
class Logging {

    private static $_logger;
    private static $_path;

    public static function getLogger()
        if (!isset(self::$_logger)) {
            $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(self::$_path);
            if (Zend_Version::compareVersion("1.11") > 0) {
                //Running Zend version 1.10 or lower. Need to instantiate our
                //own Zend Log class with backported code from 1.11.
                require_once __DIR__."/AirtimeLog.php";
                self::$_logger = new Airtime_Zend_Log($writer);
            } else {
                self::$_logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
        return self::$_logger;

    public static function setLogPath($path)
        self::$_path = $path;
    public static function toString($p_msg)
        if (is_array($p_msg) || is_object($p_msg)) {
            return print_r($p_msg, true);
        } else if (is_bool($p_msg)) {
            return $p_msg ? "true" : "false";
        } else {
            return $p_msg;

    /** @param debugMode Prints the function name, file, and line number. This is slow as it uses debug_backtrace()
     *                   so don't use it unless you need it.
    private static function getLinePrefix($debugMode=false)
        $linePrefix = "";

        if (array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $_SERVER)) {
            $linePrefix .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . " ";

        if ($debugMode) {
            //debug_backtrace is SLOW so we don't want this invoke unless there was a real error! (hence $debugMode)
            $bt = debug_backtrace();
            $caller = $bt[1];
            $file = basename($caller['file']);
            $line = $caller['line'];
            $function = "Unknown function";
            if (array_key_exists(2, $bt)) {
                $function = $bt[2]['function'];
            $linePrefix .= "[$file:$line - $function()] - ";

        return $linePrefix;
    public static function info($p_msg)
        $logger = self::getLogger();
        $logger->info(self::getLinePrefix() . self::toString($p_msg));

    public static function warn($p_msg)
        $logger = self::getLogger();
        $logger->warn(self::getLinePrefix() . self::toString($p_msg));

    public static function error($p_msg)
        $logger = self::getLogger();
        $logger->err(self::getLinePrefix(true) .  self::toString($p_msg));
    public static function debug($p_msg)
        if (!(defined('APPLICATION_ENV') && APPLICATION_ENV == "development")) {

        $logger = self::getLogger();
        $logger->debug(self::getLinePrefix(true) . self::toString($p_msg));
    // kind of like debug but for printing arrays more compactly (skipping
    // empty elements

    public static function debug_sparse(array $p_msg)
        Logging::debug("Sparse output:");
        Logging::debug( array_filter($p_msg) );

    public static function enablePropelLogging()
        $logger = Logging::getLogger();

        $con = Propel::getConnection();

        $config = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
        $config->setParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.method.enabled', true);
        $config->setParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.time.enabled', true);
        $config->setParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.mem.enabled', true);

    public static function disablePropelLogging()
        $con = Propel::getConnection();

    public static function loggingShutdownCallback()
        //Catch the types of errors that PHP doesn't normally let us catch and
        //would otherwise log to the apache log. We route these to our Airtime log to improve the modularity
        //and reliability of our error logging. (All errors are in one spot!)
        $err = error_get_last();
        if (!is_array($err) || !array_key_exists('type', $err)) {

            case E_ERROR:
            case E_PARSE:
            case E_CORE_ERROR:
            case E_CORE_WARNING:
            case E_COMPILE_ERROR:
            case E_COMPILE_WARNING:
                //error_log("Oh noes, a fatal: " . var_export($err, true), 1, 'fatals@example.com');
                $errorStr = '';
                if (array_key_exists('message', $err)) {
                    $errorStr .= $err['message'];
                if (array_key_exists('file', $err))
                    $errorStr .= ' at ' .$err['file'];
                if (array_key_exists('line', $err))
                    $errorStr .= ':' . $err['line'];

                $errorStr .= "\n" . var_export($err, true);

    public static function setupParseErrorLogging()
        //Static callback:
