private $_dbMD = array (
"track_title" => "DbTrackTitle",
"artist_name" => "DbArtistName",
"album_title" => "DbAlbumTitle",
"genre" => "DbGenre",
"mood" => "DbMood",
"track_number" => "DbTrackNumber",
"bpm" => "DbBpm",
"label" => "DbLabel",
"composer" => "DbComposer",
"encoded_by" => "DbEncodedBy",
"conductor" => "DbConductor",
"year" => "DbYear",
"info_url" => "DbInfoUrl",
"isrc_number" => "DbIsrcNumber",
"copyright" => "DbCopyright",
"length" => "DbLength",
"bit_rate" => "DbBitRate",
"sample_rate" => "DbSampleRate",
"mime" => "DbMime",
"md5" => "DbMd5",
"ftype" => "DbFtype",
"language" => "DbLanguage",
"replay_gain" => "DbReplayGain",
"directory" => "DbDirectory"
public function __construct()
public function getId()
return $this->_file->getDbId();
public function getFormat()
return $this->_file->getDbFtype();
public function getPropelOrm()
return $this->_file;
public function setFormat($p_format)
/* This function is only called after liquidsoap
* has notified that a track has started playing.
public function setLastPlayedTime($p_now)
/* Normally we would only call save after all columns have been set
* like in setDbColMetadata(). But since we are only setting one
* column in this case it is OK.
* Set multiple metadata values using defined metadata constants.
* @param array $p_md
* example: $p_md['MDATA_KEY_URL'] = ''
public function setMetadata($p_md=null)
Logging::info("entered setMetadata");
if (is_null($p_md)) {
} else {
$dbMd = array();
if (isset($p_md["MDATA_KEY_YEAR"])) {
// We need to make sure to clean this value before inserting into database.
// If value is outside of range [-2^31, 2^31-1] then postgresl will throw error
// when trying to retrieve this value. We could make sure number is within these bounds,
// but simplest is to do substring to 4 digits (both values are garbage, but at least our
// new garbage value won't cause errors). If the value is 2012-01-01, then substring to
// first 4 digits is an OK result.
// CC-3771
$year = $p_md["MDATA_KEY_YEAR"];
if (strlen($year) > 4) {
$year = substr($year, 0, 4);
if (!is_numeric($year)) {
$year = 0;
$p_md["MDATA_KEY_YEAR"] = $year;
foreach ($p_md as $mdConst => $mdValue) {
if (defined($mdConst)) {
$dbMd[constant($mdConst)] = $mdValue;
* Set multiple metadata values using database columns as indexes.
* @param array $p_md
* example: $p_md['url'] = ''
public function setDbColMetadata($p_md=null)
if (is_null($p_md)) {
foreach ($this->_dbMD as $dbColumn => $propelColumn) {
$method = "set$propelColumn";
} else {
foreach ($p_md as $dbColumn => $mdValue) {
//don't blank out name, defaults to original filename on first insertion to database.
if ($dbColumn == "track_title" && (is_null($mdValue) || $mdValue == "")) {
if (isset($this->_dbMD[$dbColumn])) {
$propelColumn = $this->_dbMD[$dbColumn];
$method = "set$propelColumn";
$this->_file->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
* Set metadata element value
* @param string $category
* Metadata element by metadata constant
* @param string $value
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
public function setMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value)
// constant() was used because it gets quoted constant name value from
// This is the wrapper funtion
$this->setDbColMetadataValue(constant($p_category), $p_value);
* Set metadata element value
* @param string $category
* Metadata element by db column
* @param string $value
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
public function setDbColMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value)
//don't blank out name, defaults to original filename on first insertion to database.
if ($p_category == "track_title" && (is_null($p_value) || $p_value == "")) {
if (isset($this->_dbMD[$p_category])) {
$propelColumn = $this->_dbMD[$p_category];
$method = "set$propelColumn";
* Get one metadata value.
* @param string $p_category (MDATA_KEY_URL)
* @return string
public function getMetadataValue($p_category)
// constant() was used because it gets quoted constant name value from
// This is the wrapper funtion
return $this->getDbColMetadataValue(constant($p_category));
* Get one metadata value.
* @param string $p_category (url)
* @return string
public function getDbColMetadataValue($p_category)
$propelColumn = $this->_dbMD[$p_category];
$method = "get$propelColumn";
return $this->_file->$method();
* Get metadata as array, indexed by the column names in the database.
* @return array
public function getDbColMetadata()
$md = array();
foreach ($this->_dbMD as $dbColumn => $propelColumn) {
$method = "get$propelColumn";
$md[$dbColumn] = $this->_file->$method();
return $md;
* Get metadata as array, indexed by the constant names.
* @return array
public function getMetadata()
$c = get_defined_constants(true);
$md = array();
/* Create a copy of dbMD here and create a "filepath" key inside of
* it. The reason we do this here, instead of creating this key inside
* dbMD is because "filepath" isn't really metadata, and we don't want
* filepath updated everytime the metadata changes. Also it needs extra
* processing before we can write it to the database (needs to be split
* into base and relative path)
* */
$dbmd_copy = $this->_dbMD;
$dbmd_copy["filepath"] = "DbFilepath";
foreach ($c['user'] as $constant => $value) {
if (preg_match('/^MDATA_KEY/', $constant)) {
if (isset($dbmd_copy[$value])) {
$propelColumn = $dbmd_copy[$value];
$method = "get$propelColumn";
$md[$constant] = $this->_file->$method();
return $md;
* Returns an array of playlist objects that this file is a part of.
* @return array
public function getPlaylists()
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT playlist_id "
." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['playistTable']
." WHERE file_id='{$this->id}'";
$ids = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$playlists = array();
if (is_array($ids) && count($ids) > 0) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$playlists[] = Application_Model_Playlist::Recall($id);
return $playlists;
* Delete stored virtual file
* @param boolean $p_deleteFile
public function delete($deleteFromPlaylist=false)
$filepath = $this->getFilePath();
// Check if the file is scheduled to be played in the future
if (Application_Model_Schedule::IsFileScheduledInTheFuture($this->getId())) {
throw new DeleteScheduledFileException();
$music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPK($this->_file->getDbDirectory());
$type = $music_dir->getType();
if (file_exists($filepath) && $type == "stor") {
$data = array("filepath" => $filepath, "delete" => 1);
Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToMediaMonitor("file_delete", $data);
if ($deleteFromPlaylist) {
// set file_exists falg to false
* This function is for when media monitor detects deletion of file
* and trying to update airtime side
* @param boolean $p_deleteFile
public function deleteByMediaMonitor($deleteFromPlaylist=false)
$filepath = $this->getFilePath();
if ($deleteFromPlaylist) {
// set file_exists falg to false
* Return suitable extension.
* @return string
* file extension without a dot
public function getFileExtension()
$mime = $this->_file->getDbMime();
if ($mime == "audio/vorbis" || $mime == "application/ogg") {
return "ogg";
} elseif ($mime == "audio/mp3" || $mime == "audio/mpeg") {
return "mp3";
* Get real filename of raw media data
* @return string
public function getFilePath()
$music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPK($this->_file->getDbDirectory());
$directory = $music_dir->getDirectory();
$filepath = $this->_file->getDbFilepath();
return $directory.$filepath;
* Set real filename of raw media data
* @return string
public function setFilePath($p_filepath)
$path_info = Application_Model_MusicDir::splitFilePath($p_filepath);
if (is_null($path_info)) {
return -1;
$musicDir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($path_info[0]);
* Get the URL to access this file using the server name/address that
* this PHP script was invoked through.
public function getFileUrl()
$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
return $this->constructGetFileUrl($serverName, $serverPort);
* Get the URL to access this file using the server name/address that
* is specified in the airtime.conf config file. If either of these is
* not specified, then use values provided by the $_SERVER global variable.
public function getFileUrlUsingConfigAddress()
global $CC_CONFIG;
if (isset($CC_CONFIG['baseUrl'])) {
$serverName = $CC_CONFIG['baseUrl'];
} else {
$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if (isset($CC_CONFIG['basePort'])) {
$serverPort = $CC_CONFIG['basePort'];
} else {
$serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
return $this->constructGetFileUrl($serverName, $serverPort);
private function constructGetFileUrl($p_serverName, $p_serverPort)
return "http://$p_serverName:$p_serverPort/api/get-media/file/".$this->getId().".".$this->getFileExtension();
* Sometimes we want a relative URL and not a full URL. See bug
public function getRelativeFileUrl($baseUrl)
Logging::info("getting media!");
return $baseUrl."/api/get-media/file/".$this->getId().".".$this->getFileExtension();
public static function Insert($md)
// save some work by checking if filepath is given right away
if( !isset($md['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH']) ) {
return null;
$file = new CcFiles();
$file->setDbUtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
$file->setDbMtime(new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
$storedFile = new Application_Model_StoredFile();
$storedFile->_file = $file;
// removed "//" in the path. Always use '/' for path separator
$filepath = str_replace("//", "/", $md['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH']);
$res = $storedFile->setFilePath($filepath);
if ($res === -1) {
return null;
return $storedFile;
* Fetch instance of StoreFile object.
* Should be supplied with only ONE parameter, all the rest should
* be NULL.
* @param int $p_id
* local id
* @param string $p_gunid - TODO: Remove this!
* global unique id of file
* @param string $p_md5sum
* MD5 sum of the file
* @param boolean $exist
* When this is true, it check against only files with file_exist is 'true'
* @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL
* Return NULL if the object doesnt exist in the DB.
public static function Recall($p_id=null, $p_gunid=null, $p_md5sum=null, $p_filepath=null, $exist=false)
if (isset($p_id)) {
$file = CcFilesQuery::create()->findPK(intval($p_id));
} elseif (isset($p_md5sum)) {
if ($exist) {
$file = CcFilesQuery::create()
} else {
$file = CcFilesQuery::create()
} elseif (isset($p_filepath)) {
$path_info = Application_Model_MusicDir::splitFilePath($p_filepath);
if (is_null($path_info)) {
return null;
$music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($path_info[0]);
$file = CcFilesQuery::create()
} else {
return null;
if (isset($file)) {
$storedFile = new Application_Model_StoredFile();
$storedFile->_file = $file;
return $storedFile;
} else {
return null;
public function getName()
$info = pathinfo($this->getFilePath());
return $info['filename'];
* Fetch the Application_Model_StoredFile by looking up the MD5 value.
* @param string $p_md5sum
* @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL
public static function RecallByMd5($p_md5sum, $exist=false)
return Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall(null, null, $p_md5sum, null, $exist);
* Fetch the Application_Model_StoredFile by looking up its filepath.
* @param string $p_filepath path of file stored in Airtime.
* @return Application_Model_StoredFile|NULL
public static function RecallByFilepath($p_filepath)
return Application_Model_StoredFile::Recall(null, null, null, $p_filepath);
public static function RecallByPartialFilepath($partial_path)
$path_info = Application_Model_MusicDir::splitFilePath($partial_path);
if (is_null($path_info)) {
return null;
$music_dir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getDirByPath($path_info[0]);
$files = CcFilesQuery::create()
$res = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$storedFile = new Application_Model_StoredFile();
$storedFile->_file = $file;
$res[] = $storedFile;
return $res;
public static function searchLibraryFiles($datatables)
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcFilesPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$displayColumns = array("id", "track_title", "artist_name", "album_title", "genre", "length",
"year", "utime", "mtime", "ftype", "track_number", "mood", "bpm", "composer", "info_url",
"bit_rate", "sample_rate", "isrc_number", "encoded_by", "label", "copyright", "mime",
"language", "filepath"
$plSelect = array();
$blSelect = array();
$fileSelect = array();
$streamSelect = array();
foreach ($displayColumns as $key) {
if ($key === "id") {
$plSelect[] = " AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = " AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = " AS ".$key;
} elseif ($key === "track_title") {
$plSelect[] = "name AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "name AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = "name AS ".$key;
} elseif ($key === "ftype") {
$plSelect[] = "'playlist'::varchar AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "'block'::varchar AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = "'stream'::varchar AS ".$key;
} elseif ($key === "artist_name") {
$plSelect[] = "login AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "login AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = "login AS ".$key;
//same columns in each table.
else if (in_array($key, array("length", "utime", "mtime"))) {
$plSelect[] = $key;
$blSelect[] = $key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = $key;
} elseif ($key === "year") {
$plSelect[] = "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM utime)::varchar AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM utime)::varchar AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = "year AS ".$key;
$streamSelect[] = "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM utime)::varchar AS ".$key;
//need to cast certain data as ints for the union to search on.
else if (in_array($key, array("track_number", "bit_rate", "sample_rate", "bpm"))) {
$plSelect[] = "NULL::int AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "NULL::int AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = "NULL::int AS ".$key;
} else if ($key === "filepath") {
$plSelect[] = "NULL::VARCHAR AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "NULL::VARCHAR AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = "url AS ".$key;
} else {
$plSelect[] = "NULL::text AS ".$key;
$blSelect[] = "NULL::text AS ".$key;
$fileSelect[] = $key;
$streamSelect[] = "NULL::text AS ".$key;
$plSelect = "SELECT ". join(",", $plSelect);
$blSelect = "SELECT ". join(",", $blSelect);
$fileSelect = "SELECT ". join(",", $fileSelect);
$streamSelect = "SELECT ". join(",", $streamSelect);
$type = intval($datatables["type"]);
$plTable = "({$plSelect} FROM cc_playlist AS PL LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON ( = PL.creator_id))";
$blTable = "({$blSelect} FROM cc_block AS BL LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON ( = BL.creator_id))";
$fileTable = "({$fileSelect} FROM cc_files AS FILES WHERE file_exists = 'TRUE')";
$streamTable = "({$streamSelect} FROM cc_webstream AS ws LEFT JOIN cc_subjs AS sub ON ( = ws.creator_id))";
$unionTable = "({$plTable} UNION {$blTable} UNION {$fileTable} UNION {$streamTable}) AS RESULTS";
//choose which table we need to select data from.
switch ($type) {
case 0:
$fromTable = $unionTable;
case 1:
$fromTable = $fileTable." AS File"; //need an alias for the table if it's standalone.
case 2:
$fromTable = $plTable." AS Playlist"; //need an alias for the table if it's standalone.
case 3:
$fromTable = $blTable." AS Block"; //need an alias for the table if it's standalone.
case 4:
$fromTable = $streamTable." AS StreamTable"; //need an alias for the table if it's standalone.
$fromTable = $unionTable;
$results = Application_Model_Datatables::findEntries($con, $displayColumns, $fromTable, $datatables);
//Used by the audio preview functionality in the library.
foreach ($results['aaData'] as &$row) {
$row['id'] = intval($row['id']);
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($row['length']);
$row['length'] = $formatter->format();
if ($row['ftype'] === "audioclip") {
$formatter = new SamplerateFormatter($row['sample_rate']);
$row['sample_rate'] = $formatter->format();
$formatter = new BitrateFormatter($row['bit_rate']);
$row['bit_rate'] = $formatter->format();
//convert mtime and utime to localtime
$row['mtime'] = new DateTime($row['mtime'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$row['mtime']->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$row['mtime'] = $row['mtime']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$row['utime'] = new DateTime($row['utime'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$row['utime']->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$row['utime'] = $row['utime']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// add checkbox row
$row['checkbox'] = "";
$type = substr($row['ftype'], 0, 2);
$row['tr_id'] = "{$type}_{$row['id']}";
//TODO url like this to work on both playlist/showbuilder screens.
//datatable stuff really needs to be pulled out and generalized within the project
//access to zend view methods to access url helpers is needed.
if ($type == "au") {
$row['audioFile'] = $row['id'].".".pathinfo($row['filepath'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$row['image'] = '';
} else if ($type == "pl") {
$row['image'] = '';
} else if ($type == "st") {
$row['audioFile'] = $row['id'];
$row['image'] = '';
} else if ($type == "bl") {
$row['image'] = '';
return $results;
public static function uploadFile($p_targetDir)
// HTTP headers for no cache etc
header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// Settings
$cleanupTargetDir = false; // Remove old files
$maxFileAge = 60 * 60; // Temp file age in seconds
// 5 minutes execution time
@set_time_limit(5 * 60);
// usleep(5000);
// Get parameters
$chunk = isset($_REQUEST["chunk"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunk"] : 0;
$chunks = isset($_REQUEST["chunks"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunks"] : 0;
$fileName = isset($_REQUEST["name"]) ? $_REQUEST["name"] : '';
Logging::info(__FILE__.":uploadFile(): filename=$fileName to $p_targetDir");
// Clean the fileName for security reasons
//this needs fixing for songs not in ascii.
//$fileName = preg_replace('/[^\w\._]+/', '', $fileName);
// Create target dir
if (!file_exists($p_targetDir))
// Remove old temp files
if (is_dir($p_targetDir) && ($dir = opendir($p_targetDir))) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
$filePath = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
// Remove temp files if they are older than the max age
if (preg_match('/\.tmp$/', $file) && (filemtime($filePath) < time() - $maxFileAge))
} else
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 100, "message": "Failed to open temp directory."}, "id" : "id"}');
// Look for the content type header
$contentType = $_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"];
if (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]))
$contentType = $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"];
// create temp file name (CC-3086)
// we are not using mktemp command anymore.
// plupload support unique_name feature.
$tempFilePath= $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
if (strpos($contentType, "multipart") !== false) {
if (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) {
// Open temp file
$out = fopen($tempFilePath, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
if ($out) {
// Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
$in = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "rb");
if ($in) {
while ($buff = fread($in, 4096))
fwrite($out, $buff);
} else
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
} else
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
} else
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 103, "message": "Failed to move uploaded file."}, "id" : "id"}');
} else {
// Open temp file
$out = fopen($tempFilePath, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
if ($out) {
// Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
$in = fopen("php://input", "rb");
if ($in) {
while ($buff = fread($in, 4096))
fwrite($out, $buff);
} else
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
} else
die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
return $tempFilePath;
* Check, using disk_free_space, the space available in the $destination_folder folder to see if it has
* enough space to move the $audio_file into and report back to the user if not.
public static function isEnoughDiskSpaceToCopy($destination_folder, $audio_file)
//check to see if we have enough space in the /organize directory to copy the file
$freeSpace = disk_free_space($destination_folder);
$fileSize = filesize($audio_file);
return $freeSpace >= $fileSize;
public static function copyFileToStor($p_targetDir, $fileName, $tempname)
$audio_file = $p_targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tempname;
Logging::info('copyFileToStor: moving file '.$audio_file);
$storDir = Application_Model_MusicDir::getStorDir();
$stor = $storDir->getDirectory();
// check if "organize" dir exists and if not create one
if (!file_exists($stor."/organize")) {
if (!mkdir($stor."/organize", 0777)) {
return array(
"code" => 109,
"message" => "Failed to create 'organize' directory.");
if (chmod($audio_file, 0644) === false) {
Logging::info("Warning: couldn't change permissions of $audio_file to 0644");
// Check if we have enough space before copying
if(!self::isEnoughDiskSpaceToCopy($stor, $audio_file)) {
$freeSpace = disk_free_space($stor);
return array("code" => 107,
"message" => "The file was not uploaded, there is
".$freeSpace."MB of disk space left and the file you are
uploading has a size of ".$fileSize."MB.");
// Check if liquidsoap can play this file
if(!self::liquidsoapFilePlayabilityTest($audio_file)) {
return array(
"code" => 110,
"message" => "This file appears to be corrupted and will not
be added to media library.");
// Did all the checks for realz, now trying to copy
$audio_stor = Application_Common_OsPath::join($stor, "organize", $fileName);
Logging::info("copyFileToStor: moving file $audio_file to $audio_stor");
//Martin K.: changed to rename: Much less load + quicker since this is an atomic operation
if (@rename($audio_file, $audio_stor) === false) {
#something went wrong likely there wasn't enough space in the audio_stor to move the file too.
#warn the user that the file wasn't uploaded and they should check if there is enough disk space.
unlink($audio_file);//remove the file after failed rename
return array(
"code" => 108,
"message" => "
The file was not uploaded, this error can occur if the computer
hard drive does not have enough disk space or the stor
directory does not have correct write permissions. ");
return null;
* Pass the file through Liquidsoap and test if it is readable. Return True if readable, and False otherwise.
public static function liquidsoapFilePlayabilityTest($audio_file)
$LIQUIDSOAP_ERRORS = array('TagLib: MPEG::Properties::read() -- Could not find a valid last MPEG frame in the stream.');
// Ask Liquidsoap if file is playable
$command = sprintf("/usr/bin/airtime-liquidsoap -c 'output.dummy(audio_to_stereo(single(\"%s\")))' 2>&1", $audio_file);
exec($command, $output, $rv);
$isError = count($output) > 0 && in_array($output[0], $LIQUIDSOAP_ERRORS);
return ($rv == 0 && !$isError);
public static function getFileCount()
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]." WHERE file_exists";
return $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
* Enter description here ...
* @param $dir_id - if this is not provided, it returns all files with full path constructed.
* @param $propelObj - if this is true, it returns array of proepl obj
public static function listAllFiles($dir_id=null, $propelObj=false)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
if ($propelObj) {
$sql = "SELECT || f.filepath as fp"
." ON = WHERE = $dir_id and f.file_exists = 'TRUE'";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT filepath as fp"
." WHERE directory = $dir_id and file_exists = 'TRUE'";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$results = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if ($propelObj) {
$results[] = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallByFilepath($row["fp"]);
} else {
$results[] = $row["fp"];
return $results;
public static function listAllFiles2($dir_id=null, $limit=null)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT id, filepath as fp"
." WHERE directory = $dir_id"
." AND file_exists = 'TRUE'"
." AND replay_gain is NULL";
if (!is_null($limit) && is_int($limit)) {
$sql .= " LIMIT $limit";
$rows = $con->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)->fetchAll();
return $rows;
/* Gets number of tracks uploaded to
* Soundcloud in the last 24 hours
public static function getSoundCloudUploads()
try {
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT soundcloud_id as id, soundcloud_upload_time"
." WHERE (id != -2 and id != -3) and"
." (soundcloud_upload_time >= (now() - (INTERVAL '1 day')))";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
return count($rows);
} catch (Exception $e) {
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
Logging::info("Could not connect to database.");
public function setSoundCloudLinkToFile($link_to_file)
public function getSoundCloudLinkToFile()
return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudLinkToFile();
public function setSoundCloudFileId($p_soundcloud_id)
public function getSoundCloudId()
return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudId();
public function setSoundCloudErrorCode($code)
public function getSoundCloudErrorCode()
return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudErrorCode();
public function setSoundCloudErrorMsg($msg)
public function getSoundCloudErrorMsg()
return $this->_file->getDbSoundCloudErrorMsg();
public function getDirectory()
return $this->_file->getDbDirectory();
public function setFileExistsFlag($flag)
public function setSoundCloudUploadTime($time)
public function getFileExistsFlag()
return $this->_file->getDbFileExists();
public function uploadToSoundCloud()
global $CC_CONFIG;
$file = $this->_file;
if (is_null($file)) {
return "File does not exist";
if (Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption()) {
for ($i=0; $i<$CC_CONFIG['soundcloud-connection-retries']; $i++) {
$description = $file->getDbTrackTitle();
$tag = array();
$genre = $file->getDbGenre();
$release = $file->getDbYear();
try {
$soundcloud = new Application_Model_Soundcloud();
$soundcloud_res = $soundcloud->uploadTrack($this->getFilePath(), $this->getName(), $description, $tag, $release, $genre);
$this->setSoundCloudUploadTime(new DateTime("now"), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
} catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) {
$code = $e->getHttpCode();
$msg = $e->getHttpBody();
$temp = explode('"error":',$msg);
$msg = trim($temp[1], '"}');
// setting sc id to -3 which indicates error
if (!in_array($code, array(0, 100))) {
class DeleteScheduledFileException extends Exception {}
class FileDoesNotExistException extends Exception {}