from pathlib import Path import pytest from libretime_api_client.version2 import AirtimeApiClient @pytest.fixture() def config_filepath(tmp_path: Path): filepath = tmp_path / "config.yml" filepath.write_text( """ general: public_url: http://localhost/test api_key: TEST_KEY """ ) return filepath class MockRequestProvider: @staticmethod def schedule_url(_post_data=None, params=None, **kwargs): return [ { "item_url": "", "id": 17, "starts": "2022-03-04T15:30:00Z", "ends": "2022-03-04T15:33:50.674340Z", "file": "", "file_id": 1, "stream": None, "clip_length": "00:03:50.674340", "fade_in": "00:00:00.500000", "fade_out": "00:00:00.500000", "cue_in": "00:00:01.310660", "cue_out": "00:03:51.985000", "media_item_played": False, "instance": "", "instance_id": 3, "playout_status": 1, "broadcasted": 0, "position": 0, }, { "item_url": "", "id": 18, "starts": "2022-03-04T15:33:50.674340Z", "ends": "2022-03-04T16:03:50.674340Z", "file": None, "stream": "", "stream_id": 1, "clip_length": "00:30:00", "fade_in": "00:00:00.500000", "fade_out": "00:00:00.500000", "cue_in": "00:00:00", "cue_out": "00:30:00", "media_item_played": False, "instance": "", "instance_id": 3, "playout_status": 1, "broadcasted": 0, "position": 1, }, ] @staticmethod def show_instance_url(_post_data=None, params=None, **kwargs): return { "item_url": "", "id": 3, "description": "", "starts": "2022-03-04T15:30:00Z", "ends": "2022-03-04T16:30:00Z", "record": 0, "rebroadcast": 0, "time_filled": "00:33:50.674340", "created": "2022-03-04T15:05:36Z", "last_scheduled": "2022-03-04T15:05:46Z", "modified_instance": False, "autoplaylist_built": False, "show": "", "show_id": 3, "instance": None, "file": None, } @staticmethod def show_url(_post_data=None, params=None, **kwargs): return { "item_url": "", "id": 3, "name": "Test", "url": "", "genre": "", "description": "", "color": "", "background_color": "", "linked": False, "is_linkable": True, "image_path": "", "has_autoplaylist": False, "autoplaylist_repeat": False, "autoplaylist": None, } @staticmethod def file_url(_post_data=None, params=None, **kwargs): return { "item_url": "", "id": 1, "name": "", "mime": "audio/mp3", "ftype": "audioclip", "filepath": "imported/1/Bag Raiders/Bag Raiders/03 - Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars.mp3", "import_status": 0, "currently_accessing": 0, "mtime": "2022-03-04T13:03:13Z", "utime": "2022-03-04T13:03:11Z", "lptime": "2022-03-04T14:26:18Z", "md5": "65c497bdc702881be607c7961ae814fa", "track_title": "Shooting Stars", "artist_name": "Bag Raiders", "bit_rate": 320000, "sample_rate": 44100, "format": None, "length": "00:03:55.859578", "album_title": "Bag Raiders", "genre": "Electro", "comments": None, "year": "2010", "track_number": 3, "channels": 2, "url": None, "bpm": None, "rating": None, "encoded_by": None, "disc_number": None, "mood": None, "label": None, "composer": None, "encoder": None, "checksum": None, "lyrics": None, "orchestra": None, "conductor": None, "lyricist": None, "original_lyricist": None, "radio_station_name": None, "info_url": None, "artist_url": None, "audio_source_url": None, "radio_station_url": None, "buy_this_url": None, "isrc_number": None, "catalog_number": None, "original_artist": None, "copyright": None, "report_datetime": None, "report_location": None, "report_organization": None, "subject": None, "contributor": None, "language": None, "file_exists": True, "replay_gain": "-8.77", "cuein": "00:00:01.310660", "cueout": "00:03:51.985000", "silan_check": False, "hidden": False, "is_scheduled": True, "is_playlist": False, "filesize": 9505222, "description": None, "artwork": "imported/1/artwork/03 - Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars", "track_type": "TEST", "directory": "", "edited_by": None, "owner": "", } @staticmethod def webstream_url(_post_data=None, params=None, **kwargs): return { "item_url": "", "id": 1, "name": "Test", "description": "", "url": "http://some-other-radio:8800/main.ogg", "length": "00:30:00", "creator_id": 1, "mtime": "2022-03-04T13:11:20Z", "utime": "2022-03-04T13:11:20Z", "lptime": None, "mime": "application/ogg", } def test_get_schedule(monkeypatch, config_filepath): client = AirtimeApiClient(config_path=config_filepath) = MockRequestProvider() schedule = client.get_schedule() assert schedule == { "media": { "2022-03-04-15-30-00": { "type": "file", "independent_event": False, "row_id": 17, "start": "2022-03-04-15-30-00", "end": "2022-03-04-15-33-50", # NOTE: The legacy schedule generator creates an url, # but playout download the file using the file id, so # we can safely ignore it here. "uri": None, "id": 1, "show_name": "Test", "fade_in": 500.0, "fade_out": 500.0, "cue_in": 1.31066, "cue_out": 231.985, "metadata": MockRequestProvider.file_url(), "replay_gain": "-8.77", "filesize": 9505222, }, "2022-03-04-15-33-50": { "type": "stream_buffer_start", "independent_event": True, "row_id": 18, "start": "2022-03-04-15-33-45", "end": "2022-03-04-15-33-45", "uri": "http://some-other-radio:8800/main.ogg", "id": 1, }, "2022-03-04-15-33-50_0": { "type": "stream_output_start", "independent_event": True, "row_id": 18, "start": "2022-03-04-15-33-50", "end": "2022-03-04-16-03-50", "uri": "http://some-other-radio:8800/main.ogg", "id": 1, "show_name": "Test", }, "2022-03-04-16-03-50": { "type": "stream_buffer_end", "independent_event": True, "row_id": 18, "start": "2022-03-04-16-03-50", "end": "2022-03-04-16-03-50", "uri": "http://some-other-radio:8800/main.ogg", "id": 1, }, "2022-03-04-16-03-50_0": { "type": "stream_output_end", "independent_event": True, "row_id": 18, "start": "2022-03-04-16-03-50", "end": "2022-03-04-16-03-50", "uri": "http://some-other-radio:8800/main.ogg", "id": 1, }, } }