); } private static function createStreamScheduleEvent(&$data, $item, $media_id, $uri) { $start = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($item["start"]); $end = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($item["end"]); //create an event to start stream buffering 5 seconds ahead of the streams actual time. $buffer_start = new DateTime($item["start"], new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $buffer_start->sub(new DateInterval("PT5S")); $stream_buffer_start = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($buffer_start->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $schedule_item = array( 'start' => $stream_buffer_start, 'end' => $stream_buffer_start, 'uri' => $uri, 'row_id' => $item["id"], 'type' => 'stream_buffer_start', 'independent_event' => true ); self::appendScheduleItem($data, $start, $schedule_item); $schedule_item = array( 'id' => $media_id, 'type' => 'stream_output_start', 'row_id' => $item["id"], 'uri' => $uri, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'show_name' => $item["show_name"], 'row_id' => $item["id"], 'independent_event' => true ); self::appendScheduleItem($data, $start, $schedule_item); //since a stream never ends we have to insert an additional "kick stream" event. The "start" //time of this event is the "end" time of the stream minus 1 second. $dt = new DateTime($item["end"], new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $dt->sub(new DateInterval("PT1S")); $stream_end = self::AirtimeTimeToPypoTime($dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $schedule_item = array( 'start' => $stream_end, 'end' => $stream_end, 'uri' => $uri, 'type' => 'stream_buffer_end', 'row_id' => $item["id"], 'independent_event' => true ); self::appendScheduleItem($data, $stream_end, $schedule_item); $schedule_item = array( 'start' => $stream_end, 'end' => $stream_end, 'uri' => $uri, 'type' => 'stream_output_end', 'independent_event' => true ); self::appendScheduleItem($data, $stream_end, $schedule_item); } private static function getRangeStartAndEnd($p_fromDateTime, $p_toDateTime) { global $CC_CONFIG; /* if $p_fromDateTime and $p_toDateTime function parameters are null, then set range * from "now" to "now + 24 hours". */ if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) { $t1 = new DateTime("@".time()); $range_start = $t1->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } else { $range_start = Application_Model_Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_fromDateTime); } if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) { $t2 = new DateTime("@".time()); $cache_ahead_hours = $CC_CONFIG["cache_ahead_hours"]; if (is_numeric($cache_ahead_hours)) { //make sure we are not dealing with a float $cache_ahead_hours = intval($cache_ahead_hours); } else { $cache_ahead_hours = 1; } $t2->add(new DateInterval("PT".$cache_ahead_hours."H")); $range_end = $t2->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } else { $range_end = Application_Model_Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_toDateTime); } return array($range_start, $range_end); } private static function createScheduledEvents(&$data, $range_start, $range_end) { $utcTimeZone = new DateTimeZone("UTC"); $items = self::getItems($range_start, $range_end); foreach ($items as $item) { $showEndDateTime = new DateTime($item["show_end"], $utcTimeZone); $trackStartDateTime = new DateTime($item["start"], $utcTimeZone); $trackEndDateTime = new DateTime($item["end"], $utcTimeZone); if ($trackStartDateTime->getTimestamp() > $showEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) { //do not send any tracks that start past their show's end time continue; } if ($trackEndDateTime->getTimestamp() > $showEndDateTime->getTimestamp()) { $di = $trackStartDateTime->diff($showEndDateTime); $item["cue_out"] = $di->format("%H:%i:%s").".000"; $item["end"] = $showEndDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } if (!is_null($item['file_id'])) { //row is from "file" $media_id = $item['file_id']; $storedFile = Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall($media_id); $uri = $storedFile->getFilePath(); self::createFileScheduleEvent($data, $item, $media_id, $uri); } elseif (!is_null($item['stream_id'])) { //row is type "webstream" $media_id = $item['stream_id']; $uri = $item['url']; self::createStreamScheduleEvent($data, $item, $media_id, $uri); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown schedule type: ".print_r($item, true)); } } } /* Check if two events are less than or equal to 1 second apart */ public static function areEventsLinked($event1, $event2) { $dt1 = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d-H-i-s", $event1['start']); $dt2 = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d-H-i-s", $event2['start']); $seconds = $dt2->getTimestamp() - $dt1->getTimestamp(); return $seconds <= 1; } /** * Streams are a 4 stage process. * 1) start buffering stream 5 seconds ahead of its start time * 2) at the start time tell liquidsoap to switch to this source * 3) at the end time, tell liquidsoap to stop reading this stream * 4) at the end time, tell liquidsoap to switch away from input.http source. * * When we have two streams back-to-back, some of these steps are unnecessary * for the second stream. Instead of sending commands 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 we should * send 1,2,1,2,3,4 - We don't need to tell liquidsoap to stop reading (#3), because #1 * of the next stream implies this when we pass in a new url. We also don't need #4. * * There's a special case here is well. When the back-to-back streams are the same, we * can collapse the instructions 1,2,(3,4,1,2),3,4 to 1,2,3,4. We basically cut out the * middle part. This function handles this. */ private static function foldData(&$data) { $previous_key = null; $previous_val = null; $previous_previous_key = null; $previous_previous_val = null; $previous_previous_previous_key = null; $previous_previous_previous_val = null; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($v["type"] == "stream_output_start" && !is_null($previous_previous_val) && $previous_previous_val["type"] == "stream_output_end" && self::areEventsLinked($previous_previous_val, $v)) { unset($data[$previous_previous_previous_key]); unset($data[$previous_previous_key]); unset($data[$previous_key]); if ($previous_previous_val['uri'] == $v['uri']) { unset($data[$k]); } } $previous_previous_previous_key = $previous_previous_key; $previous_previous_previous_val = $previous_previous_val; $previous_previous_key = $previous_key; $previous_previous_val = $previous_val; $previous_key = $k; $previous_val = $v; } } public static function getSchedule($p_fromDateTime = null, $p_toDateTime = null) { list($range_start, $range_end) = self::getRangeStartAndEnd($p_fromDateTime, $p_toDateTime); $data = array(); $data["media"] = array(); //Harbor kick times *MUST* be ahead of schedule events, so that pypo //executes them first. self::createInputHarborKickTimes($data, $range_start, $range_end); self::createScheduledEvents($data, $range_start, $range_end); self::foldData($data["media"]); return $data; } public static function deleteAll() { $con = Propel::getConnection(); $con->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE cc_schedule"); } public static function deleteWithFileId($fileId) { $sql = "DELETE FROM cc_schedule WHERE file_id=:file_id"; Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(':file_id'=>$fileId), 'execute'); } public static function createNewFormSections($p_view) { $formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat(); $formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho(); $formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen(); $formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats(); $formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle(); $formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream(); $formWhat->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formWho->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formWhen->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRepeats->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formStyle->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formLive->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $p_view->what = $formWhat; $p_view->when = $formWhen; $p_view->repeats = $formRepeats; $p_view->who = $formWho; $p_view->style = $formStyle; $p_view->live = $formLive; $formWhat->populate(array('add_show_id' => '-1', 'add_show_instance_id' => '-1')); $formWhen->populate(array('add_show_start_date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'add_show_start_time' => '00:00', 'add_show_end_date_no_repeate' => date("Y-m-d"), 'add_show_end_time' => '01:00', 'add_show_duration' => '01h 00m')); $formRepeats->populate(array('add_show_end_date' => date("Y-m-d"))); $formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR(); $formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates(); $formRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowRebroadcastDates(); $formRecord->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRebroadcast->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $p_view->rr = $formRecord; $p_view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast; $p_view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast; $p_view->addNewShow = true; } /* This function is responsible for handling the case where an individual * show instance in a repeating show was edited (via the context menu in the Calendar). * There is still lots of clean-up to do. For example we shouldn't be passing $controller into * this method to manipulate the view (this should be done inside the controller function). With * 2.1 deadline looming, this is OK for now. -Martin */ public static function updateShowInstance($data, $controller) { $formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat(); $formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen(); $formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats(); $formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho(); $formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle(); $formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream(); $formWhat->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formWhen->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRepeats->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formWho->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formStyle->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formLive->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR(); $formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates(); $formRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowRebroadcastDates(); $formRecord->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRebroadcast->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $when = $formWhen->isValid($data); if ($when && $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, true, null, true)) { $start_dt = new DateTime($data['add_show_start_date']." ".$data['add_show_start_time'], new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $start_dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $end_dt = new DateTime($data['add_show_end_date_no_repeat']." ".$data['add_show_end_time'], new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $end_dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPK($data["add_show_instance_id"]); $ccShowInstance->setDbStarts($start_dt); $ccShowInstance->setDbEnds($end_dt); $ccShowInstance->save(); Application_Model_Schedule::createNewFormSections($controller->view); return true; } else { $formWhat->disable(); $formWhen->disableRepeatCheckbox(); $formRepeats->disable(); $formWho->disable(); $formStyle->disable(); //$formLive->disable(); $controller->view->what = $formWhat; $controller->view->when = $formWhen; $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats; $controller->view->who = $formWho; $controller->view->style = $formStyle; $controller->view->live = $formLive; $controller->view->rr = $formRecord; $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast; $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast; //$formRecord->disable(); //$formAbsoluteRebroadcast->disable(); //$formRebroadcast->disable(); return false; } } /* This function is responsible for handling the case where the entire show (not a single show instance) * was edited (via the context menu in the Calendar). * There is still lots of clean-up to do. For example we shouldn't be passing $controller into * this method to manipulate the view (this should be done inside the controller function). With * 2.1 deadline looming, this is OK for now. * Another clean-up is to move all the form manipulation to the proper form class..... * -Martin */ public static function addUpdateShow($data, $controller, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate=null, $update=false, $instanceId=null) { $userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read(); $user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id); $isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER)); $record = false; $formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat(); $formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho(); $formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen(); $formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats(); $formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle(); $formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream(); $formWhat->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formWho->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formWhen->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRepeats->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formStyle->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formLive->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $what = $formWhat->isValid($data); $when = $formWhen->isValid($data); $live = $formLive->isValid($data); if ($when) { $when = $formWhen->checkReliantFields($data, $validateStartDate, $originalStartDate, $update, $instanceId); } //The way the following code works is that is parses the hour and //minute from a string with the format "1h 20m" or "2h" or "36m". //So we are detecting whether an hour or minute value exists via strpos //and then parse appropriately. A better way to do this in the future is //actually pass the format from javascript in the format hh:mm so we don't //have to do this extra String parsing. $hPos = strpos($data["add_show_duration"], 'h'); $mPos = strpos($data["add_show_duration"], 'm'); $hValue = 0; $mValue = 0; if ($hPos !== false) { $hValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], 0, $hPos)); } if ($mPos !== false) { $hPos = $hPos === false ? 0 : $hPos+1; $mValue = trim(substr($data["add_show_duration"], $hPos, -1 )); } $data["add_show_duration"] = $hValue.":".$mValue; $formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR(); $formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates(); $formRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowRebroadcastDates(); $formRecord->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $formRebroadcast->removeDecorator('DtDdWrapper'); $record = $formRecord->isValid($data); if ($data["add_show_repeats"]) { $repeats = $formRepeats->isValid($data); if ($repeats) { $repeats = $formRepeats->checkReliantFields($data); } $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->reset(); //make it valid, results don't matter anyways. $rebroadAb = 1; if ($data["add_show_rebroadcast"]) { $rebroad = $formRebroadcast->isValid($data); if ($rebroad) { $rebroad = $formRebroadcast->checkReliantFields($data); } } else { $rebroad = 1; } } else { $repeats = 1; $formRebroadcast->reset(); //make it valid, results don't matter anyways. $rebroad = 1; if ($data["add_show_rebroadcast"]) { $rebroadAb = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->isValid($data); if ($rebroadAb) { $rebroadAb = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast->checkReliantFields($data); } } else { $rebroadAb = 1; } } $who = $formWho->isValid($data); $style = $formStyle->isValid($data); if ($what && $when && $repeats && $who && $style && $live) { if ($record && $rebroadAb && $rebroad) { if ($isAdminOrPM) { Application_Model_Show::create($data); } //send back a new form for the user. Application_Model_Schedule::createNewFormSections($controller->view); //$controller->view->newForm = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml'); return true; } else { $controller->view->what = $formWhat; $controller->view->when = $formWhen; $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats; $controller->view->who = $formWho; $controller->view->style = $formStyle; $controller->view->rr = $formRecord; $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast; $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast; $controller->view->live = $formLive; //$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow; //$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml'); return false; } } else { $controller->view->what = $formWhat; $controller->view->when = $formWhen; $controller->view->repeats = $formRepeats; $controller->view->who = $formWho; $controller->view->style = $formStyle; $controller->view->live = $formLive; $controller->view->rr = $formRecord; $controller->view->absoluteRebroadcast = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast; $controller->view->rebroadcast = $formRebroadcast; //$controller->view->addNewShow = !$editShow; //$controller->view->form = $controller->view->render('schedule/add-show-form.phtml'); return false; } } public static function checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end, $update=false, $instanceId=null, $showId=null) { $overlapping = false; $params = array( ':show_end1' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end2' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end3' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); /* If a show is being edited, exclude it from the query * In both cases (new and edit) we only grab shows that * are scheduled 2 days prior */ if ($update) { $sql = <<= (date(:show_end3) - INTERVAL '2 days') AND modified_instance = FALSE SQL; if (is_null($showId)) { $sql .= <<= (date(:show_end3) - INTERVAL '2 days') AND modified_instance = FALSE ORDER BY ends SQL; $rows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array( ':show_end1' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end2' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ':show_end3' => $show_end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'all'); } foreach ($rows as $row) { $start = new DateTime($row["starts"], new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $end = new DateTime($row["ends"], new DateTimeZone('UTC')); if ($show_start->getTimestamp() < $end->getTimestamp() && $show_end->getTimestamp() > $start->getTimestamp()) { $overlapping = true; break; } } return $overlapping; } public static function GetType($p_scheduleId){ $scheduledItem = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($p_scheduleId); if ($scheduledItem->getDbFileId() == null) { return 'webstream'; } else { return 'file'; } } public static function GetFileId($p_scheduleId) { $scheduledItem = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($p_scheduleId); return $scheduledItem->getDbFileId(); } public static function GetStreamId($p_scheduleId) { $scheduledItem = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($p_scheduleId); return $scheduledItem->getDbStreamId(); } }