import getopt import grp import os import pwd import subprocess import sys """ we need to run the program as non-root because Liquidsoap refuses to run as root. It is possible to run change the effective user id (seteuid) before calling Liquidsoap but this introduces other problems (fake root user is not part of audio group after calling seteuid) """ if os.geteuid() == 0: print "Please run this program as non-root" sys.exit(1) def printUsage(): print "airtime-test-stream [-v] [-o icecast | shoutcast ] [-H hostname] [-P port] [-u username] [-p password] [-m mount]" print " Where: " print " -v verbose mode" print " -o stream server type (default: icecast)" print " -H hostname (default: localhost) " print " -P port (default: 8000) " print " -u user (default: source) " print " -p password (default: hackme) " print " -m mount (default: test) " print " -h show help menu" def find_liquidsoap_binary(): """ With libretime 3.0 we are no longer depending upon the airtime-liquidsoap binary but use a generic install of liquidsoap. This takes care of checking if it is on the path and will lead to an error otherwise. """ rv ="which liquidsoap > /dev/null", shell=True) if rv == 0: return "liquidsoap" return None optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvo:H:P:u:p:m:") stream_types = set(["shoutcast", "icecast"]) verbose = False stream_type = "icecast" host = "localhost" port = 8000 user = "source" password = "hackme" mount = "test" for o, a in optlist: if "-v" == o: verbose = True if "-o" == o: if a.lower() in stream_types: stream_type = a.lower() else: print "Unknown stream type\n" printUsage() sys.exit(1) if "-h" == o: printUsage() sys.exit(0) if "-H" == o: host = a if "-P" == o: port = a if "-u" == o: user = a if "-p" == o: password = a if "-m" == o: mount = a try: print "Protocol: %s " % stream_type print "Host: %s" % host print "Port: %s" % port print "User: %s" % user print "Password: %s" % password if stream_type == "icecast": print "Mount: %s\n" % mount url = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (host, port, mount) print "Outputting to %s streaming server. You should be able to hear a monotonous tone on '%s'. Press ctrl-c to quit." % ( stream_type, url, ) liquidsoap_exe = find_liquidsoap_binary() if liquidsoap_exe is None: raise Exception("Liquidsoap not found!") if stream_type == "icecast": command = ( '%s \'output.icecast(%%vorbis, host = "%s", port = %s, user= "%s", password = "%s", mount="%s", sine())\'' % (liquidsoap_exe, host, port, user, password, mount) ) else: command = ( '%s \'output.shoutcast(%%mp3, host="%s", port = %s, user= "%s", password = "%s", sine())\'' % (liquidsoap_exe, host, port, user, password) ) if not verbose: command += ' 2>/dev/null | grep "failed"' else: print command # print command rv =, shell=True) # if we reach this point, it means that our subprocess exited without the user # doing a keyboard interrupt. This means there was a problem outputting to the # stream server. Print appropriate message. print "There was an error with your stream configuration. Please review your configuration " + "and run this program again. Use the -h option for help" except KeyboardInterrupt, ki: print "\nExiting" except Exception, e: raise