# See https://libretime.org/docs/admin-manual/setup/configuration/ general: # The public url. # > this field is REQUIRED public_url: # The internal API authentication key. # > this field is REQUIRED api_key: # List of origins allowed to access resources on the server, the public url # origin is automatically included. # > default is [] allowed_cors_origins: [] # How many hours ahead Playout should cache scheduled media files. # > default is 1 cache_ahead_hours: 1 # Authentication adaptor to use for the legacy service, specify a class like # LibreTime_Auth_Adaptor_FreeIpa to replace the built-in adaptor. # > default is local auth: local storage: # Path of the storage directory. # > default is /srv/libretime path: /srv/libretime database: # The hostname of the PostgreSQL server. # > default is localhost host: localhost # The port of the PostgreSQL server. # > default is 5432 port: 5432 # The name of the PostgreSQL database. # > default is libretime name: libretime # The username of the PostgreSQL user. # > default is libretime user: libretime # The password of the PostgreSQL user. # > default is libretime password: libretime rabbitmq: # The hostname of the RabbitMQ server. # > default is localhost host: localhost # The port of the RabbitMQ server. # > default is 5672 port: 5672 # The virtual host of RabbitMQ server. # > default is /libretime vhost: /libretime # The username of the RabbitMQ user. # > default is libretime user: libretime # The password of the RabbitMQ user. # > default is libretime password: libretime playout: # Liquidsoap connection host. # > default is localhost liquidsoap_host: localhost # Liquidsoap connection port. # > default is 1234 liquidsoap_port: 1234 # The format for recordings. # > must be one of (ogg, mp3) # > default is ogg record_file_format: ogg # The bitrate for recordings. # > default is 256 record_bitrate: 256 # The samplerate for recordings. # > default is 44100 record_samplerate: 44100 # The number of channels for recordings. # > default is 2 record_channels: 2 # The sample size for recordings. # > default is 16 record_sample_size: 16 liquidsoap: # Liquidsoap server listen address. # > default is server_listen_address: "" # Liquidsoap server listen port. # > default is 1234 server_listen_port: 1234 # Input harbor listen address. # > default is [""] harbor_listen_address: [""] stream: # Inputs sources. inputs: # Main harbor input. main: # Harbor input public url. If not defined, the value will be generated from # the [general.public_url] hostname, the input port and mount. public_url: # Mount point for the main harbor input. # > default is main mount: main # Listen port for the main harbor input. # > default is 8001 port: 8001 # Show harbor input. show: # Harbor input public url. If not defined, the value will be generated from # the [general.public_url] hostname, the input port and mount. public_url: # Mount point for the show harbor input. # > default is show mount: show # Listen port for the show harbor input. # > default is 8002 port: 8002 # Output streams. outputs: # Default icecast output # This can be reused to define multiple outputs without duplicating data .default_icecast_output: &default_icecast_output host: localhost port: 8000 mount: main source_password: hackme admin_password: hackme audio: format: ogg bitrate: 256 name: LibreTime! description: LibreTime Radio! website: https://libretime.org genre: various # Icecast output streams. # > max items is 3 icecast: # The default Icecast output stream - <<: *default_icecast_output enabled: true # You can define extra outputs by reusing the default output using a yaml anchor - <<: *default_icecast_output enabled: false mount: extra - # Whether the output is enabled. # > default is false enabled: false # Output public url, If not defined, the value will be generated from # the [general.public_url] hostname, the output port and mount. public_url: # Icecast server host. # > default is localhost host: localhost # Icecast server port. # > default is 8000 port: 8000 # Icecast server mount point. # > this field is REQUIRED mount: main # Icecast source user. # > default is source source_user: source # Icecast source password. # > this field is REQUIRED source_password: hackme # Icecast admin user. # > default is admin admin_user: admin # Icecast admin password. If not defined, statistics will not be collected. admin_password: hackme # Icecast output audio. audio: # Icecast output audio format. # > must be one of (aac, mp3, ogg, opus) # > this field is REQUIRED format: ogg # Icecast output audio bitrate. # > must be one of (32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320) # > this field is REQUIRED bitrate: 256 # format=ogg only field: Embed metadata (track title, artist, and show name) # in the output stream. Some bugged players will disconnect from the stream # after every songs when playing ogg streams that have metadata information # enabled. # > default is false enable_metadata: false # Icecast stream name. name: LibreTime! # Icecast stream description. description: LibreTime Radio! # Icecast stream website. website: https://libretime.org # Icecast stream genre. genre: various # Shoutcast output streams. # > max items is 1 shoutcast: - # Whether the output is enabled. # > default is false enabled: false # Output public url. If not defined, the value will be generated from # the [general.public_url] hostname and the output port. public_url: # Shoutcast server host. # > default is localhost host: localhost # Shoutcast server port. # > default is 8000 port: 8000 # Shoutcast source user. # > default is source source_user: source # Shoutcast source password. # > this field is REQUIRED source_password: hackme # Shoutcast admin user. # > default is admin admin_user: admin # Shoutcast admin password. If not defined, statistics will not be collected. admin_password: hackme # Shoutcast output audio. audio: # Shoutcast output audio format. # > must be one of (aac, mp3) # > this field is REQUIRED format: mp3 # Shoutcast output audio bitrate. # > must be one of (32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320) # > this field is REQUIRED bitrate: 256 # Shoutcast stream name. name: LibreTime! # Shoutcast stream website. website: https://libretime.org # Shoutcast stream genre. genre: various # System outputs. # > max items is 1 system: - # Whether the output is enabled. # > default is false enabled: false # System output kind. # > must be one of (alsa, ao, oss, portaudio, pulseaudio) # > default is alsa kind: alsa