0){ //gap at the end of show. Lets create a "gap" row $gap = $currentRow; $gap['gap'] = ''; $gap['item_starts'] = $diff; array_push($newCopy, $gap); } } } return $newCopy; } public static function FilterRowsByDate($rows, $date, $startCutoff, $endCutoff){ $dateNow = new DateHelper; $timeNow = $dateNow->getTimestamp(); $data = array(); //iterate over each show, and calculate information for it. $numItems = count($rows); for ($i=0; $i<$numItems; $i++){ $item = $rows[$i]; if ((strtotime($item['item_ends']) > $date->getEpochTime() - $startCutoff && strtotime($item['item_starts']) < $date->getEpochTime() + $endCutoff) || array_key_exists("group", $item) || array_key_exists("gap", $item)){ if (array_key_exists("group", $item)){ $type = "g"; } else if (array_key_exists("gap", $item)){ $type = "b"; } else if (strtotime($item['item_ends']) < strtotime($timeNow)){ $type = "p"; } else if (strtotime($item['item_starts']) < strtotime($timeNow) && strtotime($timeNow) < strtotime($item['item_ends']) && strtotime($item['show_starts']) < strtotime($timeNow) && strtotime($timeNow) < strtotime($item['show_ends'])){ $type = "c"; } else { $type = "n"; } $over = ""; if (strtotime($item['item_ends']) > strtotime($item['show_ends'])) $over = "x"; array_push($data, array($type, $item["item_starts"], $item["item_starts"], $item["item_ends"], $item["clip_length"], $item["track_title"], $item["artist_name"], $item["album_title"], $item["playlist_name"], $item["show_name"], $over, $item["instance_id"])); } } return $data; } public static function HandleRebroadcastShows($rows){ $newCopy = array(); $numRows = count($rows); for ($i=0; $i<$numRows; $i++){ $currentRow = $rows[$i]; if ($currentRow["rebroadcast"] == 1 && !array_key_exists("group", $currentRow)){ $newRow = $currentRow; unset($newRow['group']); $newRow['item_starts'] = $newRow['show_starts']; $newRow['item_ends'] = $newRow['show_ends']; array_push($newCopy, $newRow); } else { array_push($newCopy, $currentRow); } } return $newCopy; } public static function GetDataGridData($viewType, $dateString){ if ($viewType == "now"){ $date = new DateHelper; $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); $startCutoff = 60; $endCutoff = 86400; //60*60*24 - seconds in a day } else { $date = new DateHelper; $time = $date->getTime(); $date->setDate($dateString." ".$time); $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); $startCutoff = $date->getNowDayStartDiff(); $endCutoff = $date->getNowDayEndDiff(); } $rows = Show_DAL::GetShowsInRange($timeNow, $startCutoff, $endCutoff); $rows = Application_Model_Nowplaying::FindBeginningOfShow($rows); $rows = Application_Model_Nowplaying::HandleRebroadcastShows($rows); $rows = Application_Model_Nowplaying::FindGapAtEndOfShow($rows); //$rows = FindGapsBetweenShows() $data = Application_Model_Nowplaying::FilterRowsByDate($rows, $date, $startCutoff, $endCutoff); $date = new DateHelper; $timeNow = $date->getTimestamp(); return array("currentShow"=>Show_DAL::GetCurrentShow($timeNow), "rows"=>$data); } }